Sunday, March 2, 2025

Conspiracy Resource

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Great Reset

The Financial Jigsaw, Part 2 – SPECIAL REPORT – DAVOS 2025 (01-20:24) – Rachel from Accounts – Smart Cities – PsyOp Bird Flu – Starmer at WEF – DNA Programming – New Boss – Animal Spirits – [01-30-25]

“When the wicked increase, transgression increases, but the righteous will see their downfall. [Proverbs 29:16]

“Disinformation” [aka Truth] is the Number One Threat to the Globalist’s Great Reset. but who was actually in attendance at this supposed elite gathering? Trump has upended the Davos dominion and it’s a reminder, (from the Spectator’s Kate Andrews), as the Davos shindig opened last week. However, everyone of import was attending President Trump’s inauguration and were absent from Davos.

The Truth is DavosMan’s Number One threat, truth about what they have done and what they are planning to do. None of their insane plans make any sense and do not stand up to scrutiny and exposure to the truth. Therefore, in the eyes of the WEF, the truth, or ‘disinformation’ as they call it, is Kryptonite to their dystopian plans. For once, they are actually right, but are already on the back foot.

WEF’S GLOBAL RISKS REPORT 2025 downplays economic threats whilst pushing ‘disinformation’ fears to justify tighter controls and global governance says Didi Rankovic at The World Economic Forum (WEF) geared up for its Davos self-congratulatory, hubristic gathering, January 20-24, by releasing its Global Risks Report 2025.

“The report is based on “insights” from the ‘Global(ist’s) Risks Perception Survey’ that takes into account the opinions of 900 unelected, “Global Leaders” across business, government, academia and civil society”, the WEF said. It reflects the unrelenting drive present in many corners of the world, and amongst political elites, to push what they consider “disinformation” to the top of their agenda.

The WEF paper talks about “armed conflict, environment, and disinformation” as “top threats” this year (that is: TO ‘THEM’), and as the authors note, from their point of view, leaves economic risks as having “less immediate prominence.” Meanwhile, “disinformation” is ranked higher which has now happened two years in a row. This reads like another instance of taking an alarmist approach to “disinformation” which then comes in handy when pushing all sorts of controversial policies, affecting online speech, security, and technology development.

The WEF report elevates: “disinformation” to a “persistent threat to societal cohesion and governance by eroding trust” and even “exacerbating divisions within and between nations” and “complicating” ways to cooperate to end international crises. Furthermore, when AI is thrown into the mix in its “adverse” form, “disinformation” underpins rising geopolitical tensions.

The way the report frames the issue of disinformation seems to be the only thing standing in the way of ‘world peace’, they say. Whilst creating high drama around “disinformation” is one piece of the puzzle, the WEF also looks at long-term threats, such as to the environment. This, according to the document, will be dominant over the next decade, and this is the language the group uses: “…led by extreme weather events, biodiversity loss, and ecosystem collapse.”

[Ed: These Globalist billionaires are running scared and trying to take all of humanity into their fearful world by deception and scaremongering. Think about it, if you owned billions, wouldn’t you be fearful of losing what you have? AND fearing not getting what you want?]

The threats presented in this way reflects the ‘Hegelian Dialectic’ which offers “solutions” to their perceived, imaginary threats and thus conforms to the WEF mission: “to promote more and more globalisation, even as many countries might be looking to what the group disapprovingly calls, “turning inward.” Global South anyone? Instead, the WEF wants nations to essentially double down on globalisation, allegedly as the only way to “prevent a dystopian downward spiral of instability.” This is THEIR PROBLEM, not Humanity’s problem.

One of the goals the WEF promotes, and is also one of the five overall topics of this year’s Davos meeting, is “rebuilding trust.” Now perhaps, if only this group would focus more on explaining how that trust was lost. Source

KEY TAKEAWAYS FROM DONALD TRUMP’S DAVOS SPEECH. THE NEW BOSS has outlined his foreign and domestic priorities to the World Economic Forum

Trump used his speech to promise a “revolution of common sense,” telling his audience of business leaders, policymakers, academics, and innovators that he was acting “with unprecedented speed” to reverse the policies of his predecessor, Joe Biden. Here are some key takeaways from his speech:

Stopping inflation. Trump began by promising to confront the “economic chaos” caused by Biden’s “failed policies.”

  • Ending the Ukraine conflict, meeting Putin. Efforts to secure a peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine are underway,
  • Nuclear reduction talks. Trump said he would also hold talks with China and Russia on reducing nuclear stockpiles.
  • Low taxes or high tariffs. Trump issued a warning to businesses around the world: either make your product in the US or face tariffs.
  • Energy emergency. Trump said his declaration of a “national energy emergency” would help “unlock the liquid gold” of oil under Americans’ feet.
  • Border Security. Trump hailed his executive order declaring a “national border emergency,” aimed at pushing back against illegal immigration.
  • Two genders and no censorship. “No longer will our government label the speech of our own citizens as misinformation or disinformation,” Trump said, declaring that his executive order on censorship “saved free speech in America.”
  • Source:

‘RACHEL FROM ACCOUNTS ‘ ATTENDED DAVOS, [Ed: Only God knows why] mingling with her betters, and trying to execute the tasks of a British ‘Chancellor of the Exchequer’ from her desk at Accounts Receivable!

UK chancellor, Rachel Reeves and business secretary Jonathan Reynolds were at the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos and held a session with Bloomberg on “The Year Ahead for the UK”, (Spoiler Alert: it’s not good)

Reynolds says the UK is a globally oriented, trade-focused economy. He says there are opportunities to expand, citing the Gulf and India. Defending the budget, Reeves cites the ‘undisclosed’ £22bn gap between government revenue and spending that HMG BS says it found upon taking office last summer. She says she pledged never to play fast and loose with the public finances, so tough decisions were needed to get them under control.

She says: “Stability is the prerequisite for economic growth.” Reeves goes on to say that she has wiped the slate clean from the previous government: “Businesses can know that our public finances are in order. We’ll never need to come back and do a budget like that again.” She adds: “Britain is open for businesses, we’re open for talent.” Reeves also says she is “absolutely” relaxed about wealth creation. She says the UK wants to welcome the best people from around the world to help grow the economy.

But she insists she will not apologise for her Budget, saying business leaders will understand that she had to stabilise the public finances. During her two-day trip to Davos, Reeves met with business leaders, including the JPMorgan Chase CEO, Jamie Dimon, and Jo Taylor, president of giant Canadian pensions fund, the ‘Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan’. She received a boost earlier last week, when a survey from PwC showed the UK is the second most attractive country for investment behind the US.


The Direct Energy Weapon (DEW) attack on Maui and the more recent DEW attack on Los Angeles has led many to speculate that those assaults were executed to pave the way for future Smart Cities. It’s a serious question that deserves serious answers. Of course, whenever the topic of Smart Cities is mentioned, there’s always a backlash from the uneducated, who don’t understand the world they’re living in, and label such stories as “Conspiracy Theories.” which, after six months or so, become “Conspiracy Facts”

However, the plans to turn Los Angeles into a Smart City have been on the drawing board for years. Eric Garcetti, on April 19, 2020 said” The soul of our recovery will shape the contours of our City’s future for decades to come…We have a blueprint for the city of the future,” and can be read on the city’s website.

These plans were first put in place by former mayor, Eric Garcetti, who established a ‘Smart City Committee’, consisting of 24 departments and elected officials, to transform Los Angeles into a digitised, AI-driven hellhole.

This isn’t science fiction. These are serious people, spending billions of dollars to transform the world into Smart Cities (aka, Concentration Camps – BTW invented by the British!) based on models developed by the World Economic Forum.
When you consider how the same individuals behind the push for Smart Cities literally burned people alive in Maui and stole thousands of surviving children, never to be seen again, it’s obvious that they mean business. They’re not playing around. Are You Ready for Roboville? Woven City is:

Toyota had a hand in building Woven City and they describe it as a living laboratory [Ed: with humans as the lab rats.] If the letter “W” is replaced in the name, with a ‘C’, Woven City becomes ‘Coven City’, a city of witches. AI will be used to monitor every house, building, and vehicle. [Ed: imagine the amount of 5G EMFs irradiating a place like this.] Everything will be under constant surveillance 24/7.

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD says one of many reasons for herding people into Smart Cities is to keep them subservient and prevent them from rebelling. She theorises that the ever-expanding technology will cause humanity to lose the ability to comprehend reality. It’s a ‘Truman Show’ in real time; this was an American satirical comedy-drama film, released in 1998, about an ordinary man who realises that his entire life is a reality television show.

[Ed: I’d say we’re already at the point where humanity has lost its ability to comprehend reality and have been for at least a century. If billions of the mentally challenged, donning face diapers, and injecting themselves with poison, isn’t conclusive evidence then I don’t know what is.]

The world is going to hell in a hand basket, but that doesn’t mean you have to go to hell with it. You can still save yourself and your family. Unfortunately, there exists an entire nation of compliant sheep. Half of them are liberal retards who will go along with whatever their handlers in the media tell them. And the other half are delusional morons who call themselves “conservative.” They too, will “go along to get along” with whatever their “conservative” media tells them.

It’s great that those ‘fake’ conservatives all voted for Trump, but now that The New Boss is back in the Oval Office, it is believed that the fight is over. They are falsely assuming they can sit back and watch the drama unfold on TV – Job done! But it will only be a few short years until they are marched off to the nearest Smart City and then they will blame their situation on “the far Left.” LOL

It would be funny if it weren’t so tragic. But that’s the world we live in. This first year under Trump will probably be the best, so enjoy it while you can. When he’s gone in four years and everything goes back to where it was in 2020 – only worse – there will be hell to pay. Source

NEW WORLD ORDER – The World Economic Forum Global Cooperation Barometer 2025. WEF Demands ‘Collaboration’ on ‘Bird Flu’ to Usher in the ‘New World Order’ [ | Frank Bergman]

However, Brende doesn’t give up and warns that the world will “enter a period of instability and volatility” unless the ‘NEW WORLD ORDER’ transition is completed soon, (aka, FearPorn). ‘Brende the Moron’ made his call during the launch of the WEF’s new “Global Cooperation Barometer.” The event was held shortly before the 2025 WEF Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland last week. During his remarks, Brende laid out the WEF’s demands for global collaboration. Brende ‘instructed’ leaders in government and business to prepare for the WEF’s Globalist Vision of a NWO. [Ed: Who the hell does this arrogant Globalist asshole think he is to ‘instruct’ governments? Nobody is listening fella!]

He argued that the world has become “very fragmented” due to many ‘alleged’ crises. However, he argued that the WEF meeting in Davos would provide solutions for “cross-border challenges” in the form of the NWO. “What we really will bring into Davos is how to collaborate in a very fragmented world,” Brende explains.

“There are challenges that are cross-border challenges. We knew from the ‘pandemic’, where seven million people died from Covid, that Covid doesn’t travel with a passport. The borders are no security for that. You have to collaborate. We see, for example now [that] the ‘Bird Flu’ is emerging,” he continued. “We just have to also, in the future, make sure that when it comes to climate change, when it comes to, for example, cybercrime that cost the world now $2tn a year; there should be enough common interest to collaborate even in a competitive world.” Brende then argued that the NWO is the answer to these alleged “cross-border” issues… [Ed; what…again?]

However, he claimed that the WEF doesn’t “really know what the new world order is about” while insisting that it must be ushered in…what? “One can say that three decades of increased cooperation that we saw after the Cold War has definitely ended,” Brende asserts.

“We are between world orders. We had one world order, post the Cold War, that enhanced and incentivised cooperation. Now we don’t really know what the new world order is about, but cooperation has to play a role in that New World Order?

“Currently, between [‘zee orders’], and we know that from history too, that there is disorder, so one has to really struggle to find ways of cooperating when countries are also competing, that is competing for increased influence in a New World. Hopefully, this NWO is not the jungle growing back, but there [are] ways also to collaborate in a very competitive world,” he added. [Ed: Are readers sure that this moron actually understands the verbiage he is spouting?]

Brende’s calls come after the WEF recently promised the Globalists that millions of human workers will soon be eliminated and replaced by artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

As Slay News reported, the WEF insists that 41% of companies worldwide will replace their human workers by 2030.

The WEF ‘Future of Jobs’ report for 2025 states that AI will automate nearly half of the jobs traditionally performed by humans in just five years. The report surveyed hundreds of large companies globally.

Following the survey, the unelected, Globalist organisation promises a dramatic, albeit destructive, shift in the workforce. The report was released ahead of the organisation’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. The WEF claims (without evidence) that 77% of businesses plan to re-skill and up-skill their remaining employees to adapt to AI-driven workplaces according to their survey. But we all know that ‘surveys and opinion polls can be fudged. [Ed: Nota Bene, this is a ‘British democracy’ in actionThe Blob Rules, make no mistake:

Herr SS-Oberst-Gruppenführer, Klaus Schwab’s WEF organisation gloats that AI will “help” human workers and make companies operate more efficiently. [Ed: like they helped’ the Jews in their Labour and Death Camps only 80 years ago? It seems that humanity has the memory of a goldfish?]. Rather than being made redundant, the WEF insists that people will have more free time.

However, the reality is far less optimistic for humans in the long term. Instead, AI is dismantling the foundation of job security for millions and making humans obsolete without the ‘burden’ of work. [Ed: ‘burden of work? Work is indeed a gift. Not one of questionable value, but one that has been proven to be of value. Work may determine where we live and what kind of life-style we have. The WEF do not take note that the Scriptures condemned idleness and laziness.] Sources


Well, he had better be quick because China, having missed ‘the early worm’, but like the second mouse, they finally got the cheese! “He who laughs last, laughs longest”

Donald Trump has said that DeepSeek should be a “wake-up call” for American AI firms, after US markets got hammered amid concerns that the Chinese start-up could challenge the dominance of US AI leaders. The US president said in Florida: “The release of DeepSeek AI, from a Chinese company should be a wake-up call for our industries that we need to be laser-focused on competing to win.” He pointed to DeepSeek’s ability to use fewer computing resources: “I view that as a positive, as an asset … you won’t be spending as much, and you’ll get the same result, hopefully.”

The OpenAI chief executive, Sam Altman praised DeepSeek’s launch, saying that it was “invigorating to have a new competitor”. The popularity of the just-launched Chinese version of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, a free AI app, which the company says it built with cheaper and less advanced chips, sparked a trillion-dollar sell-off in US stock markets. One investor called it a “Sputnik moment” for the world’s AI superpowers. The rout hit everything linked to the AI supply chain, from chip and cable makers, to data centres and software firms.

On Wall Street, Nvidia, a leading maker of computer chips that power AI models, slumped by nearly 17% and erased almost $593bn in market cap, the biggest single loss of all time. It accounted for most of the 3% drop on the tech-heavy Nasdaq. But if DeepSeek successfully does what it says on the tin, it brings equal performance AI models for a cheaper price; it will clearly help the Chinese local players, and all-sized companies around the world that have limited budgets to integrate AI models into their daily lives.

The latter will increase demand for less advanced chips than Nvidia’s best performers, but it will increase demand for chips. We now have a stronger conviction in this view. As such, yesterday’s sell-off could move capital around the world and benefit the makers of cheaper chips that might appeal to a larger client base than US Big Tech.” Source

  • Nvidia’s $465bn rout biggest in US stock market history, as DeepSeek sparks US tech sell-off – as it happened (The Guardian)

THIS IS STRAIGHT OUT OF THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM’S PLAY-BOOK for enforcing a digital DNA manipulation program for control of the human mind and it looks like Keir Starmer has been chosen to lead the way.

Our plan will make Britain the world leader. It will give industry the foundation it needs and will turbocharge the “Plan for Change”, said Starmer. Claiming that the plan for change is about “more jobs, more investment, more money in peoples’ pockets and the transformation of public services.”

But we all know these are weasel words and what ‘The Plan for Change’ really is: It’s The Great Reset’s grand theft of people’s privacy, property and positive mental health.

“In a world of fierce competition, we cannot stand by. We must move fast and take action to win the global race” said Starmer. How many times have we heard this sort of economic claptrap spewing forth from the clones of the WEF’s school of servile technocrats? Starmer wants to take action to win the global race to get transhumans to replace sentient members of the human race.

Klaus Schwab convinced him, as well as his compatriot, the King of England, clown Chuck, that this is the future. “If you want to keep your job for the next four years you had better set about it right away” warned his minders. An upright turbocharged goose step march into state controlled surveillance; Big Data, Big Pharma, Big Ag, Central Control, and a subservient brain-damaged social constituency is what is actually being announced by the dystopian British prime minister. I asked at the time of the coronation:

“CAN A ‘WOKE’ KING serve Britannia well and care for his people in accordance with his oath? After all, King Charles is tied hand & foot to Oberst-Gruppenführer Klaus Schwab who is pledged to the 4th Industrial Revolution invoking UN Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset.”

The Guardian newspaper boldly announced: “Keir Starmer will launch a sweeping action plan to increase twenty-fold the amount of AI computing power under public control by 2030.” Hello, there’s that infamous 2030 date looming up again. Everything is supposed to be in place to have achieved Full Spectrum Dominance over freedom-loving members of the human race by that dystopian date.

The Green Deal/Agenda 2030 ‘robotisation’ plan, put in place in order to keep the Net Zero CO₂ agenda on track, must be maintained at all costs. Everything is stated as being subservient to this insane attempt to annul carbon dioxide and thereby induce a state of suffocation for the plant, animal, and human alike. “At all costs” means a further bleeding of the already shaky UK economy, as it has been estimated that the overall computing capacity boost involved in establishing this AI dystopia will cost UK tax payers billions of pounds over the next five years.

The grand AI induction program requires greatly increased amounts of electricity generation. The Cabinet Office has demanded an accelerated investment in new ‘miniature nuclear reactors’ (SMR) to power the energy-hungry technology. These are to be sited in countryside areas with low levels of industry. How will the British public react to being told that a mini-nuclear power station will be needed in a field next to their home?

A survey by HMG in 2024 found that the three words most associated with AI are ‘robot’, ‘scary’ and ‘worried’. But this has done nothing to quell the enthusiasm of Starmer for replacing farmers with robots and their farms with wind turbines, photovoltaic generation stations, vast data storage centres, and now the addition of hundreds of nuclear reactors. It’s hard to believe that this is actually seen as the way to drive-up Britain’s economic fortunes in a country which has fallen into the trap set by the architects of centralised control.

To become dependent upon a ‘virtual reality-type’ of unfounded virtuosity for the Brave New World, so convincingly warned about by Aldous Huxley more than seventy years ago, is precisely where things are headed unless a powerful resistance rises up to block it. The government has confirmed that it will be gathering data, held by the public sector, into a new ‘National Data Library’ designed to support “AI research and innovation” but would not specify what data might be made available to private companies, only that it would be done “responsibly, securely and ethically”. [Ed: Yeah, yeah; when have we heard these weasel words before?]

Rachel from Accounts, the ‘finance’ minister, has a plan of how to raise more cash to get this tragicomedy on the road and that’s by introducing ‘ruthless’ cuts to public services; an action that is also supposed to repair the country’s ailing finances! Somewhere in Ye Old England there exists a moral spine; a form of common sense-supported resistance to faceless modernity, repudiation of ‘change for changes sake’, and the brainless rush into dystopian Net Zero green uplands embedded in our leaders’ magical-thinking, utopian dreams.

A Brave New World Order (NWO). That stubborn characteristic of the English culture is now needed on the front line of defence against the psychopathic pursuit of a digitally deemed necessity for becoming a ‘Global Leader of Change’ within an already top-down induced program of chaos and confusion. The AI wonder-world promised by the leaders of HMG is supposed to link directly into the satellite EMF microwave, global surveillance grid known as ‘the cloud’.

Elon Musk, Geff Bezos, and other mega billionaire control freaks, are currently presenting ‘cloud computing’ as the great fix for ‘instant access to everything’. As well as acting as the hub for super surveillance, Smart Cities and weaponised interference with the human psyche.

Smart Cities are being recommended for housing redundant farmers and countryside dwellers, booted off the land to make way for a perfectly sanitised Net Zero world of transhuman cyborgs, and genetically engineered bipeds, once known as human beings.

So, time to come forward all good men and true, defenders of the beauteous rolling hills and dales of the ancient sacred lands gifted to us FOC by our Great Creator. Time to gather ourselves together in defence of something human, humane and of higher value than the sterile, soulless world being promised by the Schwab-initiated clones of the Deep State Coven. There’s everything to fight for and nothing to lose. By stepping forward to join the Resistance we will become courageous victors within this grand struggle to preserve the supreme sanctity of God-fearing humanity. Sources



WHO ARE THESE CREATURES PLANNING THE DEMISE OF HUMANITY? During my training to become a humanistic counsellor we played many interesting games. One was, for me at least, very revealing by seeing people as animals – it gave me an insight into another’s world map and how they see their reality. John Ward at ‘The Slog’ also discovered the value of this game: “What kind of animal are you?”

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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa

His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu – a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from The Burning Platform can be found here.