The CO2 Hoax, ChatGPT, and God. Disinformation Tools of the Technocracy

In the book CO2 Climate Hoax – How Bankers Hijacked the Real Environment Movement I provide evidences and testimonies from renowned international climate scientists that contradict the UN assertion that climate change is caused by CO2 emissions.
I also refer to the conclusion of over 1900 climate scientists and climate professionals at the Climate Intelligence Foundation that the climate changes naturally and slowly in its own cycle, and that CO2 emissions or methane from livestock, such as cows, are not the dominant factors in climate change. In this article I explore aspects of the control matrix related to ChatGPT; and the danger that misinformation poses to our consciousness.
Living in ChatGPT Illusion
A neighbor seeking the truth about climate change and what causes it, made the catastrophic mistake of seeking the answers to these life-defining questions from a non-living computer program known as ChatGPT. The questions are below in bold – the responses from ChatGPT follow. Here are the prompts and responses:
Question to ChatGPT: Are global average temperature increasing, and has this been scientifically proven, such that there is large-scale consensus on the evidence?
Answer from ChatGPT: Yes, global average temperatures have been increasing over the past century, and this has been scientifically proven through extensive research and data analysis. There is a large-scale consensus among scientists that the Earth’s climate is changing, and that human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, are the primary cause of this change.
Multiple lines of evidence, including surface temperature measurements, satellite data, and paleoclimate reconstructions, have all shown that the Earth’s average temperature has been increasing over the past century. Furthermore, there is a clear link between the rise in atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases and the observed warming.
This consensus is reflected in the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a global scientific body established by the United Nations to provide policymakers with scientific information about climate change. The IPCC has consistently stated that the evidence for human-induced climate change is clear and unequivocal.
While there are some scientists who dispute the extent or causes of global warming, the overwhelming majority of climate scientists agree that the Earth’s climate is changing and that human activities are the primary cause.
Question to ChatGPT: Has the causal relationship between carbon dioxide emissions and global average temperature increases been scientifically proven, such that there is large-scale consensus on the evidence?
Answer from ChatGPT: Yes, there is a large-scale consensus among scientists that there is a causal relationship between carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and global average temperature increases. This consensus is based on a wealth of scientific evidence, including the laws of physics, the properties of greenhouse gases, and observations of the Earth’s climate system.
CO2 is a potent greenhouse gas, meaning that it absorbs and emits radiation in the infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum, trapping heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has been increasing rapidly over the past century, primarily due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. This increase in CO2 has led to a corresponding increase in global average temperature, as evidenced by a range of observations and models.
The consensus view on this issue is reflected in the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which states that it is extremely likely (95-100% probability) that human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, have been the dominant cause of the observed warming of the Earth’s climate over the past century. This consensus is supported by numerous scientific organizations, including the US National Academy of Sciences, the American Geophysical Union, and the Royal Society of the United Kingdom.
While there are still some scientific debates about the details of the relationship between CO2 emissions and global temperature increases, the overwhelming majority of climate scientists agree that the evidence supports a causal link between these two variables.
Note that the ChatGPT responses are incorrect and misleading, and certainly do not refer to the fact that over 1900 scientists and climate professionals have signed a declaration refuting the UN IPPC. Recall the words of Dr Roger Pielke Jr, University of Colorado, who has conducted a detailed scientific review and analysis of the UN IPCC AR6 report, see Endnote [iii].
“the IPCCs’ Richard Moss warned that RCP 8.5 was not to be used as a reference for the other RCPs, but 5,800 scientific papers worldwide misuse it like that… The whole process is seriously flawed… Nothing close to the real world is represented by the IPCC scenarios. Climate science has a huge problem!!
Using on a machine or computer program for task completion is one thing, but, as the CO2 Hoax demonstrates relying on AI tools for ‘direction and guidance’ instead of tapping into your consciousness and intuition only serves to show how primitive and dangerous the technocratic path of development is. This is the dis-information reality of the mega-corporate control matrix that has been funded for the past century by the world banking cartel. A corporate cartel that bought out virtually the entire world media decades ago. See also the book Demonic Economics and the Tricks of the Bankers.
Disinformation Tools of the Technocracy
ChatGPT appears to be the latest disinformation tool of the technocracy. The technocracy tells living souls what is true or false, and what to think and believe. Be aware that off-loading our human curiosities to a digital ghost is not a good idea. If doing so, ask yourself are you using the technology or is the technology using you? The difference between a human brain ‘machine’ and a computer ‘machine’ is that the living human brain is experiencing a state of symbiosis with the living soul that is you. Programs known as AI, such as ChatGPT, are sophisticated, but dead, machinery tools designed to keep you enslaved to the control ideologies of the slave matrix.
Manmade machines cannot compare with the ‘organic machinery’ of the human brain, which was made by God, and has a level of complexity far beyond human understanding. The human brain was made by God not just for data learning, but for experiential learning involving consciousness and the soul itself. If millions of living souls are going to be asking ChatGPT for the answers to the pressing questions of our time they are going to be living very deluded lives. Real relationships can only take place between living souls.
The technology of the technocracy is merely a reflection of its programmers and funders and is merely a clever information repository – the problem is it is a repository of ‘control matrix’ information; as is Wikipedia, Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. All of which use censorship in the form of algorithms and ‘community guidelines’ to determine what “truth” you should be told and what information will not be presented to you. A certain amount of truth may hook you in, however, lies and illusion await you in the technocracy.
The answers provided by ChatGPT rest on information from sources such as Wikipedia. It is simply feeding out the information that was fed into it, regardless of whether the information is correct, incorrect, or fabricated. Paid schills say that ‘ChatGPT is smarter than you’. Well, that will only become true if you listen to ChatGPT as you will be in danger of being brainwashed or subsumed into a misdirected collective of consciousness and fabricated information. Misdirected from real material and spiritual knowledge – this amounts to spiritual pollution. Then your role as a living soul is in danger of being subverted and you become a living product of the lies you are being fed.
Machine Complexity Is Not Consciousness
Ancient scriptures, such as the ancient Vedas, which were written in Sanskrit the oldest language, tell us that all life on earth is infused with a spark of consciousness, and that consciousness is activated by the existence of a soul. What activates life is consciousness – not machine complexity or neural complexity. A computer AIs does not possess a soul, unless it has somehow bizarrely been possessed by a ghost or demon, and I presume that is not in the design specification!
So according to this position it is impossible for ChatGPT, or any other manmade machine, to experience consciousness, or care for others, or feel compassion. Digital life is a complete impossibility – it is an egotistical pipe dream delusion of atheistic technocrats – the dream itself is a denial of the existence of God and an expression of the mode of ignorance. Unless God deigns it to be otherwise, digital life is soulless.
Recognizing the Dysfunctional State of CONfusion
This fabricated matrix of mis-information tools and fake science twists reality in order to twist you. We are living amongst a shroud of lies so pervasive it has become the accepted norm by many people, but not all people. The matrix seeks blind obedience to a fabricated reality in an attempt to dis-empower you. However, we have free will and our choices define us, perhaps we have all been born into a test. Perhaps God is testing us.
Embroiled in this dominator matrix, many living souls have been in a dysfunctional state of CONfusion that has been intentionally promoted. CON meaning ‘against’, fuse meaning ‘together’. Yet, these false Gods of the matrix, and all their perceived influence, are but mere phantoms to our inner capacities when we are aligned with God. Responsibility literally means the ability to respond. It is the ability to live in truth and do what is correct for our material and spiritual wellbeing. Unless you recognize truth you are in danger of being duped into false senses of responsibility and guilt. For example, tragically millions of children, teenagers, and adults, feel guilty and responsible for ‘catastrophic climate change’. However, in reality they are not responsible, they have been tricked into believing they are.
More than ever the living soul needs to be aware of these mega-corporate information traps, and embrace the real knowledge our ancestors treasured for countless millennia. The book burning purges of the Roman Empire destroyed much ancient knowledge throughout Europe and beyond. For example, the Romans burned the great Library of Alexandria circa 48 BC, over a million ancient books of both material knowledge and spiritual knowledge were either destroyed or looted. It is only with material knowledge allied with true spiritual knowledge will the living soul progress beyond the bleak didactic of a material world view.
Transcending the Matrix
How can we bypass, or transcend, the matrix of material illusions created by the architects of the current corporate, banking, and information monopoly? If we are ingesting and deceptive information from the systems owned by these architects, then we are continually being misled. To increase real knowledge, we must ensure we are learning from the right trustworthy source, and also develop knowledge networks with like-minded people.
The imperative is to clean up this world and return it to the mode of truth and goodness. Of course, this always begins with our own self, and each of us has a conscience. Modern society has endless material challenges and many of us have been compelled to work like a hamster running on a wheel often without the time to explore the deeper questions of life and why we are here. The current systems of the debt-money financial system, globalization, usury, and bonded surety are some of mechanisms of this hamster wheel. ChatGPT is unlikely to give you the proper answers to such questions, it cannot even tell you the actual truth about climate change, or, indeed many other subjects.
Each Problem Is, at Its Root, a Problem of Consciousness
It is clear that what we read, view, and focus on, influences our thoughts, opinions and consciousness. Living in a pure and conscious manner is important to avoid harming or weakening one’s subtle material body. We can begin to cleanse and purify our thoughts and consciousness by changing, or correcting, the inputs.
We can make a start by turning off, or reducing, the inputs that manipulate and mislead us, for example, the constant exposure to corporate- and government-controlled news, media, TV, movies and social-media platforms, and the likes of ChatGPT. Then begin to choose and introduce inputs that uplift your mood, purify your thoughts, and enhance your wellbeing and spiritual awareness. It is entirely your choice what to choose, what not to choose, or if you choose to choose at all.
Each problem is, at its root, a problem of consciousness. People will only choose to ‘actually’ pollute the environment if their consciousness is polluted. The real remedy for the problems of the world is to purification of consciousness to that of goodness, purity, and God-consciousness.
“Easy-going optimism that science will solve all problems or that we can somehow achieve a social-political system so perfect that no one has to be good, is the most current form of cowardice” – E.F. Schumacher, Renowned Author
Unless the darker elements of the human psyche are cleansed then humanity will simply ‘rinse and repeat’ and manifest corruption in some other form. The greedy ones, psychopaths, sociopaths, and narcissists will still scramble for power, resources, and control. That is, unless these habits are eliminated or until a purified consciousness becomes the dominant aspect.
Thus, the fake science and deceptive agendas could be perceived as a challenge for us all. We can choose to either be a slave to the lies, or alternatively, to create and co-create an improved society based on integrity and truth.
This may all be a spiritual test where everyone has a role to play. Without the evil forces, there would be no battleground where the righteous ones can prove themselves. This material world allows the living entities that wish to do so, to live separately from God and to express greed, narcissism, lust etc., because they want to do so. Therefore, God, in His mercy, manifested this material world for us. It is like a children’s play creche. Some kids are building houses from Lego, some are bullying the other kids and smashing the Lego, some are playing games and sports, and the more contemplative souls are looking out the window wondering why they are there in the first place.
Those seeking power and control of all others, believe themselves to be the master and boss of the playground. However, this perceived power is all an illusion based on our wayward desires. The reality is that all of us must answer to God in the end.
Divine and Demoniac Consciousness
The ancient text, the Mahabharata, describes a battle in the heavenly realms between the divine and demonic (the Adityas and the Daityas). In the heavenly realms the demons were defeated by the divine souls, and being thrown out of the heavenly planets, the demons, therefore, came to earth in vast numbers. The ancient text, the Bhagavad Gita, describes that over 5000 years ago in the battle of Kurukshetra, the majority of the demons were eliminated by the good King Arjuna, with Sri Krishna, as his charioteer. However, since that great battle the remainder of the demons regrouped and ruled the earth. The history of western civilization is the history of their demonic activities, and all history prior to their advent about 5,000 years ago is now referred to as ‘pre-history’.
“… during (this period of) Kali-yuga the earth is given to the demonic for their purposes, and they have controlled the earth, or portions of it, since before the beginning of the age. At first (in past times) they did so by use of the sword… and today their control is nearly complete. It is a system from which no person is allowed to escape – the money system – ably backed up by the military’s men and guns…. However, the demonic can only be temporarily successful in their bid for total conquest and domination. When the disturbance is too great the Lord Himself steps in to deal with the situation.“ – Dhanesvara das, Author
The existence of evil is not in God’s will, but in God’s laws, i.e., because each individual soul has free will it is allowed, but not sanctioned. The only way to ensure victory is to conquer the demonic consciousness itself with the most powerful strategy – aligning yourself with God and truth. No amount of altering the material world can ultimately satisfy the individual or society, because our real problem is disconnection from God. The ancient scriptures of the world tell us there is only one thing that God desires from us, the perfection of free will – love of God. With a few words, Jesus Christ, 2,000 years ago, summarized the essence of love and free will in the first commandment:
’Love God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment…” – Matt. (22.37-40)
Perhaps the common essence of real religion is love of God; and doing one’s duty, even if that duty, for some, means to fight. I am reminded of the ancient battle narrative of ‘good versus evil’ in the Gita. Today the fight is not one of swords and armour, rather, knowledge is a sword, and the battleground is the human psyche.
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