(NEW YORK) — A self-proclaimed white supremacist shot 13 people—10 of them fatally, and almost all of them Black—in a supermarket in a largely Black neighborhood of Buffalo, New York on Saturday, a crime which local authorities have said they will prosecute as a hate crime targeting the Black community. A manifesto posted online and believed to belong to the shooter referenced white supremacist ideology including “replacement theory,” blamed Jews for promoting critical race theory, and declared his intent to kill as many Black people as possible. In response to this devastating attack, PEN America released the following statement. 

“PEN America mourns the horrific loss of life in Buffalo, New York on Saturday and condemns this hateful, racist act of terror against the Black community.  This devastating shooting makes painfully clear the dangers of false conspiracy theories and disinformation that drive hate and stoke bigotry. While white nationalist and anti-Black violence in the U.S. is not new, the willingness of certain political leaders and media figures with vast platforms to spew racist untruths and reinforce hateful, false theories that can then be amplified across social media platforms is a uniquely dangerous brew. We condemn this act of violence and hate, offer our condolences and solidarity to the families and loved ones of those killed, and reaffirm the commitment in our Charter, which binds PEN Members to ‘do their utmost to dispel all hatreds.’”