Why I think Britain’s Covid-19 Inquiry is a waste of money
Over 1,000 of Dr. Vernon Coleman’s readers contacted the UK Covid Inquiry asking they allow him to give evidence. “Unsurprisingly, perhaps, the Inquiry hasn’t invited me,” he says.
In the following, Dr. Coleman describes the information he submitted to the Covid Inquiry in 2023.
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Over 1,000 readers of this [Vernon Coleman’s] website have contacted the UK Government’s official Covid-19 Inquiry asking them to allow me to give evidence and to explain how I knew from the very beginning that the alleged pandemic was a fake.
Unsurprisingly, perhaps, the Inquiry hasn’t invited me.
Is it conceivably possible that the Inquiry doesn’t want the truth to be discussed in public? How can an Inquiry be of any value if it hears only one side of the story?
Below is a short piece which I wrote in 2023 for my book `Truth Teller: The Price’ in which I discuss ways in which the authorities have hidden the facts from the public – and have silenced and demonised me in the process. I am, by the way, still banned from all corporate media and all social media for the unforgivable crime of telling the truth. (I tried Facebook again but without success.)
Scores of so-called fact checkers have tried to find errors in my work – and all have failed. The Royal Society of Arts expelled me simply for telling the truth. Someone put deep cuts into two tyres on our car in an attempt to kill us. (The cuts were on the inside of the tyres, invisible to the naked eye and at the time the car was locked in a courtyard behind a ten-foot-high wall. The cuts were found by a mechanic.) The remaining question is: Who ordered all this censorship and demonization? It’s a question the Covid-19 Inquiry won’t ever ask but it’s the only question really worth asking.
Extract from ‘Truth Teller: The Price’ (2023)
Like most countries, the UK is spending whatever money it has left on a hugely pointless enquiry into the way the Government handled the covid hoax.
Naturally, the inquiry is destined to last for years and provide a bonanza for lawyers who will make a fortune out of taxpayers.
It is unlikely that any questions will be asked about the lockdowns, the masks, the social distancing, useless PCR testing, pointless test and trace schemes, expensive Eat Out and Furlough programmes, the closure of schools and the pointless and dangerous covid-19 “vaccine.”
And naturally, those of us who told the truth about the fraud back in 2020 will not be invited to explain how we knew it was all fake.
Still, the UK Covid-19 inquiry has invited submissions from the public. The process is called ‘Every Story Matters’.
I sent them this submission (included under their heading: ‘Unfair treatment, for example, inequality, discrimination or harassment’):
“I am a qualified doctor. In February and March 2020, I pointed out that the covid threat was exaggerated. Later that year I warned that the covid vaccine would cause heart problems, myocarditis, blood clots, etc. and wouldn’t work. Everything I said was accurate and later proved accurate. I was abused by the mainstream media and banned by YouTube and all social media for the modern crime of telling the truth. My attempts to debate these issues were met with silence. The BBC actually said that it would not allow anyone questioning the vaccine on any of its programmes ‘right or wrong’. Thousands of lives were destroyed unnecessarily by the stifling of all debate. Freedom of speech is important and should be respected. My reputation and earnings were deliberately destroyed for the crime of telling the truth.”
I have also sent them copies of ‘Coming Apocalypse’ (which was published in April 2020) and ‘Covid-19: The Greatest Hoax in History’ (which contains the scripts of all my early banned videos).
If the lawyers at the Covid Inquiry really want to know what happened and why, then they should read those books. I’m not holding my breath.
Meanwhile, it is clear that the lies about the covid-19 vaccine have done what I hope is irreparable damage to vaccination programmes around the world. In the United States, it is reported that vaccine uptake is down by a quarter, and in the UK the Government and the corporate media are circulating the usual lies and threats to try to persuade reluctant parents to have their children jabbed with the officially approved melange of toxic chemicals.
The above is taken from ‘Truth Teller: The Price’ by Vernon Coleman. To purchase a copy please CLICK HERE. To purchase a copy of `Coming Apocalypse’ CLICK HERE and CLICK HERE to purchase a copy of `Covid -19: The Greatest Hoax in History’ (which was itself banned three times before I could manage to publish it – it contains the unaltered typescripts of my banned videos from the early months of 2020).
About the Author
Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc practised medicine for ten years. He has been a full-time professional author for over 30 years. He is a novelist and campaigning writer and has written many non-fiction books. He has written over 100 books which have been translated into 22 languages. On his website, HERE, there are hundreds of articles which are free to read.
There are no ads, no fees and no requests for donations on Dr. Coleman’s website or videos. He pays for everything through book sales. If you want to help finance his work, please just buy a book – there are over 100 books by Vernon Coleman in print on Amazon.