January 29, 2022

The media like to say that “COVID has struck minorities harder than other races” or, as the Washington Post has it, COVID “ravages” minorities rather than other races.  This is a loaded and utterly dishonest statement, and one with racist undertones to boot.

First of all, COVID is not an agent that decides to “ravage” one race rather than another.  Actually, COVID does not “ravage” anyone.  One contracts COVID, as one would any other disease, and one does so in a number of ways and situations.

Second, there’s that word “minorities.”  By this the media do not mean minorities in the sense of those who constitute a minority of the population, as do all races, depending upon how and where they are counted.  What they mean are blacks and Hispanics, but primarily blacks.  And among blacks, they do not mean IBM executives or sports billionaires — they mean poor blacks.  The media goes out of its way to find individuals of partially African descent who are unsuccessful, and it then claims they are the victims of “systemic racism.”

In truth, they are no more “victims” than is any one of us.  Every person alive has faced challenges.  Some have faced them and surmounted them; others have not.  Some find a convenient excuse for failure in their race or sex.

Third, there is that phrase “other races.”  That vague specification really means whites — and Asians, if we want to add that, but mainly whites.  And again, not all whites.  It means “privileged” whites, which is again a lie, and racist as well.  If one inherits a great deal of money, one may be “privileged,” I suppose, though not in the sense most people imagine.  The rich have their own problems, sometimes more challenging than those of persons of average means.  It is said that Donald Trump was given millions in loans from his father and uncle (somewhere between one million and sixty million, the latter figure coming from the New York Times), but he worked tirelessly to increase that amount to billions, and he then labored as president to make his country stronger and more prosperous.  In terms of what he has accomplished, he was not privileged at all.

Most white Americans who have been attacked with that word “privilege” are not privileged, either.  They were not born with any great material advantage over blacks or Hispanics.  As they grew up, they applied themselves; graduated from high school and, in most cases, from college or other post–high school training; found a job, and worked their way up.  They have become financially secure due to hard work and self-discipline, qualities than some members of “minorities” (and non-minorities) possess and some do not.

But COVID does not “decide” to “strike” minorities, regardless of whether they have applied themselves or not.  Individuals contract diseases, sometimes even if they have been extremely careful.  Not so long ago, it was said that God chose to rain down illness on those who sinned.  That statement is both inaccurate and uncharitable.  The idea that COVID has chosen to strike minorities rather than whites is even more ridiculous.