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Children who received mRNA Covid shots died SIX TIMES as often as unjabbed kids in a very large database

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

Why? The most comforting (and likely) explanation is that the jabbed kids were sicker at baseline. But the signal is real. And it should be investigated.

The study about Covid and asthma in American kids and teens has gone mostly unnoticed. It hasn’t been cited once since it was published in June.

Which may be why no one has raised an alarm over the stunning figures buried in its appendix about deaths among mRNA Covid-vaccinated kids.

They show that 354 of the 64,000 children and teenagers who received a Covid mRNA shot died within a year after vaccination – a death rate of almost six kids per 1,000.

In contrast, only 309 out of 320,000 unvaccinated kids died, fewer than one per 1,000.

Both the difference and the absolute death rates reported in the study are shockingly high.1 (Covid infections did not cause more deaths, the data show.)

Part, and possibly all, of the gap comes from the fact that jabbed kids were notably sicker than the unvaccinated when the study began. They had higher rates of diabetes, psychiatric disorders, and other conditions.

But were other factors besides the differences in the groups at play?

In other words, could some of the extra deaths be due to real danger from the mRNAs?

The asthma and Covid study was conducted by Taiwanese researchers, using data from TriNetX, a massive global repository of health records. In the June paper, the researchers did not mention the gap in death rates at all. The numbers are buried on two lines in supplementary table S2 in the appendix.

They also did not respond to emailed questions from me about it, though they did answer some other questions – and helpfully offered unpublished data showing the Covid vaccines are linked to more asthma in kids. (I wrote about that finding yesterday.)

(The crucial chart. See how much higher the death rates are in Cohort 2 than Cohort 1? That’s not a smoking gun. But it is a signal – one worth running to ground.

“Non-COVID-19” and “COVID-19” translate to uninfected and infected during the study period. As you can see, the total number of deaths in the Covid and non-Covid groups was almost exactly the same – 335 to 328. The difference is in the vaccinated vs. unvaccinated groups.)


At a minimum, the gap proves yet again the danger of relying too heavily on observational studies, like those that epidemiologists love to use to “prove” that the Covid jabs keep people from dying from the coronavirus.

The key problem with these studies, which is very hard to mitigate, is that they compare groups of people who were not the same before they received the vaccine. Very elderly people who are terminally ill are unlikely to be offered or take the Covid vaccine because it will be useless for them. If they then get Covid and die, they are counted as unvaccinated Covid deaths, making the vaccines look much more effective than they are.

In this case, at least part of the issue is the opposite. The parents or caregivers of sick kids likely pushed them to be vaccinated, so the vaccines appear responsible for deaths they did not cause.

Nonetheless, the gap is large enough that in any sane world researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and elsewhere would be following it up, if only to rule it out and figure out if other databases have any similar signals.

After all, the main randomized clinical trials of the mRNA shots on kids and teens contain robust safety data for only a few thousand children for a few months. And they failed to find the myocarditis risk that became obvious when the shots went into wide use.

I’m sure the CDC will get right on it.

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This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from The Burning Platform can be found here.