The Geopolitics of Elite Insanity

Read Part I:
The Geopolitics of Elite Insanity: Teetering on the Brink of Armageddon, The Danger of Nuclear War
By , December 11, 2024
As the multifaceted Elite program to reshape world order, capture ownership and control of all key resources, kill off a substantial proportion of the human population and impose a technocratic dictatorship over those ‘transhumans’ left alive advances rapidly, increasing parts of the geopolitical chessboard are being reshaped in accord with these Elite purposes. See ‘The Brave New World of 2030: “You’ll Own Nothing. And You’ll Be Happy.”’
Thus, against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine and other less publicized tragedies taking place – including the war and famine in Sudan and the war in Mozambique (see ‘Mozambique conflict has left 1 million displaced but Western media still focuses on Ukraine’) – the Zionist head of the Global Elite has implemented its plan to create Eretz Yisrael (Greater Israel), the biblical homeland of the Jews in West Asia, as part of ‘the [long-standing] Zionist plan… for the Middle East which is based on the division of the whole area into small states, and the dissolution of all the existing Arab states.’ See ‘A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties’.
With various meanings since its origin, these days ‘Greater Israel’ is understood to include part or all of the various countries in immediate proximity to Israel, perhaps in accordance with the ‘map’ of ‘Greater Israel’ displayed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his address to the United Nations General Assembly in New York on 22 September 2023 – see ‘In UN speech, Netanyahu holds map showing West Bank, Gaza as part of Israel’ – or, more likely, as displayed and discussed in this article: ‘“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East. The Infamous “Oded Yinon Plan”’.
Consequently, since Israel’s genocidal war on the Palestinians was launched in response to the carefully-scripted assault by Hamas on Israel on 7 October 2023, key Elite agents have been deployed to reshape the geopolitical map of West Asia to consolidate Elite control of the peoples and resources of that region and facilitate a multitude of ‘follow on’ impacts elsewhere.
Most notably, these Elite agents have included the governments of Israel and the United States along with a range of mercenary and terrorist groups, as well as the usual raft of prominent Western European governments, major weapons corporations and government/corporate media. The media agents have been assigned the role of sanitizing Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians while condemning any solidarity words and action on behalf of the Palestinians as ‘anti-Semitism’ and justifying the aggressive war by the US and Israel as well as the terrorist groups they sponsor against various countries in West Asia while demonizing those governments and movements that are removed/defeated.
Of course, there is nothing secret about what is happening: after all, it is being televised.
But devoid of even the remotest idea of how the world actually works and the nature of the Elite program being implemented, even those considered well-informed are easily duped by Elite propaganda to readily misinterpret the conflict configuration. In any case, only the rarest individual has sufficient comprehension of what is happening and the courage to take the personal, strategic action to effectively resist it. Hence, the Elite program proceeds unimpeded with virtually all ‘resistance’ confined to meaningless activities.
Let me offer four examples of analysts who do not understand the conflict configuration.
In a recent interview, Vanessa Beeley was highly critical of Russia for ‘abandoning Syria’ and also lamented that the primary government and corporate journalists who were reporting recent events in the West were deliberately misrepresenting what they were witnessing ‘on the ground’ in Syria. Listen to ‘Syria Podcast Episode 2’.
In a recent article, Paul Craig Roberts asked ‘why is Putin helping Washington succeed? Putin complains about the growing instability and violence in the Middle East. Does he realize that he contributed to it by withdrawing Russia’s defense of Syria? Did Putin forget “seven countries in five years”? Did Putin forget “Greater Israel”? Did Putin forget Turkey’s ambition against the Kurds?’ See ‘Will Putin Fight or Surrender?’
Meanwhile, Professor Jeffrey Sachs laments what has transpired, noting that ‘American interference, at the behest of Netanyahu’s Israel, has left the Middle East in ruins, with over a million dead and open wars raging in Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine, and with Iran on the brink of a nuclear arsenal, being pushed against its own inclinations to this eventuality. All this is in the service of a profoundly unjust cause: to deny Palestinians their political rights in the service of Zionist extremism….’ See ‘US & Israel Destroyed Syria & Called it Peace’.
And Mike Whitney argues that
‘These are Israel’s wars, and they are prosecuted to pursue Israeli interests not American interests. The US military (and political class) has been hijacked by the maneuverings of strongarm lobbyists who know how to work the levers of power to achieve their own ends. Their rate of success speaks for itself. Much of the Middle East lies in ruins which was the plan from the get-go. But now comes the hard part, because nothing has really been resolved in Syria.’ See ‘Has Bibi Achieved His Dream of Obliterating the Arab World?’
But what is transpiring in West Asia goes vastly beyond what is being described in articles such as these and without a full understanding of what is happening, it is impossible to recognize the full extent of the threats or to effectively resist them. And at this point in history, we do not have the luxury of time. So what is happening?
The Elite plan – as noted above: to reshape world order, capture ownership and control of all key resources, kill off a substantial proportion of the human population and impose a technocratic dictatorship on those ‘transhumans’ left alive – is being advanced by a wide range of methods. One method is to use its agents in national governments and elsewhere to simply destroy nation-states, one way or another, with each state destroyed also representing another step in the progressive neutralization of any prospect of effective resistance to the overall Elite program as more people’s attention inevitably turns to personal survival.
Of course, it does not have to destroy countries in the way it has destroyed Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Palestine, Lebanon and now Syria, the plan for which was originally exposed by U.S. Army Gen. Wesley Clark in ‘[US] Plans for Middle East’ [to attack Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran] from confidential information he received at the Pentagon on 20 September 2001.
But it has no compunction about doing so when it is judged the best option. And it is easy to do this when you can use national military forces, special operations forces, mercenaries (‘military contractors’ in the sanitized jargon), terrorists and/or just a range of agents to incite the fear, hatred and anger among a diverse range of marginalized ethnic, religious and other groups, flood these groups with military weapons and training, and incite them to fight among themselves (causing further destabilization and chaos in the impacted regions).
So beyond the countries just listed and while Syria is already being dismembered – see ‘Netanyahu says Golan Heights will always be “part of Israel”’ – now Yemen has been attacked – see ‘Massive Israeli Attack on Sanaa During Houthi Leader’s Speech Nearly Kills Visiting WHO Head’ – and Israel has signaled its intentions in relation to the most important ‘prize’ on the list. See ‘Israel informs Trump of its resolve to act against Iran’.
Of course, President Putin of Russia did not ‘abandon Syria’ or ‘help Washington’, as he made clear in his recent end-of-year address and interactive session with Russians. See ‘Results of the Year’ summarized in relation to Syria here: ‘Putin weighs in on the Syrian situation’. And it was not ‘American interference, at the behest of Netanyahu’s Israel’ or even ‘Israel’s wars… prosecuted to pursue Israeli interests not American interests’ as the four authors cited above respectively claim.
So What Did Happen?
In fact, what happened is that Presidents Putin, Netanyahu and Biden (or his handlers) as well as other ‘national leaders’ simply acted in accord with Elite imperatives, with which they are respectively familiar, in the context. After all, their records of complicity with Elite imperatives are impeccable even though just playing their roles facilitates maintenance of the popular delusion that nation-states are key actors in the international system and primary agents in international conflict. For evidence of Putin’s complicity in the wider Elite program, see ‘The War in Ukraine: Understanding and Resisting the Global Elite’s Deeper Agenda’ which notes, among other points, that he is a wealthy member of the World Economic Forum.
But all other national leaders were submissive to the Elite program or, in the case of the five national presidents (of Burundi, Swaziland/Eswatini, Tanzania, Ivory Coast and Haiti) who were not submissive in relation to enforcing mandatory Covid-19 injections on their populations, they were assassinated. See ‘All Three Presidents Who Declined the Covid Vaccine are now DEAD’.
(Predictably, perhaps, four references I had discussing these deaths are no longer accessible at their original links and yet several corporate ‘fact checkers’ are still online purportedly ‘disproving’ that the cause of death of these five presidents was as originally reported!)
Understanding the Conflict
Depending on the context, most people believe that conflict is direct (that is, not structural, cultural or ecological) and is between two or more highly visible and ‘different’ parties that are discussed in the corporate media and that each conflict is unrelated to most others.
For example, in the context of the genocide of the Palestinians and the recently generated wars between various countries in West Asia, most people believe that the primary conflict is between Israel and the Palestinians – or between Israel and various neighboring countries (whether Arab, Islamic or Persian) – with an ongoing and parallel debate over whether Israel wags the US tail or the US wags the Israeli tail as discussed in ‘Palestinian Syndrome’.
The idea that the Global Elite generated these conflicts and many others using a worldwide multitude of (mostly unwitting) agents throughout global organizational structures and national political, economic and social systems to achieve a long-planned and wider outcome for the Elite at the expense of humanity as a whole, is rarely even considered and, to most people, sounds preposterous.
Which means that the system works more or less perfectly. The Elite program is systematically implemented with virtually all people rendered scared and ignorant, and certainly powerless to act effectively, in each context and in relation to the whole.
Again, let me illustrate this in relation to the Elite’s Eretz Yisrael project.
So when I mentioned ‘the Zionist head of the Global Elite’ above, who do I mean?
In 1917 British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour wrote to Zionist Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild in which he expressed the support of the British government for the establishment of a Jewish homeland on Palestinian land in the Middle East. The Balfour Declaration justified the brutal seizure of Palestinian land for the post-WWII establishment of Israel. However, Israel would serve not as some high-minded ‘Jewish homeland’, but as the lynchpin in Rothschild control (including through other Elite families which act as ‘fronts’ and agents) over the bulk of the world’s fossil fuel supply (located in the Middle East). Baron Edmond de Rothschild built the first oil pipeline from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean to bring BP Iranian oil to Israel. He founded Israeli General Bank and Paz Oil. He is considered by many the father of modern Israel. See Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History that Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons and the Great Pyramids pp. 84-85 and Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf – Four Horsemen, Eight Families, and Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network p.490.
Consequently, what we are witnessing now is a new and decisive stage in the Zionist plan to occupy a substantially larger proportion of the Middle East in which not just Palestine but Syria, Iran and parts of other countries will be violently seized and occupied by the Israeli and US militaries, or the various terrorist groups under their control, on behalf of the Rothschilds and other families at the head of the Global Elite. This will mean capture of total control of strategic oil and gas reserves in the Middle East and facilitate other projects, including the construction of highly profitable oil and gas pipelines across the region and the Ben Gurion Canal (to compete with the Suez Canal).
These fossil fuel reserves include the gigantic Leviathan maritime natural gas resources in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Gaza – see ‘“Wiping Gaza Off The Map”: Big Money Agenda. Confiscating Palestine’s Maritime Natural Gas Reserves’ – in which the BG Group expressed interest in early 2016 before becoming part of Shell Global. See ‘Combining Shell and BG: a simpler and more profitable company’.
Of course, Shell has been a Rothschild corporation since the very early 20th century. According to the Rothschild Archive:
‘As it turned out, Rothschilds had a decisive influence in shaping Royal Dutch Shell, more so than anyone had previously imagined.’ See ‘Searching for oil in Roubaix’. But Shell does not represent the only Rothschild investment in energy supplies.
By the way, if you doubt that one family (using other wealthy families as fronts and agents) has the power to orchestrate all of this ‘below the radar’, you are welcome to consider the evidence of their power acquired over many generations summarized in Historical Analysis of the Global Elite: Ransacking the World Economy Until ‘You’ll Own Nothing.’
And in his latest book just published, another analyst of Elite power, Paul Cudenec, argues that even ‘the Rockefeller empire, a 19th century Big Oil rival to the Rothschilds, was absorbed by them and transformed into yet another front’. See The Single Global Mafia: The Rockefeller Foundation’s multiple links to Zionism and military-industrial-financial neo-imperialism. p.5.
For one estimate of Rothschild wealth by a scholar highly qualified to make the calculation, here is Dean Henderson’s article on the subject from 2012: ‘The Money Changers: Rothschild Banking Dynasty Said To Be Worth $100 Trillion’.
When one considers the laughable ‘lists of the world’s wealthiest individuals’ published by corporate media (which tend to focus on the Elite’s attention-seeking minions like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg, among others), it is clear that their ownership of such media ensures that families like the Rothschilds are simply not considered (or mentioned).
What Can We Do?
Most vitally, I encourage you to not make the mistake of believing that the Elite is not coming for you.
After all, as I have explained many times ‘The Global Elite is Insane Revisited’, and virtually all humans are utterly submissive as an outcome of the violence they each suffered during childhood. See ‘Why Violence?’ and ‘Fearless Psychology and Fearful Psychology: Principles and Practice’.
Nevertheless, if you wish to better understand and respond powerfully to what is happening in Ukraine, see: ‘The War in Ukraine: Understanding and Resisting the Global Elite’s Deeper Agenda’.
If your primary concern is Palestine: ‘Nonviolent Strategy to Halt the Genocide in Gaza, Liberate Palestine and Defeat the Global Technocracy’.
Or your focus is the wider wars now happening in Central Asia and West Asia: Strategic Goals for a Nonviolent Struggle to End a War.
But whether or not you act in response to these Elite projects, resisting the advancing technocracy is crucial for your own future: ‘Fighting for Our Humanity, Fighting for Our Future’.
Each article above also links to the ‘We Are Human We Are Free’ campaign – which identifies the strategic action necessary to defend yourself from this technocracy (explained, most simply, on the ‘We Are Human We Are Free’ one-page flyer, available in 23 languages).
As I have explained previously, your death or transhuman slavery in a technocratic prison is now imminent.
Thus, tragically, even if the Palestinians won the war against Israel, Fatah and Hamas have already signed off on a deal – see ‘Hamas and Fatah “to form joint committee [of technocrats] to administer Gaza”’ – to enslave Palestinians in the technocratic state that is being rapidly built around them.
So, unless Palestinians also successfully resist the advancing technocracy as well, there is no good outcome for the people of Palestine whatever the outcome of the current war.
If history is any guide, our time to resist effectively the various threats to humanity in each of these (and other) conflicts will be wasted by either doing nothing (because the threats go unrecognized and/or people are afraid to act), signing a petition, lobbying a politician for a vote on this or that issue, attending a demonstration or otherwise directing our effort to changing the behavior of someone who has no influence within the global power structure. And sadly, people you believe are ‘on your side’ will encourage you to waste your time in these ways.
Of course, I am well aware, that you also believe that you have ‘no influence within the global power structure’.
And yet, you do.
If the Elite is to complete its program to control all people and all resources, which is what makes each of the conflicts nominated above just part of the larger whole, then it needs your cooperation, in very precise ways, between now and the envisaged program’s completion. Or it needs your circumstances to be such that you are in no position to resist, even if you had the knowledge and commitment to do so. And that is why creating chaos in your country is a viable Elite strategy, particularly in those contexts where capturing resources is a crucial part of the Elite program as well.
So if you resolutely withhold your cooperation in the precise ways nominated in the strategies above, and we can mobilize enough people to join you, then we can defeat the Elite and continue to live some version of a free and independent life based on our own volition.
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Robert J. Burrowes has a lifetime commitment to understanding and ending human violence. He has done extensive research since 1966 in an effort to understand why human beings are violent and has been a nonviolent activist since 1981. He is the author of ‘Why Violence?’ His email address is [email protected] and his website is here. He is a regular contributor to ‘Global Research’.