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The New World Order is real: The battle is for our minds

At a recent Heritage Party conference, Brian Gerrish explained the forces trying to bring in a totalitarian one world government and how the people can resist.

“You can’t fight what you cannot see and do not understand,” he said.

The battle is for our minds,. Gerrish explained, “Because by capturing our minds they can capture everything. Everything about our life is gone. So, this is psychological warfare on your mind.”

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Brian Gerrish is a former Royal Navy Officer from the Cold War era. Having left the Royal Navy in 1993, Brian spent several years working in the private sector, specialising in environmental and contaminated land risk management for large-scale construction projects.

In the late 1990s, he took an interest in the rise of unaccountable European Union political power and influence within UK, and the corrupting influence of the political charity Common Purpose within government, and the public, private and community sectors.

Together with Mike Robinson, he formed the UK Column newspaper which is now a broad-based independent online news media organisation.  Alongside his continuing work to highlight the rise of a dangerous political dictatorship within the UK, Gerrish has also remained focused on working to expose UK state-sponsored child abuse and trafficking. He recognises that we fight against spiritual powers in high places.

At the end of last month, he gave the speech below at The Heritage Party Conference 2024 titled ‘Fighting the New World Order‘.

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Fighting the New World Order | Brian Gerrish | Heritage Party Conference 2024, 2 October 2024 (30 mins)

If the video above is removed from YouTube you can watch it on Rumble HERE.  The following is a summary of Gerrish’s speech.  The numbers in the [square brackets] at the end of the paragraphs are the respective (approximate) timestamps in the video where Gerrish discussed the topic. We have taken the liberty of adding links to sources and some comments of our own.

Fighting the New World Order

The battle against the New World Order is for people’s minds, as capturing minds allows for control over every aspect of life, it’s psychological warfare, Gerrish explained [02:57].

People driving the New World Order are difficult to pin down, but they can be identified by their actions and words, which should be judged against common sense and morality [03:33].

While showing a photograph of Adolf Hitler with a small group of men, Gerrish said it only takes a small group of people to cause chaos in the world, and it is believed that there are relatively few people driving the New World Order agenda [04:01].

The Nature of the New World Order

The New World Order is also referred to as the “rules-based international order” or “one world governance,” and understanding what it is and how it works is crucial in fighting against it [02:10].

Research and observation are necessary to understand the New World Order and its mechanisms, as it is a complex issue that cannot be fully grasped in a short amount of time [02:49].

The effects of the New World Order, such as stress, depression, anxiety, and uncertainty, are deliberate and part of the psychological warfare being waged [03:10].

Gerrish highlighted a book by Christopher Story, ‘The New Underworld Order’, as a valuable resource.  There’s a reason why Story used the word “underworld” [04:34].

Story refers to the New World Order as the “Underworld Order” due to the inherent criminality in the globalists’ political agenda [04:38].

Gerrish pointed to the pentagram on the cover of The New Underworld Order and said: “Notice the symbol on the front cover because Christopher Story said, and I believe he’s right, ultimately this is a spiritual battle” [5:07].

The New World Order operates through various organisations, including foundations, think tanks, political bodies, the World Economic Forum, the UN, the Trilateral Commission and the Atlantic Council [05:24].

It is essential to research and understand the components of the New World Order, as it can infiltrate and take over local charities, among other institutions [05:26].

Fighting the New World Order | Brian Gerrish | Heritage Party Conference 2024 (timestamp 5:18)

Evidence and Allegiances

Gerrish showed a short video clip of an interview with the UK Prime Minister Kier Starmer.  In it, Starmer was asked to choose between Davos or Westminster, and Stamer chose Davos, indicating his allegiance lies with the globalist agenda rather than the UK [06:07].

Mike Robinson, in an article from 2009, commented on Gordon Brown’s allegiance to the New World Order, highlighting the importance of understanding politicians’ allegiances [06:46].

Gerrish also showed a clip of US President Joe Biden stating that the world is at an inflection point and a New World Order is emerging, which will require leadership and unity from the Free World [07:00].

The Independent published an article discussing the New World Order, and how Joe Biden’s use of the phrase caused uproar, with some labelling it a “conspiracy theory” that has been proved true [07:46].

The author of the Independent’s article, Joe Sommerlad, downplayed the significance of Biden’s reference to the New World Order saying. “The phrase quickly began trending on Twitter, with commentators wasting no time in gloating over what they saw as the president’s presumably accidental invocation of a well-worn conspiracy theory claiming that an elite globalist cabal operating from the shadows is plotting to carve up the world and impose totalitarian rule.”

Sommerlad’s comments are arrogant and dismissive, Gerrish said [08:30].

The Emerging New World Order

Gerrish also showed a video clip of former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown giving a speech at the Confederation of British Industry. In his speech, Brown said:

  • A New World Order is emerging, driven by a seismic shift in economic power, and it will bring significantly different and radically new challenges for the future [09:25].
  • The concept of a new world order was first mentioned by a famous British foreign secretary 200 years ago, and it was also discussed in 1990, but the scale and speed of globalisation were not foreseen at that time [09:29].
  • The countries that will succeed in this New World Order are those that combine flexibility, free trade, open markets, proper stewardship of the environment, investment in education, infrastructure, and innovation [10:25].
  • The question is how Britain can meet and master the challenges of the New World Order to enhance its competitiveness and realise its destiny of success [10:41].

Brown’s statement about the new world order is either ignorant or a lie. As far as Gerrish is concerned, Brown is a traitor because he does not care about the nation [11:24].

The Big Society and Saul Alinsky

Gerrish then played a video clip of former UK Prime Minister David Cameron promoting Big Society. In it, Cameron said the idea of the Big Society is to help people and communities find solutions to problems by devolving power to the lowest level, opening up public services, and encouraging social action and voluntary giving [12:28].

The Big Society is not a new concept, but rather a recognition of the voluntary sector that has been going on for thousands of years, Cameron said.  The goal is to enable people to play a bigger role in community groups and volunteer groups [13:21].

The concept of Big Society, introduced by the Tories (“Tory” is a nickname for the UK Conservative Party), has its roots in the work of Saul Alinsky, an American activist who wrote ‘Rules for Radicals’, a book about how to destroy society to change it, Gerrish said [13:25].

Gerrish went on to say that Saul Alinsky’s tactics are being used by various groups, including the Conservative Party, to achieve their goals, and his book ‘Rules for Radicals’ is dedicated to lucifer, outlining techniques that can be used to destroy society and create a New World Order [14:29].

A key part of the agenda is the “change agenda,” where politicians promise change without revealing what it entails, which is a tactic used to achieve the New World Order [15:41].

Government Manipulation and Surveillance

Common Purpose has played a key role in the psychological change of everything, particularly the Civil Service and the NHS, with the goal of creating a million “change agents” to deliver public healthcare [15:59].

The government has been using applied psychology to change the way people think, as outlined in the document ‘Mindspace’, which boasts about the Government’s ability to change people’s thoughts without them realising it [17:10].

Additionally, the Government, particularly through the Conservative Party, has been working with various organisations to spy on the public and prevent challenges to their authority [17:38].

The state is now spying on people on a daily basis, especially those who challenge the Government [18:01].

The UK is no longer run by an elected government, Gerrish said, but rather by the puppet of the world agenda, with global policies causing damage to the country [18:29].

Related: Alex Thomson: World Domination By A Few Families Through Mindspace and Mind Control and Brian Gerrish: A British System of Psychological Manipulation Which Has Been Sold Worldwide

The Battle for Minds and Society’s Pillars

The government is attacking its own people, and this is a battle for minds, requiring a full understanding of the situation to fight back [18:46].

Recognising the key standing blocks of a nation and society, such as freedom, family and nation, puts people on the frontline of the battle against the New World Order [19:48].

The New World Order aims to establish a one world government and destroy nation states, culture, history and the pillars of society [20:00].

To win the battle, people need to research, work in teams, have high morale and be tenacious, as well as put aside disagreements and stick together 20:32.

Key areas to focus on include medical ethics, free speech and protecting the nation state, as well as looking after oneself and protecting children from the New World Order’s influence [21:29].

The New World Order aims to control every aspect of people’s lives, including their words and actions, and it is essential to resist this control [21:44].

Free Speech, Protecting Children and the Constitution

The Heritage Party, led by David Kurten, is at the forefront of the battle against the New World Order, and its members are the backbone of the resistance [20:06].

Gerrish then referred to other speeches that were given at The Heritage Party Conference:

  • We’ve got to be physically healthy to be able to make a stand and fight back. Watch: Medical Ethics | Dr. Liz Evans
  • We’ve got to have free speech because the New World Order wants to control every word we speak or write. Watch: Free Speech | Charles Malet
  • Protecting children is crucial, as the New World Order seeks to control the future by influencing young minds, and this is a perverted and pernicious attack that must be stopped [22:42]. Watch: Protecting Our Children | Kim Isherwood
  • The Constitution is under threat from those who want to destroy it as part of their goal to destroy the nation state, and it is essential to protect and understand it to counter this threat [23:13]. Read: English Bill of Rights: You are English, not British
  • Research has shown that people who harm animals often go on to harm humans, especially if they start at a young age, so cruelty to animals should be taken as a warning sign for potential harm to people [23:30]. Watch: Animal Welfare | Madeleine Hunt

The Pyramid of Society and Spreading Awareness

The New World Order aims to destroy any relationship with a loving God and undermine truth and faith, as having proper faith would lead people to understand the inherent evil of the New World Order [24:01].

The structure of society can be visualised as a pyramid, with ordinary families and workers at the bottom and luciferians at the top.  Corruption and perversion increase as you move up the pyramid [25:05].

Fighting the New World Order | Brian Gerrish | Heritage Party Conference 2024 (timestamp 24:55)

To effectively fight against the New World Order, it is crucial to spread the word amongst ordinary people at the lowest level of the pyramid, as they are the ones who can be reached and informed [25:58].

Every word spoken is important in the fight against the New World Order, and being happy and informed while fighting is a powerful tool, as it unsettles those who are trying to make people miserable and depressed [26:26].

The Power of Prayer

The New World Order is trying to make praying a criminal offence as they are terrified of its power.  Gerrish mentioned a BBC documentary called ‘The Witches’ that discusses unpleasant societies, including luciferian and satanic ones [27:36].

In the BBC documentary, a woman who escaped from the clutches of these evil people that she said were very powerful was asked if there was anything these people were frightened of.  “She looks at the camera and she says, ‘they are terrified of the power of prayer’,” Gerrish said [28:35].

The power of prayer is something that affects all spiritual people worldwide, and it is not limited to a specific group or belief [28:46].

It is essential for people to take quiet time for themselves to pray, as this is one of the key things needed to fight the New World Order [29:07].

This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from The Exposé can be found here.