JFK advisor reveals US Navy secretly shot and retrieved ‘orb’ UFO during 1962 missile test
An ‘orb’ UFO was shot out the sky and retrieved by the US Navy during a 1962 missile test, a former top aide to four US presidents revealed.
Harald Malmgren was a senior advisor to John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Gerald Ford.
The retired government official said he was briefed by top CIA and Atomic Energy Commission officials on a videotaped missile test that took place during the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962, during which the shocking UFO incident occurred.
Malmgren’s daughter, economist Dr. Pippa Malmgren, herself a former Special Assistant to President George W. Bush, revealed the details of her father’s story on her blog last week, after the veteran presidential aide passed away on February 13 aged 89.
She said before his death, her father had recently decided to tell his full story ‘for the sake of history’.
Harald described a video of a missile test launch from October 25, 1962, in which a mysterious ‘white orb’ can be seen flying in circles around the rocket as it speeds through the air.
The missile was equipped with what Pippa described as ‘an X-ray machine in the nosecone’, designed to use radiation to disable an incoming enemy nuclear missile.
But the test missile’s intense X-ray burst appeared to disable the UFO too.

‘The X-rays knocked it out of the sky. The US Navy retrieved the orb out of the ocean,’ Pippa wrote in her March 18 blog post, recounting her father’s story.
And it wasn’t the first time an orb had been spotted chasing a US missile, according to Harald.
‘We called them ‘tagalongs,’ Harald said, according to the blog post. ‘We knocked a “tagalong” out of the sky.’
Pippa said her father was briefed on the incident because he was in charge of the budget for the missile testing program, as a top White House and Pentagon official.
‘Before my father recently passed away, he went on record explaining what he knew about all this because he felt it was important for the sake of history,’ she said.
Harald, who was active on social media site X even in his final months, alluded to the incident in a tweet last August.
’60+ years ago I was provided highest level classifications to lead DOD [Department of Defense] work on nuclear weapons and antimissile defense,’ he wrote.
‘Informally briefed on “otherworld technologies” by CIA’s Richard Bissell (who had been in charge of Skunkworks, Area 51, Los Alamos, etc.) but sworn to secrecy.

‘Bissell briefed me off the record after his resignation as CIA Deputy Director Special Ops.
‘He felt I needed a heads up in case the subject ever came up in my meetings with Presidents or others. I swore secrecy to him, not under any law.’
Pippa wrote on her blog that her father told her he was also briefed in 1963 by the then-regional chief of the Atomic Energy Commission, Lawrence Preston Gise.
Gise also happens to be the grandfather of Jeff Bezos, Billionaire founder of Amazon and space travel company Blue Origin.
It was at that meeting, Malmgren claimed, that he got his hands on a piece of the alleged ‘otherworldly’ craft – and had an out-of-this-world experience.
‘He flew out to Albuquerque to be briefed,’ Pippa wrote, adding Gise ‘apparently received materials from the crashed craft.’
‘He kept them on his desk, handed them to my Dad, and then asked him to describe how he felt. Dad said a voice began talking to him inside his head. That’s all Gise wanted to know.
‘Dad never recalled or would not say what that voice said. Apparently, he said, some people interact with the materials, and others don’t. This led to briefings at Los Alamos and an invitation from Richard Bissell.’

Harald told his daughter that then-President JFK and Vice President Johnson received their own raft of ‘highly classified briefings’ about the incident on December 7, 1962, at Strategic Air Command Headquarters in Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska, the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, Kirtland AFB, and Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque.
She claims it was this incident that spurred JFK’s historic de-escalation talks with Soviet Union leader Nikita Khrushchev.
‘The reason JFK reached out to Khrushchev and commenced arms limitation talks was because he was made aware by America’s top government scientists that UAPs [Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena] were appearing and even being brought down in Anti Ballistic Missile tests,’ Pippa wrote.
‘Specifically, JFK was briefed in three locations on December 7th 1962, including at Los Alamos, about a missile test called Operation BlueGill Triple Prime and became aware that this test brought a UAP down and confirmed that we are not alone in this universe.
‘My father confirmed to me and others that we learned something from the UFO crashes,’ the former White House adviser wrote.
‘He said we learned that these strange craft were susceptible to X-rays. That was another reason we were testing X-rays at high latitudes.’
The extraordinary story is partially backed up by government records, dug out by former Australian intelligence official-turned UFO researcher Geoff Cruickshank, and published last December on UFO news site Liberation Times.
Cruickshank noted a Cold War experimental warhead, the XW-50-X1, which was ‘built to emit high-energy X-rays, designed to disable missile re-entry vehicles by causing intense heat and internal damage,’ which fits Harald’s description.

Cruickshank also pointed to now-declassified videos showing an October 26, 1962 high-altitude test explosion of a nuclear bomb over the Pacific Ocean near Johnston Island.
An apparent object can be seen tumbling out of the nuclear fireball in the footage.
He wrote that a later version of the video was redacted by officials at Los Alamos lab with a white triangle obscuring the region where the falling object appeared.
Two weeks earlier, on September 19, 1962, another UFO was filmed traveling at 18 times the speed of sound following an Avco Mark 4 missile for 90 seconds as it descended through the sky after a launch from the Atlantic Missile Range off the coast of Cape Canaveral, Florida.
An index card with the video records it as a ‘UFO sighting’.
‘Shows missile in flight, then breaking up, camera holding on nose cone, with smaller object in flight above and behind nose cone on parallel path,’ the card says.
Following the October 1962 BlueGill test, Navy ships were sent to retrieve debris.
Cruickshank reported that deck logs preserved by the National Archives say some of this debris was ‘anomalous’.
Logs from two accompanying ships, the USS Engage and USS John S. McCain, recorded picking up an ‘experimental pod’, as well as a ‘black ball in [the] water’ and a ‘green tube’.
The logs said the tube had a radiation measurement of 60 mR (milli-Roentgen) from a distance of one foot, which is a safe but elevated level suggesting it had been near a nuclear event.
The crew of one ship, USNS Point Barrow, reported unusually high radiation exposure levels after the recovery mission, according to logs from other ships.
But Point Barrow’s own logs are mysteriously missing from the archives, Cruickshank wrote.