February 28, 2024

Question: What do the illegal migrants pouring over our border and Russian President Vladimir Putin have in common?

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Answer: They all support Joe Biden for president.

Fox News’s Rachel Campos-Duffy did a Jesse Watters and asked a slew of illegal border crossers who they supported for president:

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Now, of course, something like this is probably not scientific. And it’s possible that each migrant was saying what he was saying because the previous migrant said it. But Campos-Duffy did probe a few of them and found that they were economic migrants who understood very well their own economic interests, never mind ours. If they can come here illegally, Joe Biden will ensure that they can stay illegally, and even that wouldn’t be any obstacle to their making money in the U.S.

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Meanwhile, over in Russia, Vladimir Putin stated his preferences for the U.S. presidency, and it didn’t sound like U.S. polling numbers, which put President Trump squarely ahead in the U.S. presidential race.

According to Politico, in a piece dated Feb. 15:

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday Joe Biden would be better for Russia as president than Donald Trump, ahead of a potential rematch between the two in this year’s U.S. election.

“[Biden] is a more experienced, predictable person. He is a politician of the old school. But we will work with any leader of the United States, who is trusted by the American people,” Putin said in an interview on broadcaster Rossiya 1 TV when asked to choose between the two.

It’s possible he was jacking with the U.S. presidential race, secretly hoping to goose the vote for Trump. But Putin did go on to defend Biden on his most vulnerable and unfixable point, his sentience:

Putin used Wednesday’s interview to downplay speculation about Biden’s cognitive health, recalling when the two met in Switzerland in June 2021, less than a year before Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

“When I met with Biden in Switzerland — it was, indeed, a few years ago, three years — even then there were talks about him being incompetent. I saw nothing of the sort. Yes, he glanced at his notes. Honestly, I glanced at mine too,” Putin said. “There’s nothing to it.”

Good luck to Joe to using that in a campaign ad.

What we see here is two parties voting their interests, which as it turns out, means Joe Biden over Donald Trump. Neither the illegals, nor Putin, are stupid.

If this illustrates simple laws of self-interest, it ought to draw attention to voters that a vote for Biden is a vote for these foreign interests over the voters’ own.

Which means anyone who does cast a vote for Biden is voting against their own interests in favor of Putin’s and the illegals.’