5 biggest space conspiracy theories in human history

Human beings have always been curious about the vastness of space and the potentials involved in understanding it. Although science has given us the most amazing information into the universe, it has also provided some conspiracy theories in one way or another. Often, they dispute established facts and spin the minds of those seeking some solid explanations for suspected cosmic phenomena. Space conspiracy theories, like questioning the landing of the moon, have merged with popular culture, speculating over alien technology in Saturn or anything else one can imagine in space. Sometimes doubt, mistrust or just fascination, these space conspiracy theories remain an inducer of inquisitiveness and interest. Here are five of the most common space conspiracy theories:
The Apollo Moon landings were fake
The conspiracy theory that the Apollo moon landings were faked claims that NASA and the U.S. government brought forward the 1969 Apollo 11 mission to win the space race against the Soviet Union. People who don’t believe that this was true, highlight perceived anomalies in photos and videos, such as unusual shadows and flag movements, as supposed evidence of a hoax. Despite extensive debunking by experts, this theory remains popular among some who believe in this conspiracy theory..
UFO was caught “refueling” at the Sun
One of the most interesting conspiracy theories about UFOs is that they are “refueling” at the sun. This suggests that there are unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, near the sun, appearing to draw energy from it. Some people think that images taken by solar observatories show these UFOs hovering close to the Sun, as if they are using its energy. Believers of this theory argue that such images confirm the advanced technology used by alien extraterrestrial beings. Scientists explain that what people are witnessing in these images are natural phenomena of the sun, like solar flares or sunspots, or even faults and imperfections in the images themselves.
Saturn’s hexagon is alien technology
Saturn’s north pole is home to a mysterious hexagonal storm, first observed by the Voyager spacecraft in the 1980s. Conspiracy theorists believe its geometric precision suggests it is an artificial structure created by alien technology. However, scientists explain the hexagon as a naturally occurring atmospheric phenomenon caused by the planet’s unique weather patterns.
Aliens landed in Roswell, New Mexico
The Roswell incident of 1947 is one of the most well-known UFO conspiracy theories. Believers say that an alien spacecraft crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, and that the U.S. military recovered alien bodies and advanced technology, and covered up the evidence. Despite the U.S. government’s official explanation that the incident involved a top-secret military balloon from Project Mogul, conspiracy theorists remain unconvinced. They argue that the government’s secrecy and conflicting reports at the time fuel suspicions of a more extraordinary event involving extraterrestrial visitors.
There is a killer planet known as “Nibiru”
The Nibiru cataclysm theory claims that a mysterious planet called Nibiru or Planet X is on a path to collide with Earth, leading to catastrophic events. Conspiracy theorists argue that this hidden planet will bring about massive destruction. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this theory. NASA and astronomers have consistently debunked it, stating that no such planet exists and that there is no credible threat from a rogue planet. Despite the lack of proof, the Nibiru theory is a popular one.
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