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2020 Election

Ross: Let Donald Trump describe a ginger mint as evidence of election fraud under oath

Ruby Freeman and her daughter Shaye were among the workers counting votes on election night 2020. And we would never have heard about them except for Rudy Giuliani, who took a snippet of the security tape of election workers that night, and circulated it.

“A tape earlier in the day of Ruby Freeman, Shaye Freeman, and one other gentleman, quite obviously surreptitiously passing around USB ports as if they were vials of heroin or cocaine. They engaged in surreptitious, illegal activity again that day,” Giuliani said.

So, at yesterday’s hearing, Representative Adam Schiff asked Shaye what it was:

“In one of the videos we just watched, Mr. Giuliani accused you and your mother of passing some sort of USB drive to each other. What was your mom actually handing you on that video?” Schiff asked.

“A ginger mint,” Shaye replied.

A Ginger Mint. Note, she did not say a hollowed-out Ginger Mint – containing a USB drive, or a roll of microfilm, or the key to a secret safe deposit box – it was a real Ginger Mint. The kind you suck on.

Of course, Donald Trump believed it was a USB drive and that it contained thousands of votes.

“18,000. That’s on tape. We had them counted, having to do with the Ruby Freeman. She’s a vote scammer a professional vote scammer and
hustler,” Trump said.

…and he also knew exactly WHO Ruby Freeman was.

And suddenly all his worshipers knew too.

And then the death threats came. Shaye’s grandmother was even confronted at her door by fake self-appointed election cops who said they were making a citizen’s arrest.

But Ruby isn’t a vote hustler, nor is Shaye, nor is her grandmother. They are not crisis actors or lizard people; they’re private citizens, who were beaten up by a guy who broke his oath as President of the United States.

But he’s not the only culprit. So is the army of gullibles who posted, re-tweeted, and thumbs-upped all this stuff – not caring whether it was true or not.

I think it’s really tacky to gang up on election worker just doing their jobs. But it’s also sabotage. Shaye was asked during the hearing how many of the election workers on duty that night still work for the elections office:

“There is no permanent election worker or supervisor in that video that’s still in there,” Shaye said.

They all left. All these conspiracy theories about voting machines changing votes and smuggled ballots! The real problem here is election workers fearing for their lives depending on how the vote comes out.

Right here! In the land of the free!

I can’t wait for Donald Trump to get his equal time.

I hope he gets the chance to tell his story the exact same way these witnesses are telling theirs. In public. Answering questions. Under oath.

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This article has been archived for your research. The original version from MyNorthwest can be found here.