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After Four Years of Censorship: Mainstream Media Now Confirms that “COVID Jabs May be to Blame for Increase in Excess Deaths”

<!– After Four Years of Censorship: Mainstream Media Now Confirms that “COVID Jabs May be to Blame for Increase in Excess Deaths” –>
After Four Years of Censorship: Mainstream Media Now Confirms that “COVID Jabs May be to Blame for Increase in Excess Deaths”

[This text was published on June 5, 2024]

“Covid Jabs May be to Blame for Increase in Excess Deaths”

If this report by The Telegraph had been published in early 2021, several million lives would have been saved.

But in 2021, censorship was imposed. Honest journalism was silenced. The media was supportive of the fear campaign.

The Telegraph report by Science Editor Sara Knapton, 5 June 2024 pertains to:

Researchers from The Netherlands analysed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than three million excess deaths since 2020, with the trend continuing despite the rollout of vaccines and containment measures.




They said the “unprecedented” figures “raised serious concerns” and called on governments to fully investigate the underlying causes, including possible vaccine harms.

Writing in the BMJ Public Health, the authors from Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, said: “Although Covid-19 vaccines were provided to guard civilians from suffering morbidity and mortality by the Covid-19 virus, suspected adverse events have been documented as well.

“Both medical professionals and citizens have reported serious injuries and deaths following vaccination to various official databases in the Western World.”

Click here to read the full article on The Telegraph.

This Is the Unspoken Truth

From early 2021, coinciding with the rollout of the Covid vaccine, an upward trend in Covid vaccine related deaths has unfolded.

There is an increase in Excess Mortality attributable to the Covid Vaccine. 

Ironically, Three years later the mainstream media is now reporting (See Telegraph above) on Covid related vaccine excess mortality. 

Excess Mortality Triggered by the Covid 19 “Vaccine” (2020-2022)

Below is a graph pertaining to Excess Mortality in Germany (all Causes), which points to the Deviation of Observed Mortality from Expected Mortality (by age group) in 2020, 2021, and 2022.

Notice the upward shift in excess mortality in 2021 and 2022 following the rollout of the Covid Vaccine in December 2020.

This Tendency described for Germany is Worldwide.


Germany: Excess Mortality by Age Group (%)


Mainstream Media Disinformation

Back in 2021 the mainstream media played a key role in sustaining disinformation regarding the Covid vaccine. It was part of the propaganda apparatus. It was instrumental in sustaining the fear campaign. 

The mainstream media also provided legitimacy to a regime of censorship, threats, penalties, dismissals of  scientists and scholars at major universities, the firing of doctors and nurses at  hospitals “for telling the truth”, not to mention the insidious role of “Big Money” foundations in the bribing and cooptation of politicians in more than 190 countries, And much more.

People Worldwide have lived through this crisis. Many lives have been destroyed.

Without media censorship and the suppression of the truth, this crisis would not have occurred. 

It is worth noting that the media is generously funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 

Does the publication of The Telegraph on Covid vaccine related Excess Mortality point to a fundamental change in regards to the mainstream media, namely a tendency towards the lifting of censorship? 

We have worked relentlessly on behalf and in solidarity with our respective communities, nationally and internationally.

This crisis affects humanity in its entirety, namely the planet’s 8 billion people who are the victims of fake science, fraud and corruption. 

Profits in the billions of dollars are the driving-force behind this diabolical agenda.

“Killing is Good for Business”. What we are witnessing is a crime against humanity on an unprecedented scale, affecting the lives of the entire population of our  planet.

The WHO as well as some 190 national governments are complicit in the Covid vaccine roll-out. They had the responsibility of canceling the vaccine.

Concurrently,  the media in the course of the last three years, has been spinning the lies on behalf of both the governments and Big Pharma. 

The official data pertaining to vaccine related deaths and adverse events is not mentioned. 

Pfizer Has a Criminal Record

Of significance, never mentioned by the media or acknowledged by our governments, Pfizer is the only Pharmaceutical Company which has a criminal record with the US Department of Justice.

To consult the Department of Justice’ historic decision click screenshot below



How on earth can we trust a Big Pharma vaccine conglomerate which pleaded guilty to criminal charges by the US Department of Justice including “fraudulent marketing” and “felony violation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act”?  

Bear in mind: the fraud committed by Pfizer in 2009 was trivial (Celebrex, Lipitor, Lyrica, etc ) in comparison to the Worldwide distribution of the mRNA  killer “vaccine”. 

This is the unspoken lie.

A couple of weeks prior to the official launch of the mRNA vaccine in early November 2020, the BBC featured a timely Covid media report entitled:

“Covid: Why is the Virus such a Threat”?

According to the BBC, quoting and misquoting “scientific opinion” the virus had developed 


“A hit and run killer evolutionary tactic”, 

with a view to spreading the Covid-19 infection far and wide.

The unspoken objective of this report by BBC Science Correspondent James Gallagher was to “scare the British public”, sustain the fear campaign while also promoting acceptance of the Covid mRNA vaccine.

The article was based on the “authoritative voice” of Prof Lehner of Cambridge University, an Infectious Diseases Physician at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge:

“A simple virus has brought life as we know it to a screeching halt. 

We have faced viral threats before, including pandemics, yet the world does not shut down for every new infection or flu season.

So what is it about this coronavirus? What are the quirks of its biology that pose a unique threat to our bodies and our lives?

According to Lehner: In the early stages of an infection

the virus is able to deceive the body. … It [the virus] behaves like a ‘hit and run’ killer 

The amount of virus in our body begins to peak the day before we begin to get sick. …

But it takes at least a week before Covid progresses to the point where people need hospital treatment.

This is a really brilliant evolutionary tactic – you don’t go to bed, you go out and have a good time,” says Prof Lehner of Cambridge University.

So the virus is like a dangerous driver fleeing the scenethe virus has moved on to the next victim long before we either recover or die. 



screenshot of BBC article

In stark terms, “the virus doesn’t care” if you die, says [Cambridge] Prof Lehner, “this is a hit and run virus”.  ….

It does peculiar and unexpected things to the body (BBC, James Gallagher, October 22, 2020, emphasis added)


What Rubbish! 

“Covid: Why is coronavirus such a threat? BBC.

Answer: media disinformation and the fear campaign.

According to the BBC: A microscopic virus with an outright terrorist agenda?

This frivolous BBC report personifies the so-called “virus that does not care”, with a view to creating panic, quoting the incautious statements of a Cambridge scientist, who’s on the payroll of Big Pharma’s Wellcome Trust.

In turn the “Hit and Run Virus” (rather than corrupt governments) is blamed for having “ordered the lockdown” (March 11, 2020), imposed on 190 countries, which has created economic and social havoc Worldwide.

What is at stake is the criminalization of the mainstream media for having misled millions of people in the course of the last 3 years, thereby sustaining the lies of Big Pharma  and  the corrupt directives of  politicians, not to mention the fraudulent statements of the Director General of the WHO, Dr. Tedros.

What’s now happening is that the BBC acknowledges that people are dying but “experts are not sure why”,

Guess who is funding the BBC’s  Fraudulent Scientific Analysis. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

“They do not know what the cause and reason is”



The BBC “Conspiracy Theories”

The BBC accuses alleged conspiracy theorists, of stating that the Covid vaccine is ‘not safe”.

“In recent years there has been a growth in online conspiracy theories, which suggest vaccines like the Covid jab are dangerous or ineffective.

Mr Ward said he’s “worried that people may believe the conspiracy theories”.

But he insists “they are just that, they’re just conspiracy theories. What I’m going on is the facts”.

He said: “All of the international evidence is that the vaccines we give out in the UK are safe, they are highly effective and they’ll protect you from some really horrible diseases.”

At the same time, the BBC  describes the SARS-CoV-2 virus being involved in a “conspiratorial”  “hit and run killer evolutionary tactic” [SIC] (See BBC, James Gallagher, October 22, 2020)

Criminality at the Level of the Entire Planet

Some 14 billion doses of Covid vaccine have been administered Worldwide, 1.75 doses per person for a World population of 8 billion. 

Had the media truthfully reported on the nature of the Covid vaccine and its devastating impacts, millions of lives would have been saved. 

At this juncture, with the exception of Africa, 75% of the World population has already been vaccinated. There is no moving backwards.

The governments and national health authorities in cahoots with Big Pharma were fully aware from the very outset that the Covid-19 “vaccine” was conducive to an upward trend in mortality and morbidity.

Doctors For Covid Ethics (D4CE)

Doctors for Covid Ethics issued a broad statement in July 2021 based on the data of EudraVigilance, (EU, EEA, Switzerland), MHRA (UK) and VAERS (USA):

“more deaths and injuries from the COVID-!9 “vaccine” roll-out than from all previous vaccines combined since records began.”



The signal of harm is now indisputably overwhelming, and, in line with universally accepted ethical standards for clinical trials, Doctors for Covid Ethics demands that the COVID-19 “vaccination” programme be halted immediately worldwide.

Continuation of the programme, in the full knowledge of ongoing serious harm and death to both adults and children, constitutes Crimes Against Humanity/Genocide, for which those found to be responsible or complicit will ultimately be held personally liable.

The Secret “Classified” Pfizer Report

Another important document which was available to national health authorities in the US, was the “confidential” report by Pfizer. This report which was made public under freedom of information (FOI) in October 2021 is a bombshell.

The vaccine was launched in mid-December 2020. By the end of February 2021, “Pfizer had already received more than 1,200 reports of deaths allegedly caused by the vaccine and tens of thousands of reported adverse events, including 23 cases of spontaneous abortions out of 270 pregnancies and more than 2,000 reports of cardiac disorders.”

The data collected from mid-December 2020 to the end of February 2021 unequivocally confirms “Manslaughter”.

Based on the evidence, Pfizer had the responsibility to immediately cancel and withdraw the “vaccine”. Murder as opposed to Manslaughter implies “Criminal Intent”. From a legal standpoint it is an “Act of Murder” applied Worldwide to a target population of 8 billion people. 

Click here to read the complete Pfizer report.  



In truth and solidarity,

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, June 5, 2024


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This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from Global Research can be found here.