Should We Put an End to the U.N. for Having Failed to “Prevent War and Promote Peace”? The U.N. at the Nexus of Globalism and National Sovereignty
The United Nations has become increasingly prominent as the undeclared war intensifies between globalism and national sovereignty. In theory, the UN has one foot in each camp. In actuality the UN is a primary driver of globalist agendas that steal power from national governments and the citizens they are supposed to represent.
Almost 200 countries are, in theory, sovereign nations within the UN’s General Assembly. The General Assembly is like the House of Commons in Canada or the House of Representatives in the Congress.
The signing of the UN Charter took place in San Francisco in June of 1945. The signing ceremony was a major ritual during the year of transitions away from the Second World War.
The Preamble of the UN Charter emerges from the process of ending World War II. It is meant to inspire hope and commitment in the global mission adopted by the UN. The international organization was created with the goals of promoting peace and countering any continuation of murderous armed hostilities.
Looking back at the Charter of the United Nations from the perspective of 2025, how should we see the role of the UN 80 years later? Has the organization lived up to its mission statement or has the UN veered so far from its founding principles that it is time to consider eliminating it altogether? If the UN was to be replaced by another entity, who could initiate such a project with credibility?
We Do Hereby Establish an International Organization to be known as the United Nations.
to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and
to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and
to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and
to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,
to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and
to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and
to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and
to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples,
Accordingly, our respective Governments, through representatives assembled in the city of San Francisco, who have exhibited their full powers found to be in good and due form, have agreed to the present Charter of the United Nations and do hereby establish an international organization to be known as the United Nations.
The UN’s number one priority is supposed to “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.”
The United Nations and Current Wars
How is the UN doing in preventing war and promoting peace?
NATO and the puppet government of Ukraine are facing Russia in ongoing acts of high-tech warfare. And the UN stands by.
Israel and the United States are in the second year of a ruthless genocide targeting indiscriminately the Palestinian people trapped inside the open-air Israeli prison of Gaza. Meanwhile it seems that Iran and the Donald Trump Government-In-Waiting are preparing along with Israel and the USA for regional or world war. And the UN stands by.
The judicial institutions of the UN have intervened in Gaza and the West Bank, but United Nations has failed to organize an international intervention to protect the human targets of genocide from the predations of those seeking to annihilate and displace them.
What is the role, if any, of the United Nations in the proxy wars unfolding in Syria? It seems the UN is standing by.
How is the UN doing when it comes to
“ensuring the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and
to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples.”
The United Nations is clearly failing to fulfill its mandate to promote peace and hold back warfare. The UN is failing to “promote the economic and social advancement of all peoples.” This failure is becoming more marked as the technology of warfare becomes more lethal and invasive. The UN’s failure is also becoming more marked when it comes to the growing merger of economic and military warfare.
Why has the Unites Nations moved so far away from its first responsibility to provide a secure environment for humanity not subject to the increasing devastation wrought by the waging of many forms of warfare on increasingly large population groups? Where is there any significant indications that the United Nations is active in guarding against the growing incursions of biological warfare, chemical warfare, psychological warfare, geo-engineering warfare, and economic warfare?
How does the growth of spyware and the surveillance state increase the vulnerability of individuals and groups to infiltration and warfare by governments, corporations, and various forms of mercenary armies. It seems the UN has become just a spectator on the sidelines as the evolution of warfare continues to rapidly unfold.
The UN does not have a good record when it comes to the principle in its Charter that “armed force shall not be used.” To reiterate
The UN Is Trying to Score Big Time By Gaining Support as the Main Agency to Protect “the Environment,” “Public Health,” and “Corporate Sustainability.”
The United Nations is Seeking to Expand Enormously Its Network of “Public-Private” Partnerships, Especially When it Comes to the Intersection of “Environmental Protection” and “Corporate Sustainability.”
As long as the United Nations cannot live up to upholding the terms of its own Charter when it comes to preventing war and advancing peace, the international organization should not water down its role. The UN should not be creating new complexes of jurisdictions for itself in seeking to BIND “States as well as private and public institutions, companies, and citizens.” Any such attempt is highly suspect.
Citizens have no direct representation at the United Nations. Why should the UN have the power to BIND people who have no say in the decision-making? Why should citizens accept to be bound by UN dictates in so-called “PACTS” created in their absence?
See the post below created along the way to the formulation of the Pact on 23 September, 2024
The opportunism of UN officials is showing up in their zeal to regulate all manner of governments, institutions, companies and citizens even when they seem to have given up on enforcing the UN’s own Charter.
In my previous essay I looked into the preoccupation of some UN officials in expanding into the fields of “environmentalism” and “public health” to help the international organization to cast a wide jurisdictional net. I highlighted the speciousness and outright fraud of UN institutions in their role in bringing about the regimes of illusion enwrapping global warming and COVID-19.
I looked at the role of powerful groups of wealthy and influential people in the Club of Rome and in the Rockefeller dynasty who were instrumental in launching the environmental movement in ways that served power. Please see this.
The following video by the UN’s PR spin doctors is indicative of more recent steps in selling the international organization as if it is worthy of credibility. The UN simply has not earned such credibility through its incapacity or unwillingness to enforce the UN’s Charter.
[embedded content]
To my way of thinking this kind of smily-face advertising does not do credit to the United Nations and the real magnitude of the existential issues that the global organization and all of humanity are facing at this juncture in history.
The UN, it seems, has been taken hostage by people who appear to be using the organization selfishly. They push ahead with their initiatives without achieving genuine consensus won through engagement with grass-roots social organizers.
In my own context here in Canada, I think of the kind of shallow “environmentalism” flaunted by Justin Trudeau compared to the genuine social conscience displayed in the grass roots movement led by the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy.
Trudeau and his media backers have gone to great trouble to criminalize the Truckers valid responses to the mandating of the clot shots whose lethal and injurious impacts are becoming readily apparent to anyone who takes the time to look.
What is the continuing role of the UN’s World Health Organization’s in providing the cover for the biological warfare entailed in trying to jab the entire population of the world?
It seems the trivialization and exploitation of the UN as a toy of privilege and careerism available to the wealthy and well placed, is out of hand. What, one might ask, do the starving Palestinians targeted for murder by the governments of Israel and the United States, have to say about the UN’s “Sustainable Development Goals”?
What are we to make, for instance, of the following indicator of the quest for “Sustainable Development Goals” by the “World Leaders” Who Adopted a UN “Pact for the Future.”
Is the United Nations even redeemable nowadays? Has the time come to abandon the organization whose leaders can mount all kinds of flowery campaigns to engage in “sustainable development.” Do these UN officials show their irrelevance by continuing to watch on from the sidelines as the horrendous genocidal spectacle continues to unfold in Gaza?
In the light of what we have been seeing in Gaza for more than a year now, what is to be made of a statement like that of Maria Fernando Espinosa in the film, One Pact, One Planet. She points to
“A Pact That Can Become the Foundation for a new Social Contract for Humanity”
Disengaging Entirely from the UN Debacle?
Dr. Rima Laibow is calling on Donald Trump to move beyond removing the United States from the World Health Organization. She wants Trump to remove the United States from the United Nations altogether. She refers to an enactment that may be put before Congress. The enactment is known as The Disengaging Entirely from the UN Debacle Act.
To play this video click here, and then click the second infowars window
The questions raised are not only for the citizens and government of the United States. The questions apply to the leadership of all countries and to the entire global population.
The Abuse of the USA’s Veto Power at the UN
The failure of the United Nations when it comes to Gaza has to do with the UN’s concentration of authority over issues of war and peace, life and death in the Security Council. This concentration of power relates especially to the veto power over the outcome of Security Council voting. This veto power is vested in the countries deemed to be the top “winners” of the Second World War.
Those countries are Great Britain, France, Russia, China, and the United States. As the backer and first ally of Israel deeply involved in the genocidal annihilation of the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, the US government vetoed any and all efforts to put in place an agreement to stop the mass murder.
The character of the United Nations as an organization dominated by the winners of the Second World War goes back to the first mentions of the existence of the United Nations in instituting the Atlantic Charter of 1941. The United Nations became the name of the alliance starting with the USA, Great Britain and the Soviet Union against Germany, Italy and Japan. This orientation around the winners of the Second World War found its way into the way of structuring the veto powers vested in the Security Council.
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This article was originally published on Looking out at the World from Canada.
Dr. Anthony Hall is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. He has been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”.
He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).
All images in this article are from the author
On the 70th anniversary of the UN, an Ode to the Preamble of the UN Charter
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Trudeau’s Superficial Approach to Environmentalism is Noted Above. See Trudeau Kidding Around Below with Mark Critch at the State Broadcaster, the CBC.
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