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Great Reset

Will Mark Carney be appointed as Canada’s next Prime Minister to push forward with the Globalists’ project of turning Canada into a Technate?

“[Trudeau has] served a role as a marketing tool and nothing really more than that. The idea was to always simply use him till he had nothing left to squeeze out of him. And I think that point has come and gone. And his usefulness is now pretty much it’s over,” Matthew Ehret said on a recent Global Research News Hour podcast.

During the podcast, Ehret discussed the rise of Mark Carney as the inevitable replacement for the highly disposable Justin Trudeau.  He also discussed the ‘Canada 2020’ behaviourist think tank,  formed in 2003 and co-managed by a nest of Privy Councillors and two co-architects of the North American Union as well as Diane Carney, Mark Carney’s wife.

He also discussed the Club of Rome’s takeover of Western society and the importance of understanding the fallacies behind the Green New Deal which, as a high priest of central bankers, Mark Carney serves.

[embedded content]

Canadian Patriot Press: Justin Trudeau all used up. Carney Set to take the Stage (audio only), 21 January 2025 (30 mins)

If the video above is removed from YouTube you can find links to it on other platforms and read a transcript of it HERE.

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Matthew Ehret is a researcher and analyst based in Montreal, Canada.  He is the founder of the Canadian Patriot Review and has authored several books and articles that focus on Canadian history and geopolitics. His works have been published in various publications, including Executive Intelligence Review, Global Times, Asia Times, and 21st Century Science and Technology.

The following are some of the points he raised in the video above.

Trudeau’s Rise and Purpose

Justin Trudeau’s resignation as Prime Minister of Canada is seen as a controlled event, with Trudeau having served his purpose in advancing a certain agenda.

Trudeau was marketed as a valuable asset due to his father Pierre Elliott Trudeau’s mythical status in Canadian politics, but he was never more than a marketing tool and was used until he had nothing left to offer.

“[Trudeau’s] role, for those who have been his handlers, has been to advance a certain agenda that would move Canada ever more towards the type of outcome that we know the Davos crowd of the World Economic Forum and the broader Bilderberg Group has in mind for the entire world, which is the transformation of once industrial sovereign nation-states into satrapies or a supranational enforcement tool, a world government of sorts, with a certain type of ideology shaping that post-nation-state era,” Ehret said.

Adding, “So, he’s served a role as [ ] a marketing tool and nothing really more than that. So, the idea was to always simply use him till he had nothing left to squeeze out of him. And I think that point has come and gone.  And his usefulness is now pretty much it’s over.”

Ehret has described how Justin Trudeau was selected and groomed to become Prime Minister of Canada:

“[Trudeau is a] crippled, emotional character whose whole life has been largely stage-managed with flatterers and handlers, including Gerald Butts or Dominic LeBlanc, childhood friends who were part of always the Canadian deep state, both of them. Or Thomas Pitfield, Michael Pitfield’s son is also a childhood friend and lifelong manager handler of Justin. So, you got these guys who are brought in to be his friends. It’s kind of  [like the Truman Show],” he said.  “He didn’t have like a normal upbringing or childhood set of experiences.”

The Canada 2020 think tank, co-founded by people including John Manley, Bob Rae and Diane Carney (Mark Carney’s wife), played a key role in sculpting Trudeau into a prime minister.

“It was at [Canada 2020’s] first conference, their big conference in Mont Blanc in 2006, that Justin Trudeau was first circulated, measured up if he could be made to have what it takes to be a puppet cutout. And he was a bit of a disaster … [It] took the Canada 2020 team some years to, I think, prep him, workshop him to the point that he could be brought out as he was in 2012 … first, the head of the Liberal Party …. Bob Rae … a Rhodes Scholar, very close to Chrystia Freeland Rhodes Scholar [ ]  gave up his own seat so that Chrystia would become a member of parliament and be one of the primary handlers of Justin in 2013,” Ehret said.

Another point worth noting about Canada 2020 is the projects that its members were involved with.  For example:

  • Bill Graham who was for a few years president of the Canada International Council, the Canadian branch of the roundtable movement set up by Cecil Rhodes and Milner; and
  • Thomas Axworthy who was the personal secretary to Pierre Elliott Trudeau for many years.

“Both men together were also leaders of the task force for the North American Union in 2006, too, which was also, I think, it has since been rebranded, as I think you’ve noticed in the recent months, in the form of the idea of creating a North American Technate with US-Canada integration that might also include perhaps Greenland, Mexico, and some countries all the way down to Brazil, really, or the upper part of Brazil,” Ehret said.

Ehret continued: “They had mock-up currency built on a model of the euro, of what that would look like for the Amero. And people could see those things online as they were marketing this thing, testing it to see if people would buy it at the time in 2006. It was, I guess, they received enough negative feedback from their impact studies that they chose to shelve it for a bit.”

Factional Battles and Technocracy

Ehret believes that the self-styled “elites” see Justin Trudeau’s leadership as no longer sufficient, and a more competent technocrat like Mark Carney may be needed to manage the country as the global system enters a new phase of crisis.

There are rival factions within the Liberal Party vying for control, with some resisting the movement towards a Technate, but ultimately both factions aim to cement power and control for the elites.

The old guard of the Liberal Party, represented by figures like Jean Chrétien, had a nationalist reflex and resisted the Technate idea, but this faction was purged and replaced by more technocratically-minded leaders under Ignatieff and then Bob Rae.

To illustrate the dynamics of factions being opposed yet on the same side, Ehret used the battles within the British aristocracy of the 1930s over whether or not to continue to support the Hitler New World Order agenda:

Ehret then explained some of the factional battles in Canadian politics with some who were motivated by keeping Canada under British Empire control through the Privy Council while others were motivated by the British Empire’s American junior partners, such as the Rockefellers, gaining more influence territorially over assets within Canada.

“The Canadian system is stage-managed by the London controllers of the Privy Council,” Ehret said. “There’s always been a battle … with their American pseudo allies, sometimes rivals.”

Ehret doesn’t believe President Trump “is fully one of them,” but feels Trump doesn’t fully understand the game either. “I think he’s in danger of being an instrument for a different kind of empire,” Ehret said.

Ehret believes there is currently an ongoing battle between the old guard of the British Empire – which wants to double down on its depopulation, Green New Deal, Green Genocide Agenda and which Mark Carney is representing – and a new faction influenced by Silicon Valley and President Trump, with the latter seeking to build up the physical productive base of the United States and Canada.

Mark Carney is expected to become the leader of the opposition Liberal Party if not the next Canadian Prime Minister.  Carney is a willing participant in this plan for him to be the leader of the Liberal Party possibly due to guarantees from powerful forces that he will win the next election. 

A propaganda campaign is already underway to rebrand Carney as a heroic figure, drawing comparisons to Pierre Elliott Trudeau; “the great Lincoln hero, the Pierre Elliott Trudeau 2.0 who saved Canada in a time of crisis.”  The goal, Ehret believes, is to position Carney as a replacement for Justin Trudeau, not just as leader of the Liberal Party but also as Prime Minister, despite the Conservative Party’s current 20% lead in the polls.

This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from The Exposé can be found here.