March 2, 2022

Writing in the Atlantic recently, #NeverTrumper David French urged a de-escalation of partisan rhetoric over the Ukraine crisis. “It’s important for Americans to understand where the blame lies — with Putin, not with Democrats or Republicans,” he wrote, adding that this war “is not President Joe Biden’s fault or former President Donald Trump’s fault.”

These are noble sentiments indeed and ones that the Left and mainstream media will happily follow since it spares them from the distasteful task of having to explain why Putin chose to invade on President Biden’s watch and not during Trump’s tenure.

For all the talk of Donald Trump being the stooge of Putin, it is precisely the policies championed by the Left — stringent lockdowns and green energy — that have created a significantly more favorable macroeconomic picture for Putin in 2022 than existed in 2017-2020.

In response to COVID, the government imposed lockdowns, a policy that did little to stop the pandemic but that threw millions out of work and destroyed countless businesses. To counteract the effects of the lockdowns, the government then unleashed a tsunami of monetary and fiscal stimulus.

On the monetary side, the Federal Reserve lowered interest rates and printed money on a massive scale. According to economists Steven Hanke and Nicholas Hanlon, the money supply as measured by M2, which is the Fed’s broadest measure of money in the economy, has been growing at record rates — with 39.9% cumulative growth since February 2020. They reported that M2 is still growing at an elevated, inflationary rate of 12.6% a year. This is the highest rate of monetary growth since the early 1980s.

On the fiscal side, things are equally dismal. Since the beginning of COVID, the federal government has spent 27% of America’s roughly $21 trillion GDP on stimulus, more than any other large economy in the world. While the spending spree started in March 2020 when COVID was a legitimate emergency, it continued into 2021, with the enactment of The American Rescue Plan (ARP), passed by the Democrats in Congress and signed by President Biden. The bill was initially promoted as a means of financing vaccines and treatment, but only 1% of its costs went toward vaccines and only 5% had any relation to health care. Instead, it was the worst spending bill in decades, a grab-bag of giveaways and unneeded “economic stimulus.”

In sum, as we ordered our people to stop working and stop producing goods and services, the government gave them additional money. This produced the classic inflationary scenario: more money chasing fewer goods. The result is evident for all to see. Inflation is running at levels not seen in at least four decades. For a resource-rich country like Russia, this commodity inflation is obviously a windfall.