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Walensky denies responsibility for CDC’s failed covid mandates for schools, says she wasn’t there “when schools were closed”

Image: Walensky denies responsibility for CDC’s failed covid mandates for schools, says she wasn’t there “when schools were closed”

According to U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky, Americans should not blame her for the actions of her agency during the time of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic when schools were closed because she was “not in the CDC when schools were closed.”

Responding to a question from NPR “Morning Edition” host Steve Inskeep, Walensky denied any wrongdoing on her part, claiming that she was always a believer that schools should remain open and be “the last place to close.”

“I know you want to look forward here, I would imagine, but of course, you also have to look back, and that’s what the review was. And I want to ask about one specific part of the response,” Inskeep said to Walensky in the leadup to his question, after which he played a clip of Anya Kamenetz criticizing the CDC for closing down schools.

“Dr. Walensky, do you accept that that was one of the CDC’s failures?” Inskeep then asked.

In response, Walensky blabbed about how she was not at the CDC when schoolchildren were being forced to stay home and “Zoom” their education online, adding the false claim that there were “high rates of fatalities among children” at the time.

“And so, keeping the schools closed – or closing them originally was really intended to buy a little time to learn about how this respiratory virus was going to spread,” Walensky added, speaking out of both sides of her mouth concerning the issue. (Related: Rochelle Walensky’s husband Loren D. Walensky took “grant” (bribe) money from Big Pharma to develop and push new pharmaceutical drugs.)


When will Rochelle Walensky face justice for her crimes against humanity?

Walensky just keeps digging her hole deeper and deeper. She is apparently unaware of the fact that the internet is full of her former quotes and positions that, contrary to what she is claiming now, fully supported medical tyranny.

Back in January of this year, for example, Walensky was aggressively defending Fauci Flu shots as accusations were being made that the jabs were killing people.

Walensky blamed “comorbidities” for all the “fully vaccinated” deaths that were pouring into the government-run Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

The fall prior to that, Walensky told the public that her agency was working on changing the definition of the word “fully vaccinated” to include so-called “booster” shots, which are now being pushed on the very same schoolchildren that she claims she never wanted to harm with oppressive restrictions.

When asked for evidence to back the booster shots she was pushing, Walensky directed people to “hope” rather than science, fully admitting that Chinese Virus injections are a faith-based intervention based on the religious cult belief that covid germs are somehow eradicated with these mystery injections.

Walensky has also taken aim at police officers, threatening them with loss of employment and the possibility of having to be sent to reeducation camps for refusing injection.

“She directly caused all this,” wrote a commenter at Breitbart News about Walensky’s constant lying.

“It’s akin to Hitler saying, ‘I wasn’t responsible for the holocaust, I only engineered it.’”

Even though she wasn’t at the helm from the very beginning of the plandemic, added another, she picked up the script from her predecessor and kept it going with a few special touches of her own.

“Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining,” wrote another about Walensky’s embarrassingly unbelievable deception.

“I just kept the schools closed and made it harder for them to reopen,” added another, jokingly referring to what Walensky actually did, despite her lies.

The latest news about Rochelle Walensky can be found at

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This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here.