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Another Student Athlete Is Dead, and the “Cause of Death Has Not Been Publicly Shared”

By Steven Yates

October 2, 2024

Once, long ago, there was real journalism, and real investigative reporting. It asked who, when, and where; also how, and why. These last two were frequently the most important. Practitioners of real investigating reporting demanded answers.


This brand of investigation is dead except on platforms like Substack, independent blogs, and a few “alternative” news/commentary sites like this one. And none of us have the resources our predecessors had.

This is bad news, because all that mainstream corporate outlets do is push official narratives, while struggling to hide what doesn’t fit those narratives.

Latest case in point: the sad death of Shelby Daniele, 23, whom all indications are was a well-liked student athlete as well as a serious student.

She’d been a sprint runner for California Polytechnic State University’s track and field team for five years.

She’d just graduated last spring with a degree in agriculture — a subject useful to know something about!

The school’s athletic department announced her death — on Instagram, mind you — which had happened three days earlier. (This was the first announcement???)

Here’s a portion:

Shelby was an exceptional student-athlete on the Cal Poly track and field team for five years, graduating from Cal Poly this spring with her master’s in agriculture with distinction. She was a six-time All-Big West honoree, a two-time Big West champion, a team captain and is a school record holder, but more importantly, she was an incredible teammate and leader.

She cared deeply for those around her, had a remarkable heart and was a role model for so many. Shelby was truly one of a kind and will be missed dearly by everyone in the Cal Poly community. Our condolences go out to her family and friends.

Then my primary source for this story drops the bomb (original here).

Read this sentence several times and think about it:

A cause of death has not been publicly shared.

In other words: we know who, where, and (approximately) when, but not how or more importantly, why.

With accomplishments already under her belt, she had whole life ahead of her. (At age 23, I was clueless!)

But if you followed what was forced on the world beginning at the start of 2021, what is your nose telling you right now? Do you trust your nose?

We’re talking about what some believe killed home run king Hank Aaron … 18 days after he had his first dose! Despite the denial. Aaron was 86.

Returning to Shelby Daniele, I did a little digging. What I came up with: according to this site, she died of a brain aneurysm (they misspelled it). What, exactly, is a brain aneurysm? Essentially, it’s a ballooning blood vessel in the brain which, when it bursts, causes a cerebral hemorrhage — a stroke.

In other words, Shelby may have died of a stroke!

At age 23!

Tell me, readers. Does this make any sense to you at all?

This site agrees with our first source: the cause of death “was not released.”

So which is it? Do we know how she died, or don’t we?

I think we can make a reasonably educated guess as to the cause of the aneurysm if that’s what it was. And I think such efforts will be quietly buried.

The life insurance industry — surely a reliable source of information on such matters — noted a rise in deaths among people ages 15 – 45 not explained by covid which was receding by late 2022.

In 2023, such deaths were 20 percent higher than normal.

They noticed, because this has affected their bottom line!

As far back as early 2021, do we not recall the reports of athletes and a few others with no known health problems suddenly dropping dead? I do! I lost count of them all!

These are just the cases reported, because athletes tend to be visible.

Do we know Shelby Daniele had the shots? She was a student athlete at a major university. Do the math.

How many others have died “mysteriously” — no previous health problems — from heart attacks, strokes, and “turbo-cancers” which seemed to come out of nowhere?

The list includes people I knew and considered friends.

This issue has receded into the background. It’s easy to see why. The most important election in over a century is speeding at us like a freight train, and it may decide whether the U.S. will turn back from the brink, or continue on its path to “Venezuela-ization.”

There’s a lot at stake!

The corporatocracy that controls so-called scientific medicine — and much more! — has set the rules on how these cases are handled, and most reporting amounts to automatic writing. Limited, confusing, vaguely secretive, and often contradictory messaging is the norm.

Those atop Pharma corporations want as few people as possible doing the math, so that those who do can be labeled conspiracy theorists pushing baseless or unproven claims.

For of course, no one can prove, absolutely, what I’m insinuating here.

That’s the point. It’s called plausible deniability. Because of this concept, it’s unlikely that any allegation against Big Pharma, or Tony Fauci, would hold up in any court.

People dying at ridiculously young ages aren’t dying of the same things, after all; and most of those who took the mRNA shots haven’t been much affected by them — yet.

If the shots really are sabotaging cardiovascular systems and undermining immune systems, given that different people’s systems and pre-existing state of health are different, you wouldn’t expect them all to drop dead at once, or from the same things!

There is no proof of a causal connection between taking the mRNA shots and protection from covid, either.

Safe and effective was the official mantra.

Effective? I know, or know of, any number of people who foolishly got the shots and got covid anyway. Entire families, in some cases.

A real vaccine, developed and properly tested (which takes several years, including clinical trials spread out across time), prevents what it inoculates for. If you got the MMR vaccine when you were a kid, you did not get mumps, measles, or rubella! Period!

Safe? That question answers itself plausibly with the otherwise inexplicable rise in mortality in a population the lion’s share of whom “got their shots.”

I don’t know of anyone who regrets refusing them — even if they lost jobs and careers over it, as some did.

Not even the life insurance industry has put two and two together. Maybe they’re afraid. Their spokespeople in the source I used expect the abnormal rise in mortalities to abate by 2030.

Maybe it will, but I’m not banking on that.

Meanwhile, the cover-up continues.

For what happens when enough people who had the mRNA shots and then got boosted once or twice, foolishly trusting the Pharma / medical Establishment, awaken from their cultural slumber and realize what may have been done to them, that they have a ticking time bomb inside their bodies that they’ll never be able to get rid of completely.

© 2024 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

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[Author’s note: I like getting email, because I often learn from it, from people whose experiences and insights are different than mine. Writers should welcome and not resent this.

Three different readers emailed me about my comment on Haitians eating pets in Springfield, Ohio (here). I was agnostic, but after reading my email and thinking the matter through, I’m a bit less so. One thing to keep in mind: the denial that anything of the sort was going on, with all the usual weaponized phrases, was so voluminous, so continuous, and so belligerent, as to become a caricature of itself. The kind of overkill has to make a reasonable person wonder if someone is hiding something.

In several interviews now, J.D. Vance (R-OH) has told interviewers (including hostile ones like CNN’s Dana Bash) that his sources come from his constituents who live there. This comes in the larger context of almost-four years of an administration — the Bidenistas — which has consistently displayed more interest in the borders of a foreign country, Ukraine, than they have the borders of their own country. The common people of towns like Springfield (especially white people) have almost no one going to bat for them in the corridors of power. Almost no one considers the likely disruptions from government moving 20,000 Haitians into a town of around 40,000! If J.D. Vance can change this, more power to him.

In this light, even though we’ve not seen quite the same level of excess, I have to wonder if my comment about no newborns being allowed to die might also have been in error. I don’t know of specific cases, but the idea is entirely consistent with the death culture the Bidenistas have perpetuated despite Dobbs, and which Kamala Harris would doubtless worsen if she becomes “president”! Why the scare quotes? Because while Sleepy Joe had/has dementia, Kamala simply isn’t bright enough to handle the demands of the presidency. What we’ll have is a seamless continuation of the presidency-by-committee we’ve had since January 21, 2021.]


Steven Yates’s publication Navigating the New Normal is on Substack. For more content and commentary, do consider subscribing.

Steven Yates is a (still recovering) ex-academic with a PhD in Philosophy. He taught for more than 15 years total at several universities in the Southeastern U.S. Refused tenure and unable to obtain full-time academic employment (and with an increasing number of very fundamental philosophical essays refused publication in journals), he turned to alternative platforms and heretical notions, including about academia itself. He has authored three books; more than 20 articles, numerous book reviews, and review essays in academic journals and anthologies; and a novella and a novel.

In 2012 he moved to Chile. He is married to a Chilean national. Among his discoveries in South America: the problems of the U.S. are problems everywhere, because human nature is the same everywhere. The problems are problems of Western civilization as a whole.

He has a page. Donate here and become a Patron if you benefit from his work and believe it merits being sustained financially.

Steven Yates’s book Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011) can be ordered here.

His philosophical work What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (2021) can be obtained here or here.

His paranormal horror novel The Shadow Over Sarnath (2023) can be gotten here.

Should you purchase any (or all) books from Amazon, please consider leaving a five-star review (if you think they merit such).

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This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from News With Views can be found here.