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Dianne Feinstein unveils bill to require covid vaccinations in order to fly domestically

Image: Dianne Feinstein unveils bill to require covid vaccinations in order to fly domestically

Decrepit California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat who has been in politics since 1969, has introduced a bill that would make it a requirement to be “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) in order to fly domestically.

The 88-year-old political dinosaur says that she believes Americans need to either get jabbed or show a “negative” Chinese Virus test result in order to board an airplane, especially with Thanksgiving, Hannukah and Christmas soon on the way.

“We know that air travel during the 2020 holiday season contributed to last winter’s devastating Covid-19 surge,” Feinstein declared without evidence in a canned statement on Twitter. “We simply cannot allow that to happen again.”

If Feinstein gets her way, the American airline industry will take a massive hit since Americans have made it overwhelmingly clear that they do not want to have to get medically raped in order to travel.

“It only makes sense that we also ensure the millions of airline passengers that crisscross our country aren’t contributing to further transmission, especially as young children remain ineligible to be vaccinated,” Feinstein went on to state, pretending to care about children.

While highly unpopular among constituents, Feinstein’s proposed bill has received the full support of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and the American Public Health Association, the senator bragged publicly.

“Vaccination is a critical strategy to end the COVID-19 pandemic, and vaccination requirements in multiple settings are an important mechanism to boost vaccination rates, prevent infections and hospitalizations and save lives,” announced Dr. Barbara D. Alexander, president of IDSA.

“The Infectious Diseases Society of America supports Senator Feinstein’s legislation to require vaccination for domestic air travel as part of our nation’s broader COVID-19 vaccination strategy.”

United Airlines, the worst Fauci Flu shot offender, fires nearly 600 employees for refusing lethal injections

None of the major airlines appear to be on board with Feinstein’s agenda, it is important to note – the only exception, as of now, being United.

According to reports, United, which has gone full-fledged Branch Covidian, is in the process of firing some 600 employees who have refused to take one of the Trump Vaccines offered under “Operation Warp Speed.”

United is the world’s third-largest carrier, which makes the move significant. However, none of its competitors, as far we can tell, are taking similar measures. They have instead chosen to respect medical choice.

United, as you may recall, announced back in the spring that it will now be hiring new pilots based on skin color and genitalia rather than on their ability to fly an airplane.

In order to be more “diverse,” United has decided that at least 50 percent of the 5,000 new pilots it plans to bring on board over the next decade must either have female private parts or be a “person of color.”

The company really wants to go out of business, in other words, or at least risk having more accidents due to all these new unqualified pilots. Apparently they think virtual signaling is a viable form of public relations.

“An 88-year-old senator should not be making decisions for anyone,” wrote one commenter at Breitbart News about Feinstein’s proposal. “We shouldn’t even have an 88-year-old senator.”

“We sure as hell shouldn’t have a senile 78-year-old ‘president,’ either,” responded another, referring to Joe Biden.

“‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’” wrote another, referencing the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. “And make no mistake: All of the BS generated by covid and the jab is a religion.”

The latest news about Chinese Virus “vaccine” fascism can be found at

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*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here ***