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Making U.S. Elections Legitimate Again

By Lex Greene

February 4, 2025

Hard evidence that the 2020 Elections were “stolen” by the O’Biden regime is overwhelming and indisputable. But you first have to understand what is meant when we say the election was “stolen.”

Essentially, the term “stolen” is used to assert that the results of the election were manipulated to deliver a prescribed outcome, one which does not represent the true will of American voters. Someone with the power and access to do it, used certain techniques to make certain that a particular candidate or set of candidates would emerge from the process victors.

Anyone with an IQ above their shoe size knew from the start that Joe Biden was a terrible Presidential candidate in 2020, and that his running mate, Kamala Harris was even worse. Normally, a running mate is chosen based upon their ability to bring more votes to the ticket in the general election.

But in this case, Harris was the first democrat candidate to drop out of the democrat primaries with less than 1% voter support from her own party. She had absolutely nothing to offer the Biden ticket, other than the “identity politics” of being female and a “person of color.”

As for Joe, he had been a political village idiot for 40-years and an international family crime boss for just as long. Joe had nothing to offer the American people either, but both Joe and Kamala would make the perfect puppets for the puppet master, Barack Obama. It was a losing ticket from the start, especially running against incumbent President Donald J. Trump, who in the end, received over 11-million more votes for reelection than he received for his 1st term, an unprecedented 18% increase in voter support.

In stark contrast, Barack Obama was allegedly reelected for a second term in 2012, after losing 3.5M voters who voted for him in 2008. Trump gained over 11M votes for a second term, and somehow lost to Big Guy Biden campaigning in his basement?

Election procedures had to change to even have a chance…

2020 Changes to the Election Process

By then, the global left had tried to remove Trump from power via two failed impeachments and a number of fake lawsuits and lies about “Russian Collusion,” which actually belonged to Hillary Clinton and the DNC. Eliminating Trump was going to require much more…

What many of us knew in January of 2020 is now officially confirmed. The COVID19 “Wuhan Flu” originated in a Wuhan China bioweapons lab and was released and spread globally from the “gain of function” joint venture between the U.S. Department of Defense and Chinese Communist government in late 2019 as the USA approached a critical election cycle.

This event was used to facilitate an apparent need for changes in U.S. election procedures due to lockdowns, social distancing, masking and a false prediction by Dr. Fauci issued on April 1, 2020 (April Fools Day) that if all citizens didn’t lock themselves in their homes, 2-million would die from the Wuhan Flu within the next two weeks.

Suddenly, it was deemed “not safe” to allow in-person voting. New voting procedures had to be put into effect.

Those Changes

  • Unverifiable remote voting
  • Mail-in balloting sent from empty lots
  • Unsecure ballot dropboxes, sanctuary cities
  • No voter ID and non-citizen voting
  • Unverifiable ballot harvesting
  • Remote access to electronic voting systems
  • Foreign government election tabulation processes
  • Foreign software programming for electronic voting
  • Zero public oversight, election monitors locked out
  • Banned public election audits
  • The media drumbeat of “nothing to see here”
  • Character assassination of everyone asking any questions

When it was all over, Americans were told that Trump lost, despite receiving over 11-million more votes for his reelection in 2020, than his election in 2016. Biden won, allegedly receiving 81,283,501 votes of 155,507,476 total votes counted.

The math was impossible, but the alleged outcome was backed by the entire U.S. Fake News Media and every America-hating moron in the country. It was written into history, the two worst candidates in almost 250-years had upset the most popular President in U.S. history, all while campaigning from their homes while Trump drew millions to his rallies every week, all across the country.

Compare this 2020 math to the total number of votes counted in 2008 (129M), 2012 (126M), 2016 (129M) and then 2020, (155M). A sudden and unexplainable 20.2% leap in total ballot count for 2020, over any previous election cycle, at a time when we have fewer coming of voting age than at any time in our history.

Then note that 3.2M of that 2020 over-vote went missing just as fast in 2024, with a total vote count of only (152M). All of these missing votes that allegedly went to Biden in 2020, didn’t go for Harris in 2024. Additionally, Trump’s votes increased again from 74.2M in 2020 to 77.3M in 2024.

Looking Ahead

Evidence of fraudulent activities in past elections cannot be ignored, even though millions of politicians and voters don’t mind cheating, so long as they win. But this is not a legitimate manner in which any people can control the future of their country via elections and even decent honest citizen will agree.

Confidence in our elections is almost as low as confidence in Congress and the fake news media, in the single digits, with the exception of voters who don’t mind the cheating.

To fix anything so far off course, you will have to fix the foundations. Once you do that, everything else will come back into line.

Foundation of the Fix

It’s really very simple and nobody can honestly disagree… it is, always has been, and should always be illegal for non-citizens, dead people, and anyone other than a legal U.S. citizen otherwise eligible by law  to vote in our elections. But these laws have not been enforced for decades now, especially since 2008 with the new development of “sanctuary” states and cities.

If an election is “unverifiable,” then it is “uncertifiable.”

  • If we cannot verify that only legally eligible American citizens voted in the election, then the election isn’t legally certifiable.
  • If we see evidence that non-citizens or dead people are voting in our elections, then the results are neither verifiable or certifiable.
  • If there is evidence of someone filling out and casting ballots for others, the election is not certifiable.
  • If there is evidence of electronic voting machine access and manipulation, the election is not certifiable.
  • If there is evidence of foreign government or corporate involvement in our elections, the election is not certifiable.
  • If an election isn’t transparent, auditable and open to public scrutiny, the election isn’t certifiable.
  • If who voted in our elections, where they voted, how many times they voted, is not verifiable, then the election results are not certifiable.
  • If the chain of custody is broken in the voting process, the results are not certifiable.
  • If the results are not easily and publicly auditable, the results are not certifiable.

The foundational fix is to stop the certification on election results that are not verifiable.

For years now, it has been a practice in the USA to (blind rubber stamp) “certify” election results that cannot be “verified.” It should be a crime for any election official in the USA to ever “certify” an election they cannot or will refuse to “verify.” If election results cannot survive a transparent audit, those results should not ever be “certified” or accepted as official results by anyone.

2020 Mike Pence

Despite his blatant false claims, then Vice President Mike Pence did indeed possess both the power and the duty to stop the final certification of the 2020 Presidential election. We’ve now seen why he didn’t. Pence was willing to give up his own position as Vice President, just to help democrats take Trump down.

At that time, our laws and rules required the objection of only one member of Congress to stop the certification process and Mike Pence was President of the Senate as Vice President of the USA. He did indeed hold the power and the duty. Following the “stolen” 2020 election, democrats then changed congressional rules so that certification cannot be stopped by a single objection, for what should be obvious reasons.

Every state or city that is a “sanctuary” for illegal alien populations, is unable to verify that only legal American citizens are voting in their elections. This is exactly why they have refused any effort to audit or verify their election results prior to certification.

There’s a current movement under the new administration to “defund” sanctuary cities and states, and I support this. But this alone will not stop the cheating going on in their elections.

What Will Stop Them

The only way to stop the cheating in our elections is to make the penalty for doing it so heavy that the states and cities will voluntarily self-correct.

If every State that is a sanctuary for illegal activities is disqualified from all Federal Elections because their election results are “unverifiable,” the people in those states will force their public officials to make their elections verifiable in order to make them certifiable.

There’s no such thing as a “blue state” in the USA. There are only “blue cities,” and those cities are the population centers in those states, able to control the entire state from the voters in just those cities, almost all of them “sanctuaries” for illegal activities, including illegal elections.

The minute a state becomes a sanctuary for illegal activities, it has disqualified itself as a legitimate member of the union of States, standing in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Election laws.

To date, there has been no penalty for this behavior at all, and this behavior threatens the very future of our country, for all fifty states, and 300-million legal American Citizens.

The penalty has to be so appropriately severe that these cities and states will voluntarily stop this behavior in order to become a decent member state again. Until then, all other efforts will fall short of solving the problem, at best.

Fix the foundation, or we won’t be able to save the building sitting upon that foundation!

© 2025 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from News With Views can be found here.