Monday, March 3, 2025

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Man Calls Out Conspiracy Theorist Co-Worker Who Claims Hitler Was ‘Painted as the Villain’

Man Calls Out Conspiracy Theorist Co-Worker Who Claims Hitler Was ‘Painted as the Villain’

A man on Reddit says he’s at his wits’ end with his conspiracy theorist co-worker who doesn’t even believe Hitler was a bad guy.

“I have this co-worker I have been working with for around two months now. We work in a call center. We often engage in random chats in the little breaks we take between calls. Often about anything, really: movies, science, politics, sports or anything you may casually speak to your co-worker about. But after only a few conversations I realized that my co-worker, let’s call him John, is really deep into many conspiracy theories,” he began.

“I’m talking flat earth, fake moon landing, Hitler was painted out to be the villain, 9/11 was an inside job, etc. And even though I basically disagree with him on all of these, I’m always willing to hear him out,” he added.

The man usually just nods his head, humoring John, but whenever he pushes back against the conspiracies, John rudely shuts him down.

“First, he’ll say I’m too young to have a good opinion on these things because I’m 23 (take into account John is only 33, but acts as if he has the wisdom of an 80-year-old Buddhist monk). Second, he’ll resort to saying I can’t have a good opinion on things, like the flat earth conspiracy, for example, because I got my degree in IT, therefore I am not qualified to speak on matters of physics or biology, an obvious logical fallacy he is making … Lastly, he’ll always assume his opinion is superior to mine as, in his own words, everything he talks about he has done at least three months’ worth of research on. He’ll often assume I know nothing of the topics we speak of, saying something along the lines of, ‘I know you haven’t done as much research on this as me.’ How he has this knowledge that he has always done more research than me, I still don’t know,” the man continued.

Recently, the man hit his breaking point with his co-worker.

“Today near the end of work he brings up the idea of LeBron James cheating on his wife and how ‘We know he has,’ to which I simply said, ‘No, we don’t know that, and you shouldn’t talk as if that’s some sort of fact,’ to which he retorted,’ Oh yeah, I forget you live in a fantasy world where you believe everything the mainstream media feeds you,’ to which I retorted, ‘Oh yeah, and I forgot you believe anything that you see online that goes against the grain.’ He got visibly upset and said that maybe we shouldn’t talk if that’s my perception of him after these past few months, then proceeded to not talk to me for the last 10 minutes of his shift,” he revealed.

“I’m hoping he doesn’t hold on to this and just speaks to me normally at work tomorrow, but if he is gonna give me the silent treatment and act like a child over a tame comment, I am certainly not gonna apologize for anything,” the man concluded.

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Readers in the comments section implored the man to stop talking to his co-worker, and to just ignore him.

“Stop engaging. Don’t call him out. What you are experiencing is banter this co-worker craves in order to elevate themselves above others. It will bother him more if you do not engage,” one person wrote.

“You’ve had to be his captive audience to his non-stop verbal diarrhea now for two months too many. If he’s going to put all of his [messed] up conspiracy theories out there, he should accept the consequences,” another shared.

“Let’s be clear, ‘Hitler got a bad rap’ isn’t a conspiracy theory, it’s Nazi propaganda,” someone else commented.

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This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from MSN can be found here.