Friday, March 28, 2025

Conspiracy Resource

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Is OPERATION DRONE ‘EM the set-up for Project Blue Beam?

Via State of the Nation

First of all, the current context is extremely relevant given that we are just over a month to Inauguration Day.

What that really means is that the Democrats + RINOs = Uniparty will do anything to thwart a Trump presidency—ANYTHING!!!

In other words, the exceedingly desperate Democrat Party, Deep State, US Intel Community, Mainstream Media and several other seditious organs of the U.S. Federal Government will collude to stop Trump from occupying the Oval Office by any means necessary and every means possible.

Welcome to DRONEGATE!

Honestly, when in the history of this Republic has any administration permitted the skies over seven major states — California, Massachusetts, Florida, Wyoming, Maryland, New York and New Jersey — to be invaded, and the U.S. Armed Forces stands down.  And, local law enforcement is disempowered to respond appropriately as the state governments have been discouraged to react accordingly to these mysterious threats.

Even President-elect Trump wrote on the Truth Social platform: “Can this really be happening without our government’s knowledge? I don (sic) think so! Let the public know, and now. Otherwise, shot (sic) them down!!! DJT.”
(Source: NJ Drone ‘Invasion’ Just In Time For Congress To Reauthorize Orwellian Law)

Obviously, something is very rotten in Washington, D.C.

Let’s face it, with the incoming Trump administration working assiduously, both publicly and behind the scenes, to statutorily take over the Executive Branch, the Democrat’s long planned American Bolshevik Revolution has been put on hold.  Heck, all of their bolshevik foot soldiers now face a mass deportation effort day one, so most of these highly trained mercenaries and terrorists are now nervous in the service about their futures, as they should be.

Which means that the communist side of the New World Order globalist cabal needs to do something really HUGE … as in extremely captivating and shocking, distracting and disorienting.

Welcome to Project Blue Beam!

Look it, Team Biden has had a really difficult time starting World War III which they planned to use to keep Biden in office beyond his term, just as they used the Russo-Ukraine War to keep Zelensky in the presidency way past his term expiration date.

Likewise, the Covid biowar perps have been quite unsuccessful in ginning up a their Plandemic 2.0, even after so many naked attempts to launch it.

All of which means that their Plan C — Project Blue Beam — may be next on their list of mind-bending false flag operations that will further “shock and awe” the American people into a new phase of submission and compliance.  What better way to install Kommie Kamala Harris, their defeated communist Manchurian Candidate, into the Oval Office after Joe Biden is forced to resign with advanced dementia and overt pedophilia syndrome.

Of course, a Project Blue Beam-directed alien invasion and/or religious apocalypse as described in the preceding screenshot would definitely provide the pretext for NASA to attempt to carry out such a daffy false flag attack/operation.

But how in the world will those certified insane perps ever pull off such a crazy cosmic con?

Well, what do you think the main purpose of both the COVID-19 bioweapons and weaponized Covid ‘vaccines’ is?

However, what we’re really talking about here is a fully integrated Quaternary Weapon System, of which the Covid shots were one of four components.  Only when each of the four components has been fully activated and coordinated with each other will the Quaternary Weapon System (QWS) be made operational worldwide, as it has been in the past in a modified form.

But what does the QWS really do?

When acting in a concerted effort, the (i) COVID-19 bioweapon, (ii) weaponized Covid injections, (iii) 4G & 5G powered smartphones, and (iv) chemtrail-disseminated smart dust all serve to create both an external environment and internal condition for each individual — the more they are assaulted by and/or connected to these 4 weapon systems — which will make them immediately vulnerable to the mind-control program(s) that causes them to be deeply influenced by the PBB “Greatest Show On Earth—EVER!”

Now you know why Serge Monast was assassinated in December of 1996, not long after he published his groundbreaking work Project Blue Beam (NASA), by way of the cabal’s never failing heart attack weapon. See: This is really why Project Blue Beam theorist Serge Monast was murdered.

Throughout the Covid era, the QWS was used in a vastly different way as follows:

COVID-19 Bioweapon,
5G 60 GHz Millimeter Wave,
Chemtrail-Disseminated Smart Dust
and Vaccine-Delivered Digitized RNA
Are Mutually Intensifying Quaternary Weapons
Deliberately Launched and Coordinated to
Shut Down a Targeted City or Nation,
Commit Genocide, Depopulate
and/or Trigger an ELE.

ELE = Extinction Level Event

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know


So exactly where does DRONEgate fit in?

Clearly, the NWO cabal is using the CIA’s Mockingbird Media to sow the seeds of panic nationwide as we write this exposé.

After all, when you’ve got 7 major states, thus far, on the Eastern Seaboard all being harried by drones — daily and nightly — with no plausible explanation being provided by the highest authorities in the land, you get one thing—P A N I C ! ! ! 

So the immediate goal here is to induce a pervasive and profound state of “Mass Formation Panic” which will put a critical mass of the populace into a “fight-or-flight” mode.  Plus, all of the folks who have their own version of PTSD or Secondary PTSD can also be easily triggered by the planned PBB events, which will then send them into a tizzy and, therefore, render them very easily manipulated to add considerably to the deliberately manufactured societal chaos and pandemonium.

However, there are other much more nefarious purposes behind this current drone invasion, which will be discussed shortly after we get finished shooting down one of these drones down here in Florida, so we can post the photos and get our super sleuths looking closely at the technology.

We highly recommend our readers in the other targeted states consider similar initiatives since self defense is not only an inviolable civil right and human right, it’s our divine right of self-preservation. Because when this situation is deteriorating as follows, you know we’re all under some type of exceedingly dangerous attack.

Drone Forces Shut Down of Airport in New York as Invasion Spreads – Disgraced New York Governor Kathy Hochul Calls Out Biden Regime in Response

To be continued —

In the meantime, consider this important BIG PICTURE perspective:

State of the Nation
December 15, 2024

SOTN Editor’s Note: Who else, pray tell, but the Khazarian-controlled US government could be directly responsible for this unparalleled drone invasion of CONUS, especially in view of the incorrigibly corrupt Biden administration’s criminal lack of response?!  And isn’t their unprecedented criminal neglect a sure sign of their guilt? 

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This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from The Burning Platform can be found here.