Wichita Kansas UFO 2019

What I don’t get is there’s not just one Make or model of UFO’s so that would mean many different races of ET are visiting
I’ve always wondered about that too. When I saw the Rogan/Lear vid, Joe did bring up a valid point. We have our many styles of cars and trucks… Maybe it’s the same concept. We can’t discount the possibility that spacefaring alien species wouldn’t have a touch of ‘fancy’ as well. They’re
intelligent. We’re intelligent and our video games depict space ships in all shapes a sizes.
Same with the millitary. We have different styles, shapes, sizes, types of craft we use for different purposes, from planes and their many kinds to
ships and their many kinds.
One thing I can say… Their craft, even though different types may exist, are always very simplistic. It doesn’t matter the shape or ‘fancy’ of
craft in space but in an atmosphere, it makes sense to be fairly simplistic. You don’t need wings when you move around by creating your own bubble of
anti-gravity around you.
All very facinating. It took Joe Rogan to pull Lear in to open my eyes a little wider. I totally believed Lear was so full of $#!^ but then I heard
the whole story and I’m flabbergasted. It actually made sense to me.
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One other thing I saw recently… Maybe ancient aliens? I don’t remember. There is a story about sky stones that really made me wonder. The story
goes that when these craft landed thousands of years ago, the villagers, the natives thought that the craft broke in through the sky because with the
craft fell blue stones. Maybe some type of deep space ship crust, like barnacles on ocean faring ships? Instead of something organic, perhaps just
sediment from flying through various gases or whatever. The “Sky Stones” look like regular rocks but they’re blue and very light. They took a
spectrometer sample and found that it was composed of mostly nitrogen. Something definitely not found on earth and doubtfully man made. When the
scientist was asked what he thought about it after doing the test, he just said simply, “Creepy”.
I’ve tried to find a credible youtube vid on it. The stones are a light blue (faded blue) and look like ordinary sky blue rocks. All of the ones I
see on youtube are some vibrant blue stones that look like plastic that are supposedly pure oxygen. It’s not at all what was depicted in the show I
saw. There was a guy collecting them and he had maybe 12 of them or fewer and they all looked the same in appearance, nothing like what’s on
This is the closest thing I could find:
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*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Above Top Secret can be found here ***