How about there is no bird flu except that ‘confirmed’ by fake testing (see ‘Covid’)? This is what happens when like Alex Jones you believe in the existence of ‘Covid’. You then buy the next ‘virus’ that doesn’t exist and the Cabal can play the same scam again while you claim you have uncovered a ‘conspiracy’ that is actually the WRONG conspiracy and one that has been given to you to keep you misdirected
Everything he says here is what the Cabal wants conspiracy believers to see as the ‘conspiracy’ when the REAL one is that there was no ‘Covid’ and there is no ‘bird flu’. If there is no ‘virus’ there can be no ‘mutations’ (remember ‘Covid’) and no mass slaughter of chickens etc., even cows and domestic animals, all of which the Cabal wants to eliminate. They couldn’t care less if you believe ‘Covid/bird flu’ is ‘natural’ or human-made so long as you believe there IS a ‘Covid/bird flu’. That’s all they need to justify the lockdowns, masks, fake vaccines, mass slaughter etc., etc.
You are selling their plan, Alex.
Top scientists warn the experimental
H5N1 Bird Flu “vaccine” will not protect you from the current Bird Flu and may cause the virus to jump to humans!— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) December 30, 2024
The HIV ‘virus’ has never been proven to exist. It ‘exists’ only through repetition and ‘everyone knows that’ (the same as ‘Covid’ for which the HIV hoax was a precursor)
Key ingredients of the ‘Covid’ fake vaccine are self-replicating nanotechnology and graphene oxide that are transforming the body into a far more synthetic state and connecting with the electromagnetic ‘Cloud’ generated by 5G and other towers and low-obit satellites of SpaceX and others to form a human hive mind. Once the electricity processor and electromagnetic amplifier graphene oxide gets into the brain it rewires how it electrically processes information which is why people are noting the change of personality in many vaxxed people.
It’s key to remember that the main component of the Covid shot is a self replicating, HIV virus spike protein. It’s amazing that Fauci has been a know bio terrorist for 40 plus years and never been brought to justice. The clock is ticking before he strikes again!
— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) December 29, 2024