The Plan to Destroy the U.S. Is in Motion. Richard C. Cook

The Conspiracy
Everyone knows the world is under siege by a deep-seated conspiracy run by the globalist financial elite. This has been spotlighted by the ongoing revelations of the billions of dollars spent by USAID over the past half-century on overthrowing governments via “color revolutions” and underwriting media publications like Politico and Reuters that are devoted to the conspiracy’s “End of History” narrative.
But those who have attempted to spotlight the world conspiracy have struggled to identify who the culprits actually are, since they try to keep a low profile, disguise themselves well, and pull the levers from behind the scenes.
Clearly it is a conspiracy which has sunk its talons into most of the earth’s nations, populations, and resources. It has a vast intelligence/enforcement apparatus that here in the U.S. we now call the Deep State.
This apparatus has spent decades commandeering the U.S. establishment via what we see is the military-intelligence-industrial-financial-academic-media complex. Now the Trump administration has begun to chip away at some of its most visible manifestations, not only USAID, but also including the FBI, the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the CIA.
The conspiracy began to take control of the U.S. with the creation of the National Security State—including founding of the CIA and NSA—by President Harry Truman right after World War II. When FDR died on April 12, 1945, he took with him his dream of world peace through a balance of power reflected in the make-up of the UN Security Council, consisting of the U.S., Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and China. But through Truman’s corrupt actions, it would now become the U.S. against the Soviets and anyone else who could be accused of leftist, communist, or even progressive tendencies. All would be labeled the “Cold War.”
The founding of the National Security State coincided with Truman’s recognition of the declared entity of Israel during its takeover and ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1947-1948. Israel, largely funded by the Rothschilds and U.S. donors and spearheaded by Jewish radicals from Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, would become the conspiracy’s island in the Middle East.[i]
Image: Picture of President Kennedy in the limousine in Dallas, Texas, on Main Street, minutes before the assassination. Also in the presidential limousine are Jackie Kennedy, Texas Governor John Connally, and his wife, Nellie. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
The conspiracy expanded its control of the U.S. until the election of President John F. Kennedy in 1960 and, after murdering him and plunging the nation into the Vietnam War, has remained ascendant ever since. The most visible agents of the conspiracy were figures like Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller. Both knew what they were doing. Compromised agents throughout the U.S. and Western establishments stood in line to do the conspiracy’s bidding. The faction known as the Neocons moved in with the Reagan administration and have never budged. Their monument to themselves was 9/11.
The conspiracy seemingly hit a bump in the road when an outsider, Donald Trump, was elected president in 2016 through a revolt of what election loser Hillary Clinton labeled the “deplorables.” The conspiracy was able to control the upstart Trump satisfactorily until the rigged election of 2020, when Joe Biden was placed in office as a passive tool of their warfare juggernaut. For how they attacked Trump via what I called the “Shadow Men,” see my book Our Country, Then and Now. See here.
Then, against all odds, Trump was re-elected in 2024 over the hapless Kamala Harris. This was after Biden had gloated that the U.S. was reaching its milestone of a majority non-white population which the Democrats assumed would keep them in power forever.
But Trump carried his own baggage of having been bailed out of past financial embarrassments by elitist banking interests and his subservience to Israel. Nevertheless, with Trump in office and, unlike during his first term, now surrounded by a phalanx of what are being characterized as patriots determined to restore the country to its true greatness and mission, the U.S. has begun a major campaign of reform. Leading the charge is Elon Musk.
Actually, it’s more than reform. As I have said elsewhere, Trump is riding a populist wave, and American Civil War II appears to be on. See here. This is after the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire, of which the U.S. was enticed into acting as its military arm for over a century, has suffered defeat in Ukraine and Gaza, marking the likely termination of global conquest. BRICS+ has also said “Nyet.”
While Trump has been taking steps that could lead to peace with Russia over Ukraine, the situation with Israel remains intractable. Here, Trump’s Zionist donors and the Israel Lobby remain the albatross around Trump’s neck.
Image: The Lord Rothschild in 1965 (Fair Use)
Where Trump is coming from with his fantasy of a U.S. takeover of Gaza and removal of the Palestinian population, no one can fathom. Will there soon be American “boots on the ground” fighting Hamas? And is it a coincidence that Royal Dutch Shell, whose biggest shareholder reportedly is Victor Rothschild, paid $52 million to British Gas in 2016 for rights to explore the Gaza offshore gas fields? See here.
The “Black Nobility”
But again, who really are the globalist financial elite? And what is their connection with Zionism? After years of pondering this question and examining the evidence through vast amounts of research, I have decided to use the name put forth by British researcher Frances Leader by calling them the “Black Nobility.”
Leader says the Black Nobility are headquartered in Europe and date to the Roman Empire. At one time, they ruled over the Venetian Empire whose institutions spread westward, especially to Amsterdam and Britain. Today it is most visible through groups like the Club of Rome, the WEF, Bilderberg, and institutions like the Rothschild banking empire in the City of London and the apex of globalist banking at the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland. The Black Nobility appear to control the European Union central bureaucracy, while important nodes are embedded in Wall Street and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, as well as the largest privately-owned banks around the world.
The principal M.O. of the Black Nobility is banking, bribery, and usury. A primary tactic is the creation of investment bubbles, then crashing them, in order to buy up assets for pennies on the dollar. Ownership of commodities like land, gold and other minerals, and, above all, oil and natural gas, is always a priority. Bankrupting borrowers gives special delight. Buying and blackmailing of politicians is a sideline, while in a pinch the banks extract bailouts from national governments. Manipulating the public through the media and advertising is just a game. Wars always bring great profits; so did the Covid pandemic.
The Goal of the Black Nobility May Now be to Destroy the U.S.
The Black Nobility now may be seeing the U.S. as having outlived its usefulness. It needed the U.S. to help wage its campaigns for the annihilation of Germany that began with World War I, continued along the same trajectory with World War II, and has culminated in our day with the West’s proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. The most significant event in this proxy war, other than the Maidan coup in the U.S. takeover of Ukraine in 2014, was President Joe Biden’s sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines that linked Germany to the cheap Russian gas it requires for its economic sustenance.
These wars have largely been run from the shadows by Great Britain, the founder of NATO. The purpose of NATO, the British declared, is to “keep America in, Germany down, and Russia out.” That purpose has not changed in three-quarters of a century.
The globalist media play a special role as they complain about “imperialists” like Trump, Putin, and Xi wanting to “divide the world” into “spheres of influence” (Bloomberg, 1/30/25), while political puppets like Biden, Trudeau, Starmer, Von der Leyen, Zelensky, Macron, etc., level sanctions, sponsor terrorists, tear down national borders, deal in drugs, activate bioweapons, feed the MIC with taxpayer money, commit genocide with pandemics, etc.[ii] Also see this.
Now, with NATO fracturing and the Ukrainian proxies having lost the war against Russia, the next assigned chore for America may be an attack on Iran or at least an enforced agreement that would prevent Iran from ever threatening Israel with nuclear weapons. Conflict between the U.S./Israel and Turkey also looms over the recent takeover in Syria by Turkey-backed jihadists.
Disclosure: Insurrection Has Begun
But while all this takes place, the Black Nobility, with the Democratic Party its chosen instrument, appears to be activating an anti-Trump resistance to foment an insurrection whose goal is the destruction of the U.S.
Based on authentic insider information, I can confirm that destruction of the U.S. is to be accomplished by an organized assault and takeover from the direction of Latin America, using the millions of illegal immigrants admitted by the Biden/Harris/Majorkas cabal as the initial shock troops.
Coinciding with this disclosure, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) calls for opponents of the Trump administration to “take to the streets,” as the New York Times trumpets in today’s headline: “Thousands Protest Trump Policies Across the U.S.” Isn’t it with “grassroots protests” that the Deep State’s “color revolutions” always begin, as did 2020’s BLM riots intended to boost the Democrats’ presidential prospects that election year? This too was a planned insurrection that gave us four years of national degradation and humiliation.
The Trump administration has begun to chip away at the immigrant horde, but the “resistance” is digging in, led by thousands of church groups and “NGOs” saturated with hatred of the U.S. An underground network is being funded by operatives within the U.S. as logistics support. See here. [iii]
Make no mistake: The U.S. and other colonialist powers have made themselves an easy target through their genocidal wars fought against much of the world’s population during the 20th-21st centuries. They have evoked a worldwide tsunami of hatred and disgust that must find either fulfillment or resolution. Part of their genocide has been the massive drug operations run by the CIA and other intelligence services to the tune of $500 billion a year that has destroyed millions of lives. But now the cabal senses its big opportunity to wipe out the deeply compromised but still sovereign U.S. nation once and for all.
Can the U.S. Evade Destruction?
The answer may be “Yes,” but only through an immense effort comparable to those required to overcome the two previous assaults by the global financial elite to subdue the nation—the first through the attack on America by the British Crown and Parliament leading to the American Revolution—and the second through the attempt to break up the country by fomenting the first American Civil War. Nevertheless, the conspiracy did gain control of the U.S. via the “Insurrection of 1913,” when the Federal Reserve Act was written by the Rothschilds and signed into law by a blackmailed President Woodrow Wilson. These events are also covered in Our Country, Then and Now.
All this is what is now at stake, obviously with much more to come. Among the largest battles that are looming is the fight for U.S. financial sovereignty which has been ruined by the global conspiracy to the tune of a $36+ trillion national debt. The debt exists due to fact that over the centuries the financial elite have foisted a system of public finance on the world whereby massive government debt is required to fund a nation’s circulating currency. The Trump administration has made a start in addressing the financial crisis by announcing plans to cut $2 trillion from the federal budget and setting up a sovereign wealth fund. But this is not enough, as long as the basic flaws in the system are not addressed.
It would be simpler and more effective to adopt a program of direct funding like the Civil War Greenbacks or the silver certificates President John F. Kennedy planned to introduce. Such a program is already on the books of Congress through the NEED Act introduced by Congressman Dennis Kucinich in 2011. Direct funding could also be used to issue citizen stipends as was done during the Covid pandemic. These stipends were wrongly blamed for the inflation of the recent past which has actually been due to corporate price gouging and asset speculation to float the stock market. For more on these themes, see here. Also here.
A New “North American Union” of Sovereign States
Let me only add that the same fate of annihilation awaits Canada, unless that nation also takes action. We have already seen the damage done to Canada by its own “woke” takeover. Certainly the U.S. shouldn’t try to conduct an assault on Canada, but it seems likely that a voluntary union of the U.S., Canada, and Greenland has a better chance of success than each acting alone.
Of course, the Black Nobility have their hooks deeply into Canada and Greenland via the British Crown and Denmark’s outdated colonialism. Their residents are all subjects either of King Charles III or Danish Queen Margrethe II. Thumbing their noses at the U.S.’s Monroe Doctrine, France and Germany have even spoken of sending troops to Greenland to enforce Denmark’s colonialist prerogatives.
Note too that a voluntary union of the U.S., Canada, Greenland, and possibly Mexico as a southern buffer, would also allow for transportation links with Russia to be built via the Bering Strait and the Arctic sea lanes. Such a North American Union, much different from the version imagined in the 1990s, and linked with a Russia that enjoys good economic relations with Germany, could be the foundation on which world peace might be built for centuries to come. Especially since all the nations involved in such an alliance have strong Christian roots. This combination could make peace with China, promote an authentic European Federation that includes Russia, reform the world’s monetary system, and defeat the Black Nobility for good.
Obviously, the U.S. must leave NATO, which is still a British concoction to maintain the global conspiracy’s power.
A “Republic of Virtue”
Such a new North American Union could finally help to realize the vision once brought to America with the Great Puritan Migration[iv]—that of a “Republic of Virtue.” Using today’s terms, this would include: a) a tremendous commitment to moral regeneration at all levels of private and public life; b) renunciation of all biowarfare, climate warfare, cyberwarfare, economic neo-colonialism, wars of aggression, and other militaristic chimeras; c) commitment to an economy based on responsible use of capital combined with honest labor; and d) genuine liberty of religion, speech, and press. Only such a redemptive program can guarantee that the U.S. has a future.
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This article was originally published on Three Sages.
Richard C. Cook is a retired U.S. federal analyst with extensive experience across various government agencies, including the U.S. Civil Service Commission, FDA, the Carter White House, NASA, and the U.S. Treasury. He is a graduate of the College of William and Mary. As a whistleblower at the time of the Challenger disaster, he exposed the flawed O-ring joints that destroyed the Space Shuttle, documenting his story in the book “Challenger Revealed.” After serving at Treasury, he became a vocal critic of the private finance-controlled monetary system, detailing his concerns in “We Hold These Truths: The Hope of Monetary Reform.” He served as an adviser to the American Monetary Institute and worked with Congressman Dennis Kucinich to advocate for replacing the Federal Reserve with a genuine national currency. See his new book, Our Country, Then and Now, Clarity Press, 2023. Also see his Three Sages Substack and his American Geopolitical Institute articles at
“Every human enterprise must serve life, must seek to enrich existence on earth, lest man become enslaved where he seeks to establish his dominion!” Bô Yin Râ (Joseph Anton Schneiderfranken, 1876-1943), translation by Posthumus Projects Amsterdam, 2014. Also download the Kober Press edition of The Book on the Living God here.
[i] I say this with apologies to those of my Jewish friends whose idealism may have stayed with Israel despite recent events.
[ii] “Covid was not a public health event, although it was presented as such to the world’s population. It was a global operation, coordinated through public-private intelligence and military alliances and invoking laws designed for CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear) weapons attacks.” (Sasha Latypova from Due Diligence and Art [email protected], “The Covid Dossier: A record of military and intelligence coordination of the global Covid event,” February 4, 2025.)
[iii] Even the Washington-Baltimore metro area, the nation’s capital, is infested with gangs engaged in drug, human trafficking, auto theft, money laundering, and gambling rackets, all tolerated by Democratic Party politicians. The amount of money involved is immense. This tragic situation is a clear example of what the global conspiracy has done to the U.S.
[iv] I mention the Great Puritan Migration because my own first American/European ancestors were part of it, settling in Braintree, MA, in the 1630s. I also have Native American ancestors from Canada. Other Americans have their own priceless heritage that has contributed to all that is best about our country. This heritage is now targeted for annihilation by the globalists.
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