Growing anger at 5G mast plan

ANGER is growing at plans to install a 5G mast in a recreation ground in Henley.
Telecoms company EE is seeking planning permission for a 20m monopole in the corner of Makins recreation ground, off Greys Road.
The mast is designed to support 5G mobile networks and provide high-speed wireless connectivity.
The company’s application to South Oxfordshire District Council, the planning authority, also includes the installation of six antennas and two dishes as well as four ground-based equipment cabinets.
Telent Technology Services, on behalf of EE, said the mast is needed to “address a gap in EE coverage and network capacity to the town”.
It said EE’s current site St Mary’s Church, in Hart Street, cannot be upgraded due to the roof being unable to support the new equipment.
During busy events such as Henley Royal Regatta and Henley Festival, residents had complained that 3G and 4G coverage was poor and some traders said they had lost out on business due to card machines failing.
Gabriella Lewis, of Greys Road, said: “Hugely object to this being installed here. Could it get any closer to a children’s playground?
“It will be damaging, visually intrusive to the views of surrounding Henley and the surrounding conservation area.”
Nigel Smaller, of Gainsborough Crescent, said: “I am deeply concerned about the uncertain long-term health implications for families, particularly children, who live, play, and spend significant time in close proximity to the proposed location.”
Luke Breen, of Friday Street, said he was concerned that alternative locations had not been properly considered.
He said: “My main concern is that the applicant fails to justify why other sites were dismissed – certainly both Townlands and the Henley fire station already houses such equipment and seem very viable alternatives.”
Jen Andersen, of Haywards Close, claimed the mast would impact the value of the surrounding properties. She said: “I am not a real estate expert but I would imagine that having a 20m 5G mast in your back garden will make it extremely difficult to sell the newly developed houses on Harcourt and Haywards Close.”
Henley Town Council, which owns the site, had rejected a proposal from EE to use the recreation site in July last year.
But in November, after receiving legal advice about the risk of a costly tribunal, the council agreed to new proposals following a review of the pre-planning application plans.
As the mast is planned for a public green space, EE must demonstrate that the mast would not affect the “siting and appearance” of the open space.
The issue was also raised at a meeting of the full council on Tuesday last week.
Cllr David Eggleton was concerned about the negative effects the mast could have on biodiversity.
A petition to oppose the mast has been set up by Gainsborough resident Charlotte Wolfe.
Speaking from the public gallery, she told the meeting: “This land was gifted to our town for the purpose of recreation and I worry that this sets a precedent for future development. It’s unnecessary to build a mast there.”
Ms Wolfe added that the mast would also be visible to the upper floors of the houses in Greys Road.
Clare Sherriff, of Henley, said she was concerned about the effects of the mast on her health. She said she had a medical condition that meant she was extremely sensitive to radiation.
She said: “I am not a conspiracy theorist. I am unable to be in any 5G area without my legs going to jelly, my brain stopping and other bodily functions relaxing — all classic radiation symptoms.”
Town clerk Sheridan Jacklin-Edward said the council had “very little powers” as a landowner over the application. He said: “The legal advice that we received was that, if we rejected it, they would take us to tribunal and, under the current legislation, they would win.”
The plans were recommened for refusal by a meeting of the town council’s planning committee on Tuesday (14).
The district council will make a final decision next month.