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Why did Collins and Fauci try so hard to quash the lab leak theory and hide coronavirus gain-of-function research they approved?

Image: Why did Collins and Fauci try so hard to quash the lab leak theory and hide coronavirus gain-of-function research they approved?

Even though Dr. Anthony Fauci denies involvement in gain-of-function research, newly uncovered email correspondence between Dr. Francis Collins and Dr. Anthony Fauci reveal government malfeasance and a laboratory leak coverup. These two were the leading public health officials in the United States at the time the WHO declared a global pandemic; these two officials directed the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), respectively. In January of 2020, Fauci was warned about genetically engineered coronaviruses coming from the Wuhan lab, and he was one of the men who originally helped EcoHealth Alliance subvert the moratorium on gain-of-function coronavirus research in China. This information was kept hidden, but is now revealed in email correspondence.

Fauci and Collins were warned about lab leak of a genetically manipulated virus, but suppressed the information

After reviewing Fauci’s emails, James Comer, a ranking member of the Committee on Oversight and Reform, and Jim Jordan, a ranking member of the Committee on the Judiciary, sent a serious inquiry to Xavier Becerra, secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The two men asked for a transcribed interview with Anthony Fauci to find out if the information Fauci received about the lab leak was also conveyed to the rest of the government, and whether this information would have changed the U.S. response if it was properly relayed in a transparent manner.

The emails reveal that Fauci absolutely knew about coronavirus gain-of-function virology research taking place in China through a grant awarded to EcoHealth Alliance in New York. Not only did he know and approve grants for this kind of research, but also, he was warned about a potential laboratory leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the possibility that the escaping virus was genetically manipulated to exploit human immune systems.


As the emails reveal, Drs. Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci spent tremendous effort to debunk the lab leak theory for SARS-CoV-2. From the very beginning, the two officials oversaw the proofreading of a Nature Medicine article that was published with the sole intent to debunk the lab leak theory. The article was titled, “The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2” and it came out four days after Fauci got on a conference call to discuss the origins of the virus. From the early days of the WHO declaring a “global pandemic,” both of the doctors were adamant about one thing: making sure that the public did not discuss the lab origin of a new coronavirus. Their adamant bias and persistent coordination are revealed in private email communications during the early months of the covid-19 scandal. Collins and Fauci sought a “published takedown” of scientists from Harvard, Oxford and Stanford and labeled them “fringe.”

Fauci and Collins coordinate lab leak coverup, knew about EcoHealth’s coronavirus gain-of-function experiments

On September 30, 2019, EcoHealth Alliance was required to submit an annual progress report to NIAID, but failed to do so. Dr. Fauci knew that EcoHealth Alliance was not in compliance with the terms of the grant they funded and approved; Fauci and the NIAID were well aware that this grant had serious implications for gain-of-function coronavirus research. It’s now clear: EcoHealth was hiding gain-of-function experiments for novel bat coronaviruses on the eve of the first recorded outbreaks in Wuhan, China. Dr. Fauci was not forthcoming about the experiments, the grants, the research, the funding, the subversion of the moratorium, and the likelihood of the lab leak. He used his position in government to “take down” anyone who questioned him.

In the emails, Dr. Fauci knew that his agency was working with Peter Daszak and the EcoHealth Alliance to craft a grant policy that subverted the moratorium on gain-of-function coronavirus research. This new policy, designed by EcoHealth and agreed to by Fauci’s NIAID, openly permitted EcoHealth to conduct dangerous experiments on novel bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, circumventing any oversight. Why were Collins and Fauci so dead-set on using propaganda to squelch any conversation or investigation into the origins of covid-19? It’s more obvious than ever that these public health officials are directly implicated in the origins of covid-19 and all subsequent experiments with the engineered spike protein, as well as the results thereof.

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*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here ***