Wednesday, March 26, 2025

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Inside Zelensky’s Plan for Ukraine to Become ‘A Greater Israel’

<!– Inside Zelensky’s Plan for Ukraine to Become ‘A Greater Israel’ –>
Inside Zelensky’s Plan for Ukraine to Become ‘A Greater Israel’

With the U.S. proxy war in Ukraine now lost, a return to Volodymyr Zelensky’s vision for Ukraine may explain what might come next.

Should the Russians end the war with possession only of the regions populated by Russians, as Colonel Douglas Macgregor has suggested, then what future can be foreseen for any postwar Ukraine?

One answer is provided by secular Jewish President Zelensky’s plan to make a “Big Israel” of Orthodox/Catholic Ukraine. Since day one of his presidency, he has referred to the U.S.-sponsored state as a template for the Ukraine of tomorrow.

On becoming president in 2019, Zelensky said in his inaugural address:

We must become the Israelis – (following their example) in the defense of their native land.

What would this mean for Ukrainians, for global security, and for the American people?

Zelensky Announces His Big Israel Vision for Ukraine

In September 2022, Alexander Rubinstein reported that Zelensky had met with NATO and announced his plan for Ukraine in April that year – weeks after the Russian invasion:

Just 40 days after Russia’s military campaign began inside Ukraine, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told reporters that in the future, his country would be like “a big Israel.” The following day, one of Israel’s top promoters in the Democratic Party published an op-ed in NATO’s official think tank exploring how that could be executed.

Speaking to reporters on April 5, 2022, Zelensky said, “We will definitely become a ‘big Israel’ with its own face.”

Rubinstein, writing for The GrayZone, said Zelensky then explained his “disturbing prophecy,” detailing what a “big Israel” would actually look like:

We will not be surprised that we will have representatives of the Armed Forces or the National Guard in all institutions, supermarkets, cinemas – there will be people with weapons.

Yet Zelensky was not alone in picturing Ukraine in this way. As Rubinstein noted:

Within 48 hours of his comments, the Atlantic Council – NATO’s semi-official think tank in Washington – published a “road map” exploring how to transform Ukraine into “a big Israel.”

It was written by Daniel B. Shapiro, Jewish U.S. Ambassador to Israel under President Barack Obama.

Shapiro said that “the two embattled countries share more than you might think.”

This blueprint for Ukraine reduces to a financial and military dependency of the U.S., which is the fundamental status of Israel. It would reproduce Israel’s “approach to chronic security challenges,” says Shapiro.

A major question no one seems to be asking is, “Have Americans been asked if they now want to also keep sending billions of dollars of aid to the foreign nation of Ukraine in perpetuity, as the U.S. has been sending to Israel since its founding?”

Since WWII, the U.S. has provided $319 billion in aid to tiny Israel, more than to any other nation in the world, with more promised every week, it seems. And yet, Israel is not nearly as bankrupt and owing multi-trillions of dollars in debt as is the United States.

Ukraine, because of its much larger size, will be an even bigger drain on U.S. finances.

Internally, this would likely mirror the transition from a democracy to a security state. Externally, if the Israel model were followed, it would likely reproduce Israel’s permanent, U.S. military-industrial-complex-fed war with its neighbors – as well as with sections of its own population.

Ukraine’s immediate neighbors are Russia and Belarus. Following repeated provocations – tensions remain high between the U.S. and the world’s largest nuclear weapons power. A report by Jonathan Cook for Middle Eastern Eye stressed the danger of a “rising tide of blood” resulting from the plan to Israelise Ukraine and its military strategy.

Writing on April 12, 2022, Cook warned that the “Ukrainian president’s comparison (of Ukraine with Israel) bolsters Moscow’s claim that Kyiv is intent on a program of violent ‘de-Russification.’”

As Cook reported, the Russians claim they were forced to act in invading Ukraine to protect the ethnic Russian population from several continuous years of shelling and killing of 14,000 civilians. They were also subjected to torture and serious discrimination and deprivation of equal rights.

“Putin has even used the term genocide,” Cook wrote.

Cook continues to give the Russian viewpoint, detailing how the U.S.-backed coup in 2014 is seen from Moscow, for example.

Having seen the West break every agreement with Russia since the Russians agreed to end the Soviet Union, and with the Biden admin shockingly refusing to speak to the Russians at all for the last several years, diplomacy with Russia is now at a standstill – a dire situation Col. Macgregor discussed in a Tuesday appearance with Judge Antony Napolitano:

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As Macgregor warns, the potential for a major escalation is now higher than ever.

To propose a U.S.-backed New Israel on the borders of Russia is to plan for an endless war.

How could such a nightmare scenario possibly be in the U.S. national interest? What could compel policymakers to back such a plan at all?

Many of the neocon and Zionist politicians who dominate U.S. foreign policy would welcome a permanent state of war with the Russians. As Macgregor explained in an August 2023 interview with Tucker Carlson, the people pushing for war with Russia have an “ax to grind,” being the descendants of Jewish migrants from the region of the former Russian empire.


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Blumenthal Investigates

In the week after the October 7 Hamas invasion, other reports followed that warned of the Israel template for Ukraine – underlining the many years’ dominance of American foreign policy by the powerful Israel lobby.

Max Blumenthal, the Jewish journalist who runs The Grayzone, published a remarkable expose of the degree of Israeli influence over the U.S. government on October 14, 2023.

His research showed how U.S. presidents – including Trump, Obama, and Clinton – have been effectively bought by the Israel’s Zionist lobby. Why is this not more widely reported?

Blumenthal explains how mentioning this fact gets you shut down, saying:

There’s one X Factor that you don’t have in Russia or Ukraine which is especially dangerous in this situation. Everyone acknowledges it, but it’s forbidden to talk about it in some ways.

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Blumenthal goes on:

You’ll get called an antisemite – or I get called a self-hating Jew – but you have a very powerful Israel lobby in the United States.

Noting the absence of a “Ukraine lobby” in U.S. politics, Blumenthal, son of Sidney Blumenthal, a former aide to President Bill Clinton, laid out the extent of the Israel lobby’s power:

You have an Israel lobby that in many ways can influence Congress and influence the president – whether it’s Democrat or Republican – to act solely in Israel’s interest without considering the national interest of the United States.

Blumenthal observed that “no matter how much you love Israel,” it is remarkable that the U.S. government puts “Israel’s national interest before that of the U.S. itself.”

A Permanent State of War

Blumenthal also explained the use of Israel as a template for the proxy war in Ukraine. He gave his view of the meaning of Zelensky’s “Big Israel” vision for Ukraine.

This does not mean making Ukraine a Zionist state, he offered, highlighting instead the strategic usefulness of keeping nations in a permanent state of war:

Countries like Ukraine – and conflict zones – are necessary just as Israel is necessarily a state in permanent war.

Why are they “necessary?” Blumenthal explained that this illustrates a model of management through the creation of crises, first explained in Naomi Klein’s 2007 book, The Shock Doctrine.

It’s disaster capitalism – or what Naomi Klein called the shock Doctrine – back before she was a participant in the new shock Doctrine – and it’s key to Big Israel.

This strategy of permanent war and permanent emergency is a deliberate means of managing populations through the creation of trauma and instability, he said.

Blumenthal shows how this condition, a result of U.S. imperial rule and the Israel lobby that directs much of it, also serves the agenda of non-state actors such as the World Economic Forum.

Tech in a war zone like Ukraine will accelerate the fourth Industrial Revolution and the Great Reset that World Economic Forum director Klaus Schwab said would merge the digital with the biological.

Blumenthal reminded viewers that NATO had planned to model Ukraine on Israel, working on an “Israeli-style security agreement” that would expedite the transfer of money, arms, and advanced technology to the new permanent war zone.

These arms and this money would come mainly from the United States – mirroring the endless supply of U.S. cash and weapons into Israel. In return, what could the U.S. expect – beyond the creation of a “Ukraine lobby” to keep the bottomless pit of aid money flowing?

Israel also has been quietly but emphatically pressuring the United States to defeat Russia for other reasons. Those are Russia’s previous support for Syria’s Assad, its new bases in Libya, and now especially its new close ties with Iran, which are all considered to be major obstacles to the Zionist Greater Israel expansion plan.

Zelensky’s plan, shared by a NATO-adjacent think tank, is a blueprint for bringing the world to the brink of full-scale war, at the expense of the American taxpayer. It is neither in the interest of peace nor in that of the American people. In fact, it is becoming a great liability or danger to the United States.

With Zelensky still in power, and the powerful lobby backing the plan intact, will Trump permit the creation of a permanent state of emergency in Europe?


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This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from Global Research can be found here.