Thursday, March 27, 2025

Conspiracy Resource

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The COVID VACCINE INJURIES were planned so the DISABLED MASSES would become less self-sufficient and forced to rely on BIG GOVERNMENT

The COVID VACCINE INJURIES were planned so the DISABLED MASSES would become less self-sufficient and forced to rely on BIG GOVERNMENT

  • A significant spike in serious vaccine injuries is evident in U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data post-COVID-19 vaccine rollout, leading to a substantial increase in disability rates among Americans.
  • The COVID-19 vaccines are alleged to cause the formation of deadly blood clots, resulting in millions of Americans being unable to work, contributing to economic hardship and dependency on government assistance.
  • The conspiracy theory suggests that the vaccine rollout was a deliberate plan by the government and Big Pharma to disable Americans, reduce self-sufficiency, and increase reliance on government support, ultimately swaying votes and control over the populace.
  • The graph illustrates a sharp increase in disability rates in the U.S. labor force starting in 2021, which continued to rise until 2024, indicating long-lasting and widespread damage to the workforce.

Take one good look at the COVID-19 vaccine injury graph below and see the massive spike in serious injuries suffered by thousands and thousands of Americans who were so messed up from the clot shots they couldn’t go to work. That’s right, data taken straight from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reveal a vax-injury HORROR STORY that began right after the rollout of the gene-mutation Fauci Flu shots and keeps getting progressively worse by the year.

Every jabbed American has millions of toxic, virus-mimicking prions floating around in their vascular system, joining together to form deadly clots in their blood, vital organs, brain, uterus, and heart. This is preventing millions of people from going to work to earn money to put food on their table for their family and pay for the roof over their heads.

This is EXACTLY what the Democrat-Communist government, working in tandem with Big Pharma, wanted, planned, and succeeded at accomplishing with the Covid-19 clot shot fiasco. It wasn’t a virus pandemic we suffered, rather it was a dirty jab plandemic. A clot shot scamdemic.

The clot shot Plandemic was planned to disable millions of Americans so they  rely on Big Government the rest of their lives and vote for “Democrat” help

The emergence of the COVID mRNA death stabs marked the beginning of a massive increase of disability rates in the U.S. labor force. The more disabled the populace becomes, the less self-sufficient we become, and the less self-sufficient we are, the MORE we rely on Big Government handouts, welfare, loans, subsidies, housing, food stamps, medications, medical care, and the vicious cycle just spirals downward, to early death.

Big Government and Big Pharma wanted all Americans to be injured in this way. It was the main part of the PLANDEMIC, besides creating a hundred million falsified mail-in-ballots for the elections and ruining human reproductive capabilities.

Take a close look at the graph. The disabilities in the labor force fluctuate up and down, up and down, from 2010 to 2021, and then they begin skyrocketing upward, until people became so injured by the clot shots that most people stopped getting them, including the boosters, and finally the disability rates calmed a bit in 2024. Still, the devastation is obvious, and it’s not going away. Many of these folks are permanently disabled, physically, mentally, or both.

The COVID VACCINE INJURIES were planned so the DISABLED MASSES would become less self-sufficient and forced to rely on BIG GOVERNMENT

Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on new gain-of-function viruses the CDC and WHO release into the “wild.” The next Bill Gates Plandemic will be more of the same – fearmongering so everyone will get toxic dirty jabs, just like with Covid-19. Will it be Bird-Flu 2025, Zika 2.0, or Ebola Delta Variant? The silence is deafening. You know they’re planning something. It’s time to put Bill “Hell’s” Gates and Anthony “Mask-Boy” Fauci in prison for conspiracy to commit mass murder through vaccine genocide. The proof is in the pudding. The toxic pudding.

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This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here.