Tuesday, March 25, 2025

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Great Reset

The Globalists’ Agenda Today: War Trade, Clash of Nations, and Global Chaos

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“Oh, what a tangled web we weave with our own hands when we begin to lie.” ~ Sir Walter Scott 1771-1832 in his famous poem “Marmion”

This paper aims to illuminate the multiple circumstances that Western thought has produced before and after the two world wars, so that we can discover what happened, on the one hand, through what has been written and produced in the past, and on the other hand, through what is happening today and what will happen tomorrow, given that major events in human history do not fall from the sky, and the West does not evolve in a vacuum.

There are, however, legitimate questions that have been raised by wise men, thinkers, revolutionaries and rebels in the West, as well as by oppressed peoples and nations located outside the “Western central wall”:

What will happen when psychological disorder, mental disorders, and intellectual confusion resulting from the suppression and killing the “truth” are mixed with psychopathic tendencies and political whims, with the aim of promoting conflicts between civilizations, religions, races, and groups, through spreading “deception” and fraud, practices of non-politics, spreading “post-…” theses, and imposing the “only way” in politics, thought, culture… and in the universal view of the world, then calling it thought, and studying it in international universities as certain, and thus “sacred”?… What is this madness?

What absurdity will we soon experience when this unprecedented mixture in human history will turn into a search for a third way? Or several?

What new paths are on the horizon, if not the roar of planes, artillery shells, the destruction of cities, dismembered bodies and the smell of gunpowder! Total chaos!

What truth will we seek as long as the truth has been buried by the West since its so-called “renaissance” and its fabricated “humanism” in the 15th century? Its pseudo revolutions, its false Enlightenment and its destructive modernity, which exploits everything above and below the earth, and what is at the bottom of the oceans. And destroy the civilizations of the East, kill its inhabitants, distort its cultures, poison the minds of its elites and enslave its politicians (as Serge Latouche explained in depth in his precious book “The Westernization of the World”).

Our elite “geniuses” who are “pure” like angels, and “enlightened, humane and compassionate” like prophets and saints,  burns the world at each stage of its periodic transition, in order to invent new paradigms in response to its new agendas.

The disgusting repetition of the montages and productions of the “events of “Islamic terrorism” has been exposed, and only Western politicians and corrupt Arab regimes that normalize their relations with Israeli Zionism and Western Freemasonry benefit from it.

The promoters of the projects of the “pressure groups” called the “global deep state” respond to the interests of the oligarchy that controls the fate of the peoples behind the scenes, and whose price is paid by the innocent of the world. However, its blatant repetition deceives the ignorant, even though some European peoples have begun to “manage” their minds and question the beneficiaries, and some real intellectuals of the old left, and some honest nationalists and sovereignists – despite the stumbles of some of them – in the United States, Canada and European capitals, have begun to point the finger at the real culprits.

The “business of terrorism” and the old Western war projects since the 19th century, as well as the (Israeli-American) genocide from Henry Truman to Joe Biden, certainly only serve the extremist rabbis in Tel Aviv, the priests of the Talmud, the arms industries, the bankers, the war merchants, the lobbies of multinationals! The rest is just chatter, mockery and weekend poetry!

On the contrary, the matter is very serious. And it gives food for thought!

Because today, it is not just a desperate and anxious cry, like that emitted by great thinkers; and the creators of the early 2000s waves of “apocalypse”, or “rebellion”, “absurdity” and “anxiety” produced by the end of World War II and who were shocked by the end of the “ideal”, when they lived the horrors of wars, witnessed their horrors and witnessed the absurd reasons for their emergence, those of such stature as: Kafka, Ionesco, Beckett, Sartre, Camus, Foucault, Frantz Fanon, Buzzati, Martin Essling, Colin Wilson Fitzgerald, Faulkner, Hemingway, Colin Wilson, Orwell  and others!

I reiterate, so that it becomes clear to us, that today it is not a matter of a catastrophic statement of “reactionary”, “idealistic” or “religious” ideas obsessed with the story of the horrors of the “biblical apocalypse” or the “end of time” for Muslims; or the “horror” of the reversal of times, “human crises”, and the shocks and horrors of wars, as was the case in the pleasure of writing at the beginning of the last century, about the fall of civilization, accompanying the “crisis of man in the modern age”. Which produced the well-known philosophical, artistic and literary conflicts that have dominated Western thought since the nineteenth century, between dry “rationality” and “irrationality” that rejects the rigor of rationalists.

It is rather an abstraction of a bitter and tangible universal reality that humanity is living today, and suffers from its misfortunes at a time when the West claims to be “rational” to the core and “humanitarian” to the point of intoxication:

That “reason” has done its work, and human history has reached its end!

That democracy has been established, and political totalitarianism has disappeared forever!

That security, world peace and brotherhood among peoples have been established!

That “universal love”, prosperity, and global harmony are guaranteed for all peoples… as the French thinker Philippe Sollers – recently deceased – sarcastically said after the “Balzacian” slogans of Bush senior in order to justify the American destruction of Iraq in 1991!

Then, Sollers added in the distance:

“No, and a thousand times no!… because we have discovered that democracy is an illusion and a myth, that extremism of all kinds has spread, that witchcraft has become commonplace, that human rights are a lie, that peace is a heavy and disgusting joke… and that wars are at our doorstep, threatening humanity more than ever before…”

So what has our elites “created” for humanity, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the fall of the Berlin Wall on 9 November 1989?

In the new phase of Western construction, after the “Cold War”, where it was believed that the old (Kantian-Hegelian) theses about fraternity and international peace would flourish again with the victory of reason, Enlightenment and modernity, the West – after the dismantling of the Soviet Union – began to promote the belief that the “end of the Cold War” represented the historical moment in which the new course of human history could be controlled. And in this process; Fukuyama’s thesis of the “end of history” was an expression of the “triumphant phase” of the West – in its “progressive” form of “The Empire”.

Then, what did the elite think tanks of foreign policy makers in the White House suggest to us, when they published in Foreign Policy magazine theses to understand the new world, immediately after the end of the Cold War, which are catastrophic theses, exclusionary of human history, and hostile to everything that contradicts the “beliefs of the elites of the deep state in the West”, namely: The End of History by Francis Fukuyama, The Clash of Civilizations by Samuel Huntington, and the most dangerous of them is the “Theory of New Global Chaos”, with ideological roots inspired by the “Hebrew Bible” that inspired Professor Leonard Lewis, the master of Anglo-Saxon Orientalism, who was the framework for the “neo-conservative” and “extremist evangelical” groups in the governments of Bush Jr. from the Republican Party, and the creator of the disaster of the so-called “Arab Spring” that was literally implemented by Barack Hussein Obama from the Democratic Party?

For all these reasons and data: What is the new and happy world that the West wants for humanity after its latest invention of its “genocidal political geopolitics” in 2025 in Gaza and South Lebanon?

Dear friends and enemies, search your brains and your references; you will find only catastrophes, which have the appearance of nothingness, distortion, confusion, error and illusion. But they are disguised as “civilization”, “humanity”, “progress”, “democracy”, “human rights” and dressed-with elegance, in the high status of “supreme Western values”.

The great master thinker, “René Guenon” confirmed in his wonderful book “The Crisis of the Modern World”: “The West is the greatest anomaly in history”.


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This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from Global Research can be found here.