Sunday, March 9, 2025

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BREAKING: Sixth Study Confirms Negative Efficacy of COVID-19 mRNA Injections

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The study titled, Effectiveness of the 2023-to-2024 XBB.1.5 COVID-19 Vaccines Over Long-Term Follow-up: A Target Trial Emulation, was published today in Annals of Internal Medicine:



Monovalent COVID-19 vaccines targeting the XBB.1.5 Omicron variant were introduced in September 2023. In the absence of randomized controlled trials demonstrating their efficacy, information on real-world vaccine effectiveness (VE) is needed.


To determine XBB.1.5 COVID-19 VE and the extent to which it declines over time.


Target trial emulation.


U.S. Veterans Health Administration.


Eligible XBB.1.5 vaccine recipients were matched 1:1 to unvaccinated persons in 7 sequential biweekly trials with enrollment from 2 October 2023 through 3 January 2024.


XBB.1.5 COVID-19 vaccination versus no XBB.1.5 vaccination.


Outcomes were ascertained through 10 May 2024 and included any positive result on a SARS-CoV-2 test from day 10 after the matched index date, subsequent hospitalization within 1 day before or 10 days after the positive result, or death within 30 days after the positive result. Vaccine effectiveness was estimated as 100 × (1 − risk ratio).


Participants (91.3% male; mean age, 69.9 years) included 587 137 pairs of vaccinated and matched unvaccinated persons. Over a mean follow-up of 176 days (range, 118 to 211 days), VE was −3.26% (95% CI, −6.78% to −0.22%) against documented SARS-CoV-2 infection, 16.64% (CI, 6.47% to 25.77%) against SARS-CoV-2–associated hospitalization, and 26.61% (CI, 5.53% to 42.32%) against SARS-CoV-2–associated death. When estimated at 60, 90, and 120 days, respectively, VE against documented infection (14.21%, 7.29%, and 3.15%), hospitalization (37.57%, 30.84%, and 25.25%), or death (54.24%, 44.33%, and 30.25%) showed substantial waning.


COVID-19 vaccines targeting the XBB.1.5 variant of Omicron were not effective in preventing infection and had relatively low VE against hospitalization and death, which declined rapidly over time.



Vaccine effectiveness (VE) against documented SARS-CoV-2 infection was -3.26% (95% CI, -6.78% to -0.22%), indicating a statistically significant higher infection rate in vaccinated individuals compared to the unvaccinated control group. The small reported benefit against COVID-19-associated hospitalization and death is likely due to healthy vaccinee bias, as those who get vaccinated tend to have lower baseline risks.

These findings corroborate FIVE other studies demonstrating negative efficacy:

Nakatani et al – Vaccinated individuals had an 85% increased odds of COVID-19 infection compared to unvaccinated individuals (Adjusted OR = 1.85 – 95% CI: 1.33–2.57).

Eythorsson et al – Among individuals vaccinated, the odds of reinfection are 42% higher for those who received 2 or more doses compared to those with 1 dose or less (95% CI: 1.13–1.78).

Chemaitelly et alThe effectiveness of Pfizer-BioNTech (BNT162b2) against symptomatic BA.1 and BA.2 Omicron infections dropped from 46.6% and 51.7% (1–3 months post-dose) to -17.8% and -12.1% (≥7 months). Similarly, Moderna (mRNA-1273) declined from 71.0% and 35.9% to -10.2% and -20.4% over the same period.

Shrestha et al (Cleveland Clinic) – The risk of COVID-19 increased with the number of vaccine doses received. Individuals with one prior dose had a 107% higher risk of COVID-19 (HR = 2.07, 95% CI: 1.70–2.52) compared to those with no prior doses. Those with more than three doses faced a 253% higher risk (HR = 3.53, 95% CI: 2.97–4.20).

Feldstein et al (CDC) – Children vaccinated with Pfizer-BioNTech without prior SARS-CoV-2 infection were 159% more likely to get infected (HR = 2.59, 95% CI: 1.27–5.28) and 257% more likely to develop symptomatic COVID-19 (HR = 3.57, 95% CI: 1.10–11.63) compared to unvaccinated children without prior infection.



It’s time for these infection-promoting genetic injections to be immediately removed from global markets: read this.


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Nicolas Hulscher, MPH, Epidemiologist and Foundation Administrator, McCullough Foundation

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

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This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from Global Research can be found here.