Big Tech’s Empire State: Silicon Valley seeks to run the world using technocracy
Technocracy, a system of scientific management of society, is rising to power, with Silicon Valley as its hub and Big Tech as its driving force.
Key figures such as Elon Musk, Peter Thiel and Marc Andreessen are prominent technocrats who are shaping the world according to their vision.
The goal of technocracy is to establish a scientific dictatorship, where decisions are made by technical experts, and to micromanage every aspect of society through non-stop surveillance and digital technologies.
The technocratic system promises a utopian existence, but in reality, it would lead to a loss of individual freedom, property rights and the American dream of upward mobility.
Although technocracy primarily focuses on the production and consumption of energy, it goes much deeper than this, writes Jesse Smith.
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The following is taken from pages 4 and 5 of The Light, Issue 53, January 2025. The Light is a peopled-funded monthly newspaper of The Light Paper. It is available worldwide to read online and/or order printed copies. Its sister paper is The Irish Light which is distributed throughout Ireland and Northern Ireland but issues are also available to read online.
Big Tech’s Empire State: Silicon Valley Runs the World From Behind the Facade of Politics
By Jesse Smith
Throughout the ages, many self-serving individuals and groups have positioned themselves as rulers, financiers, benefactors, and thought leaders – to steer change towards preferred outcomes.
From the pharaohs of ancient Egypt to the Jacobin and Napoleon-led French Revolution in the late 18th century, societal transformation has been constant, as one form of government replaces another.
We have now arrived at yet another historical inflexion point. The desire for political and economic reconstruction is being demanded globally as the gap between the ultrawealthy and everyone else continues to accelerate.
In recent years, populism has taken flight by inspiring the masses to reject the rule of “the elite” and chart a new course. However, without scrutiny, this movement and its key figures could be just as dangerous as the establishment they are attempting to usurp. In fact, what we are witnessing is not populism in its truest sense but techno-populism, or technocracy, as it has been called since its inception in 1920.
Technocracy can be defined simply as an impersonal and scientific method of managing all aspects of a society. Its primary concerns deal with how energy is produced and used. But it goes much deeper than this.
One of the best explanations can be found in an issue of The Technocrat magazine from September 1937, where it states: “Technocracy is the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population of this continent. For the first time in human history it will be done as a scientific, technical, engineering problem. There will be no place for politics or politicians, finance or financiers, rackets or racketeers.”
The technocratic dream is revolutionary in scope, envisioning a total reorganisation of industry, government, and law and order. Technocrats readily admit their intent is to socially engineer all of society, seize control of the production and distribution of all goods and services, and rid the world of rule by politicians and traditional financial controllers.
The US Constitution is also viewed as a relic, completely unfit to serve as a basis of governance and human rights.
Edith Chamberlain, in the December 1964 edition of The Technocrat, wrote: “Another job which has been neglected far too long is the rebuilding of our governmental machinery, from the village level right up to Congress.
“It cannot be avoided much longer, simply because the country has outgrown the constitutional clothes which the Founding Fathers tailored for it nearly two centuries ago. They have become as anachronistic, and as impractical, as a Pilgrim’s costume on an astronaut.”
Technocrats make no pretence about maintaining a representative form of government. Its goal is to establish a scientific dictatorship to initiate and control all societal functions. Technocrats distanced themselves and were highly critical of fascists, communists, socialists and other political movements, but do not have a problem with their own totalitarian style of rule, termed a Technate.
A December 1964 issue of The Technocrat magazine further explained: “Technocracy holds that all decisions pertaining to the functional operation of the society – the production and distribution of goods and services, research, and governance – should be made by technical men and women.
“This does not mean that the technical people should leave their technical positions and go into politics, law, business promotion, public relations, and moral philosophy. Rather, it means that the scientists, technologists, engineers, and technicians shall continue to operate as such and that the decision-making of the society be moved into their functional realms.”
A monumental reshaping of governments, economies, and societies is occurring, but not by elected representatives, constitutions, creeds, or the will of the people. Power is now concentrated in the hands of an exclusive class of scientists, technologists, engineers, and technicians – many of whom also happen to head multi-billion dollar corporations.
Who Are the Technocrats?
Silicon Valley is the seat of modern technocracy. Big Tech is the euphemism for which it’s currently known. The World Economic Forum defines this dynamic as public-private partnerships (“PPP”).
Elon Musk, Peter Thiel and Marc Andreessen are some of today’s most prominent techno-populists. Many believe they are modern-day Justice League-type heroes leading the world to newfound freedom. All were major contributors to Donald Trump’s re-election campaign in 2024. Vice President-Elect J.D. Vance has deep connections to Thiel, indicating how close technocrats truly are to running the country.
Jeff Bezos, Tim Cook and Sam Altman are also among the many tech gurus aligning themselves with the newly elected Trump administration. These endorsements indicate that for now, technocrats are content with using politicians and the political system to quietly transform the government into a full-fledged Technate from the inside out and vice versa.
As explained by The Technocrat (December 1964): “It is the man who has command of the technical information who makes the real decisions in the functional phases of modern life.
“He is the only one who understands what needs to be done and how to do it. The politicians and financial manipulators who pretend that the right of decision is theirs are helpless without the technical men.”
Behind Curtain of “Democracy”
Something else technocrats correctly understood was the sham of voting and elections. Perhaps this is another reason why they stayed hidden in times past, realising the populace was not ready to accept this truth.
The Technocrat, Dec. 1964:
In the United States, it is generally assumed that the people vote for the kind of government they want, but that is not exactly true. Technically, they do not even vote directly for their president; they vote for electors who, in turn, are tacitly committed to vote for indicated candidates, the exact rules varying with the different states. Moreover, the public has little voice in choosing the candidates; it usually ends up with their having a choice between two men chosen by the respective political party machines. And they have less choice concerning the policies of the president. Once elected, the president is under no real obligation to heed the desires of the people and often acts contrary to his campaign promises.
Would Donald Trump have been re-elected without the help of the aforementioned technocrats? Now that he will resume the Presidency, will he be more beholden to the people or his big moneyed investors from Silicon Valley?
Why Is Technocracy Rising Now? The Promised ‘Golden Age’ Is A Front For 24/7 Surveillance
“If the human race on this continent is to survive the crash of the price system, technocracy will have to be put into practice.”—Technocracy in Plain Terms, Technocracy Inc., 1939
Technocracy has long been resisted by traditional powers and was originally conceived for only the North American continent.
Today, technocracy is rising from the ashes, like the phoenix legend, to become a force to be reckoned with. I believe this is largely because of the pending economic meltdown.
The debt-based, fiat currency system is at the end of its life cycle and the central bank establishment is looking for new ways to maintain control of the monetary system. They have joined ranks with the technocrats who were correct in predicting that the system would crash (though it has yet to take place, due to manipulation tactics keeping it at bay).
By adopting technocracy, the bankers not only retain control over the monetary system, they also cement their rule over all industries, natural resources, governments, institutions and people.
Hopefully, all the dots are starting to connect, enabling you to see where all of this is heading. Technocracy’s ascendance is a threat to all of humanity. Technocrats promise a utopian existence where abundance is the norm and work is optional, if not completely unnecessary.
The self-appointed leaders believe they know best how to manage the world’s resources and its people. To accomplish these lofty goals, the social structure will have to undergo drastic changes, which include redefining work and wages. The following excerpt from the Technocracy Study Course provides a detailed overview of what this entails.
If the production is to be non-oscillatory and maintained at a high level so as to provide a high standard of living, it follows that consumption must be kept equal to production, and that a system of distribution must be designed which will allow this. This system of distribution must do the following things:
1. Register on a continuous 24-hour basis the total net conversion of energy, which would determine (a) the availability of energy for continental plant construction and maintenance, and (b) the amount of physical wealth available in the form of consumable goods and services for consumption by the total population during the balanced load period.
2. By means of the registration of energy converted and consumed, make possible a balanced load.
3. Provide a continuous 24-hour inventory of all production and consumption.
4. Provide a specific registration of the type, kind, etc., of all goods and services, where produced, and where used.
5. Provide specific registration of the consumption of each individual, plus a record and description of the individual.
6. Allow the citizen the widest latitude of choice in consuming his individual share of continental physical wealth.
7. Distribute goods and services to every member of the population.
In short, the goal of technocracy is to micromanage everything you do, produce and consume through non-stop surveillance. This was not technically possible with the crude paper methods proposed by early technocrats. However, it is becoming achievable with the advent of digital technologies such as biometrics, Big Data, geospatial intelligence, digital currency, AI and 5G.
In a Technate, there will be no free-market economy where the average person could obtain wealth by starting a business or embarking upon a lucrative career path. Instead, technocrats promise each person a share of the overall wealth produced through the issue of Energy Certificates.
The Technocracy Study Course (p.230) states:
Under a technological administration of abundance, there is only one efficient method – employing a system of Energy Certificates…
These certificates are merely pieces of paper containing certain printed matter. They are issued individually to every adult of the entire population. The certificates issued to an individual may be thought of as possessing some of the properties both of bank cheque and of a traveller’s cheque.
They would resemble a bank cheque in that they carry no face denomination. They receive their denomination only when being spent. They resemble a traveller’s cheque in that they possess some means of ready identification, such as counter-signature, photograph, or some similar device, so as to establish easy identification by the person to whom issued, and at the same time remain absolutely useless in the hands of anyone else.
Today, Energy Certificates could take the form of Universal Basic/High Income payments issued in the form of central bank digital currency (“CBDC”) or some other form of digital currency. Corporate transactions could be conducted via carbon credits.
Regardless of the mechanism of financial transfer, the individual will be totally dependent on the Technate with everything one does requiring a digital ID.
The American dream of upward mobility, already heading towards extinction, will receive the knockout blow in a technocratic regime. Instead, compliance and energy usage will determine your level of prosperity. Property rights will also go out the window as the plan is to revolutionise housing into energy-efficient units with little variety and few manufacturers.
This could occur today through the combination of an economic crisis wiping out individual wealth and mass printing of 3D houses fit for the technocratic era.
As envisioned, technocracy is no better than communism, fascism or socialism. It’s just another power grab by individuals who believe they are smarter than the rest of us, with a promised utopia that will never materialise.
It is important for people everywhere to understand the implications of what is taking place and not be fooled by wolves in sheep’s clothing proclaiming a new golden age of humanity is imminent.
The question is, a golden age for who?
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