January 7, 2022

For the last two years, we have witnessed a war on truth.  From the censorship of key medical experts to the widespread dissemination of false information concerning the efficacy of lockdowns, masking, and vaccines, societal distrust is at an all-time high.

In this post-truth age, many have fled to the highways and byways of the internet in their search for the facts.  In this pursuit, some have found legitimate information from experts, while others have been inundated with weird and wonderful ideas from questionable sources.

For this reason, I want to suggest several books that I believe stretch our minds, challenge our presuppositions, and lead us to a perspective on COVID-19 that is concordant with reality.

1. COVID: Why Most of What You Know is Wrong

by Sebastian Rushworth, M.D.

In 2020, Swedish medical doctor Sebastian Rushworth took it upon himself to bring the voice of reason to bear on the misinformation, misconceptions, and misdirected advice of many governments and health professionals.

In this short and accessible book, Dr. Rushworth gives answers to the key questions many want answers to, including (but not limited to):

  • How effective are lockdowns at reducing transmission of COVID-19?
  • Is COVID-19 a life-threatening virus for most people?
  • What are the adverse effects of the available jabs?
  • Which COVID-19 jab is most effective?