New Documents Reveal More Details About The CIA’s Secret Mind Control Operation
It’s no secret that the CIA is into some shady business, but for the most part, we have to assume it’s in our best interests and move along.
But now, new documents are giving us access – at least a little bit – to their MKUltra program, a (formerly?) secret mind control project that has been going on for years.
The MKUltra program has been an attempt to develop mind control using techniques like drugs, hypnosis, psychological manipulation, and different combinations of all three. Recently, the Digital National Security Archive of George Washington University published more than 1200 documents that cover mind control experiments from 1953 until the 1970s.
A bunch of interesting insights are in Document 6, a 1952 memo about Project Artichoke, which was MKUltra’s predecessor. It goes into the “successful application of narco-hypnotic integrations on Russian agents suspected of being doubled.”
They were trying to cause amnesia using drug-induced hypnosis, in short, so they could grill enemy agents and then wipe any memory of the interrogation from their minds. The administered drug cocktail included heavy dosages’ of sodium pentothal (a fast-acting sedative) and Desoxyn (a methamphetamine stimulant).
Document 5 is part of a daily planner entry written in 1952 by George White, a narcotics agent. He was approached by chemist and Operation MKUltra leader Sidney Gottlieb and recruited as a consultant for the CIA. White would go on to manage safe houses all over the country that contained US citizens who had been unsuspectingly dosed with LSD and exposed to mind control experiments.
Yes, without their knowledge.
It is clear from these two documents as well as others that LSD was the CIA’s drug of choice, though it is unclear where they procured so much of it. Document 8 discusses caches of the drug stored in secret bases and field stations all over the world, in places as far away as Japan and the Philippines.
Another interesting tidbit hides in Document 9, which was a letter written by head of Special Operations Division of the Army Chemical Corps Vincent Ruwet in 1953. It details the demise of Army chemist Frank Olson, who fell from a 10-story building just 10 days after imbibing a cocktail laced with LSD.
The CIA said he took his own life, but to this day, many people remain skeptical – and for good reason.
This and other secrets will likely remain in the shadows for years to come, for even though these documents are interesting reads and drop clues here and there about what MKUltra was up to, as well as their long-term goals, the National Security Archives acknowledges how much we still don’t know.
“Despite the Agency’s efforts to erase this hidden history, the documents that survived this purge and that have been gathered together here present a compelling and unsettling narrative of the CIA’s decades-long effort to discover and test ways to erase and re-program the human mind.”
It’s a miracle we know anything at all, after MKUltra tried to destroy all of their files back in 1973.
The bottom line is, I suppose, a confirmation that the CIA is up to exactly the kinds of things you figured they were.
So watch your back – even on American soil.
If you think that’s impressive, check out this story about a “goldmine” of lithium that was found in the U.S. that could completely change the EV battery game.