Funny how 200 million Americans are DIE-HARD VACCINE FANATICS, but canât answer any of these 30 QUESTIONS about their faith-based jabs

Funny how 200 million Americans are DIE-HARD VACCINE FANATICS, but can’t answer any of these 30 QUESTIONS about their faith-based jabs
- The article presents 30 questions aimed at challenging the perceived safety and efficacy of vaccines, particularly targeting those who strongly advocate for vaccination.
- It questions the ingredients of vaccines, including fetal tissue and adjuvants, and the presence of substances like aluminum, thimerosal, and glyphosate.
- The text highlights concerns about the potential side effects of vaccines, such as myocarditis, pericarditis, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and raises questions about the safety of multiple vaccines given at once.
- It also brings up controversial statements and implications by figures like Bill Gates regarding vaccination and population control, as well as comparing autism rates between vaccinated and unvaccinated groups.
So, vaccines save millions of lives, right? Well, we have 30 key questions for all the pro-jab fanatics of the Vaccine Cult of America. See if you can answer even just a handful of these vital questions about those faith-based injections you swear by, and viciously condemn everyone who doesn’t take them, wondering why natural health advocates would “put themselves and everyone else at risk?”
Before you begin the quiz, with the goal of being able to answer just 5 to 10 questions to prove you know anything at all about the experimental jabs the CDC highly recommends, consider the fact that nobody, not the patients, nurses or doctors, read the ingredients panel or warnings on the vaccine insert before administering the stabs. Now you may begin.
See how many of these 30 questions you know the answers to regarding vaccine contents and vaccine “safety”
- Can you name 5 vaccine ingredients?
- What is MRC-5?
- What is WI-38?
- Why is there a separate “vaccine court”?
- Why are strains of a deadly wild pig virus called circovirus inside the Rotavirus vaccine for children?
- How many vaccines have been added to the CDC childhood vaccine schedule since 1986?
- Why aren’t vaccine doses calculated differently for a tiny baby versus a grown man or woman who might weigh 20 times as much?
- About how much money has been paid out by the vaccine injury court?
- Which vaccines contain aborted fetal tissue?
- Do any vaccines contain dog, monkey or pig DNA?
- What is an adjuvant?
- What is the percentage change of the rate of autism from 1990 to today?
- Why is weed-killer glyphosate found in vaccines?
- Where would you find a single safety study proving it is safe to inject multiple vaccines at the same time, like the MMR?
- Do vaccines shed, meaning once you get a vaccine, can you spread the disease that was live, weakened, or “deadened” in that vaccine?
- What is SV40 and why has it been found in so many vaccines, including the sacred Polio jabs?
- What is an acceptable amount of aluminum that can be injected into a newborn baby?
- Aluminum helps deadly heavy metal toxins like mercury cross the blood-brain barrier, so why is it allowed in those vaccines that contain mercury, which is listed as “thimerosal” (which is 50 percent mercury)
- How many children and babies have died the same day they got a vaccine, while the medical “community” called it SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), but never blamed the vaccine?
- What does attenuated mean?
- Are there vaccine consent forms?
- Are there any bonuses or “incentives” for physicians who reach certain percentage tiers for having their patients vaccinated?
- Since the vaccine needle pierces through a vial stopper often made of latex, can certain allergic reactions be caused by that?
- Why are peanut oil residuals found in vaccines while millions of vaccinated humans suffer severe peanut allergies, but the medical community never questions it? Is that why so many people go into anaphylactic shock when they get injected?
- Why are coroners around the world finding strange rubbery vascular clots inside the arteries and veins of humans that have been injected with Covid mRNA spike protein shots?
- Why are hundreds of millions of previously perfectly healthy people, including children, teens, athletes, military members, and pilots around the globe suddenly suffering from myocarditis and pericarditis after receiving the Covid “vaccines?”
- What does mRNA stand for?
- After receiving the mRNA Covid-19 “vaccine,” when do your cells STOP producing millions of spike proteins that mimic toxic foreign virus particles, that send your immune system into a constant fight-or-flight frenzy that constantly taxes the immune system?
- Why did Bill Gates, who heavily promotes and funds vaccine research, say that if “we do a really great job with vaccines” … “we can reduce the world’s population by about 10 to 15 percent?”
- Why are the autism rates so low, virtually at zero, for people like the Amish who never let their children receive a single vaccine ever?
So, how did you score? Did you know 5 answers? 10? All of them? None? It’s hard to believe people push some so-called “medicine” like this so vehemently when they don’t even know anything about what’s inside it.
Did you know human baby abortion cells are found in vaccines? Did you know embalming fluid for the dead is found in many vaccines? Did you know millions of nanoparticles that can gather together to form clots are part of the “technology” of the mRNA jabs? No? Time for you to do some homework, huh?
Here’s one more bonus question for all the vaccine cult fanatics to consider before you go back to “business as usual.” Why are the vaccinated masses the sickest people on the planet, with the most health problems, who still catch the diseases they were vaccinated against, like Covid?
Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on experimental gene therapy injections that lead to turbo cancer, depopulation of the earth, and Long-Vax-Syndrome.
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