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Election Fraud

Not Voting? I Say This to You –

Authored by Devvy Kidd not AI

October 14, 2024

I’ve been disgusted by the articles and interviews of “Americans” who are going to “sit out the election” and not vote.  Let me quote the “Father” of YOUR freedom speak better than I can.  Samuel Adams[1] is known as the Father of the Revolutionary War.  Historically, if it wasn’t for his tenacity and sacrifices, the colonials would still be licking the boot straps of the British and the fight for independence from the Crown may have taken another hundred years.

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”

Because the clock is ticking, I want to know what the RNC and states have been doing the past four years after the 2020 Big Steal (not just Trump but candidates for the U.S. House and Senate) to simplify and clean up the MESS our voting process has become.  I can tell you (no way to know the exact number) there’s been enormous efforts on the part of some state reps and senators so another steal doesn’t happen.  Thank you so much. I know it’s been a nightmare dealing with the Marxists.

But, damn it, so much of this is last minute even as early voting has started.

However, and while it will make this column longer, you need to know our voting system in  states is a train wreck and who is responsible for the disaster going on with voting rolls.  This really is a small number of articles I’ve been collecting.  (Many more in my Sept. 23rd column, Our Election Process Is a Mess by Design, I understand you can’t read every link but that’s why I do this so you can see what’s going on in the states – maybe your state.)

RNC Wins Mail Ballot Case in Michigan – Making This Their 10th Win Against Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Oct. 7, 2024 // HUGE: Arizona House Joins Senate in Passing Resolution to Ban Foreign Voting Machines and Require Source Code, Ballot Images, Chain of Custody Documents, and Log Files to Be Made Public – yes it is a big win because AZ’s fake morally bankrupt governor, Katie Hobbs, is a LIAR AND CHEATED HER WAY INTO OFFICE.

Texas Ban on Paid Vote Harvesting Is Back in Effect for Now, Oct. 7, 2024 // Breaking:  Texas Election Office Issues New Guidance after Outcry Over Allowing Non-Citizen Licenses as ID, Oct. 12, 2024 (A driver’s license does NOT prove citizenship. My fellow GOP Club members while we were at voter registration day a couple of weeks ago at the election office were surprised when I showed them a stamped, certified copy of my birth certificate I’ve had folded and carried in my wallet for the past 57 years.)  What is Wrong with Texas Secretary of State Jane Nelson? (Appointed by TX gov. Abbott) // ‘Legal Votes Only’: Spanish-Language Ad Campaign Warns Non-Citizens Against Casting Ballots, Warns of Arrest and Deportation If Caught (VIDEO), Oct. 10, 2024

Bad news right off the bat; so many of us wrote about this in the mid-1990’s. Yeah, the great Bev Harris, Black Box Voting and other groups worked their fingers to the bone trying to get Americans to understand those machines MUST not be used in our elections.  See her video at link above, Fraction Magic Video: “A real-time demo of the most devastating election theft mechanism yet found, with context and explanation. Demonstration uses a real voting system and real vote databases and takes place in seconds across multiple jurisdictions. Over 5000 subcontractors and middlemen have the access to perform this for any or all clients.”

Dallas Voting Machines Fail Tests (There will be much more to come on this situation.  Stay tuned.), Dallas County Republican Chairman LTC Allen West (RET) Takes on Dallas County Elections Administrator Voting Equipment Fails, Logic & Accuracy Tests

Nevada.  I watched the court hearing re the 2020 Big Steal.  Trump’s attorney, Jesse Bennell, did a great job and had 7 full binders of proof of illegal voting. THOUSANDS of ballots cast by fake Americans who no longer even lived in NV but were mailed ballots to other states who could then double vote.  The “judge” in that case tossed indisputable evidence out the window and ruled against Trump. Same thing California did with my late brother (who died of cancer this past March) until I put a stop to it; California kept sending him ballots to vote in their elections after I moved him from that corrupt state to my city in W. Texas.  It took two years to stop them sending Richard ballots which I have kept.

Nevada Agrees to Clean Up 90K Voters from Election Rolls, Aug. 8, 2024 – “Nevada has agreed to purge over 90,000 ineligible voters from its rolls following a legal battle with the Republican National Committee and the Trump campaign, according to a press statement from the Nevada GOP.

“The purge will focus on Clark County, which includes Las Vegas, and will remove individuals no longer active under state law, the Wednesday statement alleged,

“RNC Chair Michael Whatley praised the decision as a significant step for voter security. “Election integrity starts with clean voter rolls, and that’s why we’ve brought litigation in key states to compel outcomes just like this,” he tweeted.

In a column earlier this year, I wrote about two lawsuits citing Foster v Love, a 1997, 9-0 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court:  Federal Elections End ON Election DAY.  Not three days later or ten days later.  Foster was lightly mentioned.  Here’s the update:

Filed Jan. 26, 2024:  RNC Mississippi vs Justin Wetzel. (Dismissed in a truly disgusting opinion.) “The appeal, which has not yet been filed, will go to the New Orleans-based 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, one of the most conservative appellate courts in the nation.”  The RNC filed their appeal Aug. 5, 2024.  Sept. 23, 2024Mississippi Election Case Ruling Could Have ‘National Impact’: Attorney: “On Tuesday, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals is to hear oral argument in RNC v. Wetzel, a lawsuit filed by the Republican National Convention to disallow the counting of ballots that are received after Election Day in Mississippi.” They better hurry up.

Second case mentioning Foster v Love:  RNC Nevada, Donald J. Trump for President 2024, Inc Szymanski vs Cari-Ann Burgess, Case 3:24-CV00198 filed May 3, 2024.  “Right wing”, fringe theories”.  Same old sh*t from fools.  Federal Court Rejects RNC and Trump Campaign’s Challenge to Nevada Ballot Receipt Deadline, July 17, 2024. “In today’s ruling granting requests from state officials and nonprofit organizations to dismiss the case, Judge Miranda Mai Du held that the GOP plaintiffs lacked standing.”  That judge was appointed by the illegitimate Marxist president, Hussein Obama.

Makes me sick and this crap called standing MUST be purged from the courts.  Lack of standing? BS. Trump is the injured party (plaintiff) and he has no “standing?” It’s different and very fortunate for us here in Texas regarding “standing”.

Georgia Secretary of State’s Office Will Allow Inspection of Missing Ballot Images By Election Board…With a Huge Catch, July 25, 2024 – “One of the issues in question was the varying counts in Fulton County from the initial machine count, the hand recount, and the final second machine count, the latter of which was used for the “official results.”

“Part of the discrepancy pointed out in SEB Complaint 2023-025 was Fulton County coming up 17,234 ballots short during the machine recount, which again was used as the “official result. The final results were also missing 17,852 ballot images and contained at least 3,125 duplicate ballots in the count.” SOS Raffenspergr is DIRTY and could have stopped the steal in GA in 2020, he didn’t.  Gov. Brian Kemp did nothing while the cheating was allowed to stand.

Raffensperger’s general counsel is holding evidence hostage from the State Election Board. They can only see the ballot images if they agree to drop the investigation into why there were over 20,000 unsubstantiated votes in both the original and machine recount in 2020 // Pennsylvania high court declines to decide mail-in ballot issues before election, Oct. 6, 2024 // Republicans Challenge Details of Mail-In Voting as 2024 Election Heats Up, Oct.8, 2024

(That dirty Marxist usurped the office of president by fraudulent cheating) Barack Obama’s Former Canadian Ambassador Reveals Zoom Call With Hollywood Celebrities and Social Media Influencers To Discuss Undetectable Way To Steal The 2024 Election, Sept. 24, 2024 // 2:20 videoTrump at a rally: ‘These are the new people in our country’ (Rapists & murderers, thank you, Ho Harris.  Video of the human trash imported into our neighborhoods.) // WTH? Detroit Free Press Shares Disgusting Photo of Naked Trump Sculpture In Detroit That Looks Like He’s Being Hanged, Oct. 10, 2024

RNC Sues Fulton County Elections Director for Refusing to Hire Republican Poll Workers — Only 15 Republicans Hired Out of More than 800 Election Staff, Oct. 6, 2024 // Short video: This video was just removed by TikTok for Civic & Election Integrity. (1:34. AZ’s election process is beyond corrupt.) // IT’S NOT JUST ARIZONA: Students in Georgia Receive Text Messages From Kamala Harris Campaign in Potentially Illegal Breach of Personal Data – Nevada, Michigan, New Mexico, New Hampshire, and North Carolina Too! Oct. 8, 2024

Beyond outrageous:  How Arizona’s 218,000 Voters Who Can’t Prove Citizenship Could Affect Election, Oct. 4, 2024 // North Carolina Election Board Sued to Ensure Only Eligible Citizens Can Vote, Oct. 3, 2024 // Maricopa County GOP Censures Legislative District 3 Chair, Calls for New Election TODAY After Investigation Shows Election Violations – District Chair Desperately Tries To Stop Revote With Lawsuit, March 3, 2024

DOJ sues Virginia over removing non-citizens from voter rolls ahead of November election, Oct. 11, 2024“Virginians – and Americans – will see this for exactly what it is: a desperate attempt to attack the legitimacy of the elections in the Commonwealth, the very crucible of American Democracy,” Gov. Glenn Youngkin said.”

Way back around 1998, 1999, my friend, Geoff Metcalf was a talk show host at KSFO in SF, 5th largest in the country at the time. I was aways happy to be his guest.  One caller during one of his shows on election fraud was an employee at the California Francise Tax Board (state personal income taxes) which is California’s version of the Internal Robbing Service (IRS).  She spent quite a bit of time explaining the gross abuse of using SSN’s for ID’s.  One person had a whopping 99 SSNs!

MUST READ: One Citizen Platform Has Found a Way to Catch the Fraudulent Ballots and Illegal Voters Before November 1st – Here’s How , Sept. 23, 2024 (Mail-in ballots): “In 2022, that strategy impacted enough bogus ballots – saving the U.S. Senate seat for Senator Ron Johnson.”  Every county GOP president and members should know this and meet with their county commissioner and county judge, if possible, to let them know.  Stop the steal or we’re done.

And let me tell you about the U.S. Post Office because either incompetence or by plan played a role in the big steal in 2020.  Same is true again – think overseas military ballots. The USPS is one of the most dysfunctional agencies in “our” government as they keep raising the cost of a stamp. One of my dearest friends lives in Huntsville, Alabama, 955 miles east of me (not hit by hurricane Milton).  He mailed me a package on 10.4. 2024.  It went to Dallas, 300 miles east of me, then back west to Abilee (TX) 120 miles east of me, to Lubbock 100 miles north of me, then to LA 1,147 miles west of me, then to Midland (main mail distribution center for our mail) 40 miles west of me.  It arrived late on Oct. 12th.

The IRS and Hurricane Helene & Milton. They will give extensions as people’s houses simply floated down rivers (Mostly Helene’s destruction) or flood waters were 4’-6’ inside homes and businesses and there goes all your records and receipts; computers also drown.  A nightmare for sure.

This group has the numbers to decide the US presidency – if they turn out –  Every Christian has a moral and ethical duty to participate in this election for 3 main reasons, Oct. 10, 2024:  “Election Forum estimates that nearly 7 million evangelicals in swing states alone did not vote in the 2020 election. Whether out of disillusionment, disconnection or distrust, millions of would-be Christian voters sat out an election that was decided by tens of thousands of votes.”

Evangelicals, supposedly in huge numbers are going to “sit out” voting again because Trump isn’t perfect.  They seem to forget there’s those important House and Senate seats as well as other offices that directly affect their lives are on ballotsNo candidate is going to be perfect.  For God’s sake, wake up.  Remember Saul of Tarsus (called Paul) who zealously persecuted Christians? Acts 8:3, KJV: “As for Saul, he made havock of the church, entering into every house, and hauling men and women committed them to prison.” Then Jesus spoke to him and from that moment on, St. Paul became one of the most influential apostles. His love for Jesus was absolute. But, he was a bad man at the beginning. So please, if you identify as an Evangelical, get out there and vote.  This isn’t a popularity contest.  God helps those who help themselves and not voting isn’t going to help you or our beloved republic.

Pennsylvania.  I was reading some interviews with some rural citizens that made me sick.  One woman said she is voting for Marxist Harris and was taking her husband to vote; apparently, he hadn’t voted for years but was voting for Trump.  He didn’t vote for years?  A slap in the face to who sacrificed everything to birth this constitutional republic and give We the People the right to self-governance and to vote in elections. 

Marxist Harris has publicly stated she wouldn’t do anything different than career criminal, Joe Biden, and was “in on all decisions.”  13 dead Americans during the withdrawal from Afghanistan, the worst military blunder in centuries. How could any active-duty military or veteran vote for that cackling nitwit?   Pennsylvania:  Mining, agriculture, manufacturing and you’d vote for a completely unqualified cackling nitwit, who is trying to shove the CON JOB called climate change down your throats and destroy thousands of jobs?

Voting for victims of Helene and Milton.  Two massive hurricanes within two weeks of each other conveniently hit two major regions of “red” voters.  Roughly 580,000 registered GOP.  Allegedly, voting facilities are working overtime to re-open, but getting ballots to rural areas in the Appalachians is going to cause some real delay problems because of access. Depending on the USPS is a joke.  I have no doubt (I think), GOP organizations in the affected area are doing all they can to get ballots to everyone who wants and has the right to vote unless they’re illegal aliens.

What YOU can do. Get this to your county elections head person:  MUST READ: One Citizen Platform Has Found a Way to Catch the Fraudulent Ballots and Illegal Voters Before November 1st – Here’s How , Sept. 23, 2024 (Mail-in ballots): “In 2022, that strategy impacted enough bogus ballots – saving the U.S. Senate seat for Senator Ron Johnson.”  Every county GOP president and members should know this and meet with their county commissioner and county judge, if possible, to let them know. to Start Posting Lists of Thousands of Cast Ballots From Bogus Addresses Where Voters Could Not Have Legally Voted those Ballots, Oct. 13, 2024

Stop the steal or we’re done.  The ‘cry’ right now is out vote the swamp.  The problem besides the usual cheating by Demonrats who are un-American, is the problem of non-citizens and illegal aliens (not migrants or immigrants) voting. Estimates run about 2.7 MILLION who will try.

Question he/she (election officials in your county) how they are culling voter registrations to remove illegal aliens and non-citizens from voting rolls.  See the article above which directs you to the organizations and their web site on how to get this done.

The Democrat/Communist Party USA and their dishonest minions are doing everything they can RIGHT NOW to set up the steal.  No matter how busy we are (raising children, one or two jobs), we have enough retirees and those with flexible schedules to get this done.  But the pain this country will suffer will be far greater if we don’t get Trump elected as well as taking a GOP majority in the House and Senate.  I’m doing all I can despite life’s challenges.  I will vote Nov. 4th and ask for a paper ballot.

In 1998, I wrote a booklet, Blind Loyalty (Updated Dec. 2000), and sold 700,000 copies at cost; I retired it shortly thereafter as Americans didn’t seem interested in our elections being stolen right under their noses.  Nearly 40 pages of proven vote fraud (as well as how easy to hack those machines) and not just big urban areas.  Small precinct workers shocked:  43 registered (rural) voters with 64 votes counted.

Do we the American people live for freedom, or for bondage and slavery at the hands of global masters? Is freedom just an empty word?

Are we less than our Founding Fathers and those who gave their lives and fortunes during the Revolutionary war? Have our material possessions or fear become more important than saving or republic? If we live for bondage and slavery, not only will we die cowards, we will die without honor.  

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, Taking Politics Out of Solutions, 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

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2024 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved.

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[1] Samuel Adams. Best book IMHO: Samuel Adams: Father of the American Revolution by Mark Puls


‘We believe in Donald Trump’: More than a dozen Medal of Honor recipients endorse former president – The Medal of Honor recipients served in Afghanistan, Iraq and Vietnam, Oct 12, 2024

An Uncertifiable Election 2024, Oct. 9, 2024 – A lot of information. // Kamala Unwinding, Oct. 12, 2024, Howard Kunstler. (Right on and thankfully, the last few months he’s dropped the ‘F’ word.)

This interview hosted by Tucker Carlson should go viral.  It’s long but I watched or listened as I did chores:  Harmeet Dhillon is a San Francisco lawyer who’s known Kamala Harris for more than 20 years. Her verdict: Kamala Harris is a criminal. Here are the details.”

Harris has a long history of being a drunk going back to her days in SF.  No?  Do some research.  A mean drunk to her staffs which is why over the decades she has so many who just up and quit.

Harris Tries To Quash Alcoholism Rumors By Drinking Before Going On TV [WATCH], Oct. 11, 2024

President Trump Speaks to an Estimated 100,000 Supporters in Coachella, California – Slams Kamala’s Open Borders Policies (VIDEO), Oct. 13, 2024 while Ho Harris has hundreds bused in to attend her empty rallies.  Kamala Harris Caught Busing in Thousands of People For Her Rally in Charlotte, North Carolina (VIDEO), Sept. 12, 2024

‘Highway robbery’: Critics blast VP Harris for ‘violating’ Medicare trust fund, Oct. 12, 2024.  Look out, seniors are getting SCREWED again big time.

CJ Pearson: Race-Baiting Obama Can Kiss My Black Ass.  // (And disgusting.  Whitmer is demonic) SHAMELESS: Harris Campaign Co-Chair Gretchen Whitmer Releases Insulting Statement After Cruelly Mocking Catholics With Doritos In Disturbing Dominatrix Skit, Oct. 12, 2024  //  ‘That Woman, There Is Something Off with Her – Something Way Off” – War Room Guest Host Dr. Peter Navarro Analyses Kamala’s Latest Oddities (VIDEO), Oct. 9, 2024 (Harris covered for Biden’s dementia for four years. Will her drinking problem also be covered up?)

“Call Her Daddy” Host Asks Kamala Harris Why She Decided to Do Her Vulgar Sex Podcast But Not Substantive Interviews (VIDEO), Oct. 6, 2024:  “Kamala Harris appeared on the “Call Her Daddy” podcast as Americans in the Southeast drowned in Hurricane Helene floodwaters. “Call Her Daddy” host Alex Cooper is notorious for sexually explicit interviews with sex workers. No wonder why Kamala Harris was drawn to the podcast.” (How presidential.) //  Victor Davis Hanson Slams Kamala’s Chances, Claims New Interviews “Blew Up” Her Campaign, Oct. 11, 2024

Wisconsin dairy farmer says ’No question’ Trump was ‘much better’ – video

Ohio, Vote NO on Issue 1!

Simply a HUGE injustice:  BREAKING: Former Mesa, CO Clerk and Gold Star Mother Tina Peters Sentenced to 9 Years in Latest Political Persecution, Oct. 7, 2024// It “TOOK A VILLAGE” of REAL DEPLORABLES to Lock Up TINA PETERS., Oct. 13, 2024

DESPICABLE: Far-Left Fox News Host Jessica Tarlov Sparks Uproar with a Disturbing Remark Regarding President Trump Following the Two Attempts on His Life (VIDEO), Oct. 12, 2024: “This is the chance to put the final nail in the coffin so that you do not have Donald Trump on the ballot again,” she said.”

WHOA! A Nervous Doug Emhoff Does Not Deny He Forcefully Slapped His Ex-Girlfriend After Booze-Filled Night in France (VIDEO), Oct. 11, 2024

Comrade Kamala’s Tie-Breaking IRA Vote Broke Medicare; She’s Covering it Up with a Taxpayer-Funded Bailout, Sept. 4, 2024 // ‘Highway robbery’: Critics blast VP Harris for ‘violating’ Medicare trust fund, Oct. 12. 2024

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