Regarding the Recent Whirlwind, An Inspired Call to the Conservative & the Conspiracy Theorist

(This article started as one focused on “USAID, COVID-19, and Ukraine Lie(S)”; the introduction got to be so long, and my inspiration for it so stirring, that I decided to isolate it unto itself. Look for a new USAID analysis on the above and perhaps even on Clinton and Haiti soon. That is, unless the whirlwind produces 17 other things to write on).
You may remember William Wallace in Braveheart saying, “Unite us! Unite the clans!”
Now is our chance.
My opening remarks on USAID yesterday was so unwieldy that it became twofold, and truthfully, wasn’t even an opening at all. The fact that Americans have been being robbed for decades and decades and decades is something every pedestrian “conspiracy theorist” has been saying for a long time, longer than I have.
A lot of people have done the work for a lot longer than three days, and they deserve respect. Perhaps even a litany of apologies they obviously will never get.
USAID, the Sovereign Wealth Fund, and the Emergence of Trump’s Pain
VIDEO: USAID, Ukraine, the Creation of COVID-19, and “Closed Propaganda Loops” (4:59)
Let’s Talk Ukraine and Billions of Dirty Bucks (JUNE 9, 2022)
My political work goes back to the 2020 quarantine. My attention on Ukraine and Russia’s close relationship to the COVID plandemic began in June 2022 with a series of articles for RVIVR, articles I have since transferred to this space. If you follow my work, you’ve seen it. If you haven’t, just know I have linked article after article after articles–in new articles–for a long time. Do a search for “Ukraine” or “Ukraine Biolabs” and you’ll find it.
I also put the spotlight on Russia and that Tucker Carlson-Vladimir Putin interview back in February 2024. I believe 4-5 articles worth. I was doing that for this exact moment in history. The Ukraine-Russia conflict was not what the media told us it was all along, and while I have my concerns about Russia, I was working to break the concrete of where our attention was so it could be free and open to other things, other truths.
I had a very good exchange with a conservative who didn’t like at all that I was seeming to defend Putin and Russia. He grew up during the Cold War era. The exchange we had was beautiful, honestly, a proof that the call I’m making today is absolutely–and necessarily perhaps–possible.
Why do I say all of that? Why do I work so hard (and spend so much time!) to show previous work? Maybe it is a vestige of the “showing your work” era of math class. Maybe it is a habit from writing so many essays in earning a Master’s and nearly two in English and History. Maybe it’s a habit from my classroom days and the importance of scaffolding in sound, patient instruction for students who largely didn’t want to be there.
Or maybe I just know that no matter how much a conspiracy explorer says something, some people just won’t believe it until the narrative hits the earth like a bomb as it has this week with USAID.
Just know there is a reason this is all being broadcast to us. This could have been done a long time ago at this public, mainstream level, because people have been trying to alert us to such robbery for a long time. So part of what I won’t unpack here is what I like to remind people of–there is a reason this is in the mainstream media right now, regardless of how they are covering it.
It’s not that this all of a sudden was uncovered by Elon Musk.
I know that may sting to hear, but try not to shoot the messenger. If humility is important for the conspiracy explorer, then certainly it must be important for the person just learning of news that isn’t news at all.
I have been giving a call to action for a long time, probably in earnest since my work on the Maui fires for RVIVR back in August 2023, a call for all conservatives and conspiracy explorers to just drop their weapons and join forces. Here are some snippets from one of those Maui articles; I invite you to be inspired.
I want to include a short passage from a 2022 article I will link last in the list. The article is, generally speaking, on 9/11, nothing to do with Maui, at least on the surface. But I include this for you to consider the distinct possibility that you could interchange the names and places of tragic events and the analysis might all stay the same:
I realize it is a lot to take in mentally, but really, think about it: Is it really that out of the question for everything we’ve been fed in the last 21 years since that pivotal day has been one well-orchestrated lie? Santa Claus says hi. Group-think is a powerful thing, and if Americans as one big test-group have come to believe that impeachments and Russian disinformation and Covid and Monkeypox and vaccines and climate change and FBI raids and and and and are all utter bullshit, why shouldn’t we at least open the conversation to the possibility that the 9/11 narrative we’ve been fed is also complete and utter bullshit?
Is the story Yahoo and the rest of the Mockingbird media already feeding us about Maui BS as well?
Rather than squabble about stupid things that divide people who actually agree overall, rather than divide ourselves while Mockingbird stays united, try to concentrate on the right things. The right things are what RVIVR fights for, what patriots fight for–the end of the corrupt American government and the execution of evil Deep State globalists trying to steal our lives and our children. If you start there and stay there, you can see why all of this stuff–even some of the things lower on the list perhaps–is food for revolutionary thought….
It is exactly their quick move to discredit, demean, and destroy a person that fuels the conspiracy theorist/coincidence noticer/truth teller/citizen journalist’s belief that they are on to something, and more, perhaps directly over the target. This is why I, you, and so many others don’t trust the mainstream media. So let’s get on the same page with the process of locating and delivering the truth.
Ignore the Mountain Dew cans if you must.
Ignore the Directed Energy Weapons from a drone if you must.
Ignore the chemtrail stories if you must.
I will present something to you as a very last thing that is going to make the Mountain Dew can as evidence look paltry–
Ignore that if you must too, because quite frankly, I don’t believe all of it either. But I don’t have to. And you don’t either.
What we all need to realize is that whoever is behind all of this diabolical, Earth-shifting activity, they want us isolated and confused, pointlessly squabbling over unknowable things like soda cans. They want us concentrating on meaningless possibilities so that the real truth is eliminated, and thus, never known.
It is time to live as Christ taught us, to love our fellow Americans more than we despise the prince of this world. It is time to block out the noise from wherever it is coming from and fall back on a simple truth: Evil is real and it is on the move all over the planet. But God is on our side if we place ourselves on his. Let us all remember this as we fight for America and for the people of Maui, and before we start a personal civil war with the person at work who swears those Chinese purple lasers in January are what caused this horrific tragedy.
Please think about this. Please pray on it. Please look at me as a brother in Christ just trying to do my part to help the world, to not bury my five or two talents but instead multiply them as Christ commanded we do. We have something to learn from each other. We have something to gain from each other. We have something to win for each other.
And that is a country built on the power of principle and God Almighty, regardless of who is pulling the strings in DC.
May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.
Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.