February 12, 2023

When someone has had success in beating off a global pandemic, shouldn’t they maybe get some kind of laurels? At a minimum, it would makes sense to learn what they learned so as to get the same result. That’s how actual science works, or at least, it did.

Not to the global bureaucrats of the World Health Organization (WHO), which can’t stop telling African countries on a continent that has great success in beating COVID, what to do.

According to the Burning Platform:

Scientists are said to be “mystified” as to how Africa fared so well, completely ignoring data showing that the more COVID-19 shots you get, the higher your risk of contracting COVID-19 and ending up in the hospital.

Over the past year, researchers have been warning that the COVID-19 jabs appear to be dysregulating and actually destroying people’s immune systems, leaving them vulnerable not only to COVID-19 but also other infections.

It stands to reason, then, that Africa with its low injection rate would not be burdened with COVID-19 cases brought on by dysfunctional immune systems.

Secondly, variants have gotten milder (less pathogenic) with each iteration, albeit more infectious (i.e., they spread easier).

So why is the WHO worried about “the risk of new variants creating large waves of serious disease and death in populations with low vaccination coverage”? What is that “risk” based on?

And, since COVID-19 infection keeps getting milder, and has had a lethality on par with or lower than influenza ever since mid-2020 at the latest, why is it still a “crucial priority” to accelerate delivery of COVID-19 treatments?

What part of ‘succeeded’ do they not understand? The Africans did not follow the great lockdown strategies seen in China, most of Western Europe, and most of the U.S., which is why their populations were able to acquire natural immunity as the virus mutated to weaker and weaker versions of itself, which is how pretty much all pandemic viruses play out. They also used ivermectin and other known kill-it-dead cures for the disease, having the widely available and inexpensive treatment available over the fancy-schmancy newest treatments developed by Big Pharma. In addition, not having the resources, they didn’t pursue a mass vaccination strategy which has led to a host of suspected problems in the populations that did, from myocarditis and blood clots that often led to death in young people, to the emerging issue of suspected mass infertility from the vaccines. If that one turns out to be true, I wrote about that issue here, Africa can now look forward to ruling the earth because after the jabbed populations go extinct, they will be among the few who are left.