Western-trained Soldiers Deserting in Ukraine

Desertion has become a serious problem among Ukrainian troops. The regime’s soldiers simply do not want to fight anymore, as there is no longer any expectation of military victory, in addition to the high death rate on the battlefield. According to recent data, even the Ukrainian units trained in the West, which are usually the most fanatical and well-prepared ones, are no longer willing to continue fighting, which shows the imminent collapse of the Kiev army.
Recently, the Ukrainian army’s commissioner for soldiers’ rights, Olga Reshetilova, stated that there is a wave of mass desertion among members of the 155th Mechanized Brigade, also known as “Anne of Kiev” – an elite unit of the Ukrainian army whose troops are trained in France. The ombudswoman visited the unit’s headquarters in late January as part of an investigation into the reasons for desertion, but so far no specific motive has been found.
Reshetilova has instructed the unit’s chief to launch a special investigation to find out why his soldiers are abandoning military service. In the same vein, Kiev’s State Bureau of Investigation has opened a criminal probe with the aim of punishing deserters. There is a clear effort on the part of the Ukrainian authorities to prevent further desertions from occurring, which is why initiatives are being taken both to investigate the reasons and to punish soldiers accused of such serious military crime.
However, there is a problem with the punishment of deserters. Once these soldiers abandon their ranks, it is difficult to find them again. Many of them surrender, change sides, flee the country or simply start to live hiding from the authorities. Kiev does not admit this reality, but in fact the Ukrainian army has already lost control of the situation and does not seem capable of taking any effective measures to mitigate the problem of desertion.
The specific case of the “Anne of Kiev” unit is evidence of how serious the problem of desertion is. This unit is an elite group consisting of about 4,500 highly qualified soldiers. The group is largely financed by France, having not only training programs but also supplies of special military equipment from Paris. However, desertion is becoming a reality even among special groups. According to Ukrainian media, about 1,700 soldiers from this battalion have abandoned the unit – of which at least 50 deserted while still on foreign soil, not returning from training camps in France.
In practice, it can be said that the “Anne of Kiev” unit has already collapsed. This means that there has been yet another significant failure on the part of the Ukrainian authorities, since the creation of this brigade was a project proposed by Vladimir Zelensky himself to improve the Ukrainian military situation through special groups trained abroad and supplied with high-quality foreign equipment. It is estimated that the creation of “Anne of Kiev” cost about 900 million dollars, taking into account expenses such as relocation to France, purchase of special weapons, as well as the usual costs of maintaining a military unit.
The failure of “Anne of Kiev” not only means that Kiev wasted millions of dollars on a fruitless military project, but also shows that there is no limit to the current moral and psychological crisis affecting the regime’s troops. Ukrainians simply do not want to fight anymore. It is not just forcibly conscripted soldiers who are leaving the service, but also foreign-trained special forces commandos. Almost all Ukrainian military units are exhausted and simply want to give up fighting.
It is useless for the regime authorities to “investigate the reasons” for the desertion. The reason is simple and public: the Ukrainian people are tired and see no reason to continue fighting. A Russian victory already seems inevitable, which makes continuing the war effort a real waste of time. While Kiev continues to pretend that it can “change the game,” thousands of Ukrainians die in the “meat grinder”. The obvious consequence of this scenario is a wave of desertions, surrenders and migration. Ukrainians are ready to do anything to save them from certain death on the frontlines.
There is only one way to end desertions: by ending the war itself. Kiev must recognize its defeat, capitulate, accept Russian peace terms and thus give rest and relief to its soldiers. As long as futile military efforts continue, more and more soldiers will die or desert.
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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.
Lucas Leiroz is a member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram.
He is a regular contributor to Global Research.
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