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The fake ‘Covid cases’ were secured by a PCR test that its inventor Kary Mullis said could not tell if you were sick and used very high amplification that was bound to elicit fake ‘positives’ by being triggered by genetic material nothing to do with ‘Covid’. Fake ‘cases’ were further secured by diagnosing other illness as ‘Covid-19’ including other forms of respiratory disease. This is why cases of flu (with ‘flu-like symptoms’) disappeared worldwide when ‘Covid-19’ (with ‘flu-like symptoms’) was hoaxed on the scene. Fake deaths from ‘Covid’ were manipulated by the insane policy of putting ‘Covid-19’ on the death certificate of anyone who tested positive with a test not testing for the ‘virus’ who died from any other cause within 28 days (sometimes more) of the fake ‘test’. People dying from falling down the stairs, road accidents, even gunshot wounds, were officially designated ‘Covid’ deaths by this blatant sleight of hand. Hospitals in the US were given massive financial incentives to diagnose ‘Covid’ – $4,600 for diagnosing regular pneumonia; $13,000 for ‘Covid’ pneumonia; and $39,000 for anyone they put on a ventilator that would almost certainly kill them (and have ‘Covid-19’ on their death certificate). Add to this the scandal of Remdesivir which Fauci imposed on hospitals for those testing positive with a test not testing for the ‘virus’ which was well known to cause multiple organ failure including the kidneys leading to the abdominal cavity and lungs filling with fluid that caused respiratory failure that was designated ‘Covid-19’. Add further the use of the end-of-life drug Midazolam that prematurely killed thousands of old people in care homes that was presented to the public as ‘the first wave of Covid’. From this – and I could say so much more – comes this question: WHERE’S THE BLOODY ‘VIRUS’?

None of the above would have been necessary if there had actually been a ‘virus’. It would have just done its job without any such monumental faking of cases and deaths. People died as they always die – but not from ‘Covid’.

The scam of ‘asymptomatic transmission’ was invented to ensure that everyone could be locked down and not just those with symptoms of illness. What was ‘asymptomatic transmission’? Anyone who was perfectly well but had tested positive with a test not testing for the ‘virus’. This is why governments insisted that everyone was constantly ‘tested’ – the more ‘tests’ the more fake positives and the more ‘cases’.

Many in the fake ‘alternative’ media now jump on Johnson’s baloney to say ‘We told you so but it was released on purpose’. They told us nothing – tell us nothing – except what actually benefits the Cult manipulation. The Cult couldn’t care less why you believe the ‘virus’ is real – only that you do. This allows them to play the same hoax again and again just as they plan to and not only with ‘Covid’.

The ‘alternative’ media ‘stars’, many of whom have appeared out of the mainstream since ‘Covid’, go on buying the official manipulation of endless misdirection while believing they are ‘exposing the globalists’ and unfortunately taking vast numbers of people with them.

‘Covid’ is but one prime example that clearly still continues. It’s a head-shaker, it really is. See my book The Answer for a highly-detailed exposure of the ‘Covid’ hoax

The Answer

The Reveal

This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from David Icke can be found here.