Eerie UFO sightings over Ireland – Just the beginning?

Stock image of eerie glowing lights over a foggy winter sky – similar to the reported UFO sightings in Ireland.
Credit: Shutterstock, Raggedstone
‘Freaky’ lights over Irish skies spark UFO buzz – but is there more to the mystery?
Strange lights have been spotted in Irish skies two nights in a row, baffling onlookers and fuelling conspiracy theories. But, are these eerie sightings just the start of something bigger?
Some say satellites. Others say swamp gas. Some claim they’re top-secret government aircraft. And others? They’re already using the “A” word… Is there something we’re not being told?
There’s something strange afoot in the skies above Ireland – and it’s not just the weather.
For two nights this week, baffled onlookers from the south coast to the capital watched as eerie glowing, flashing lights appeared in the night sky. Over Dublin, not one but two unidentified lights shimmered side-by-side on Wednesday evening, March 19. The night before, a solitary flashing object lit up the skies further south, causing uneasiness on the ground.
Were they satellites? The International Space Station? Or something far less ordinary? Most onlookers blamed it on satellites, but an unexpected twist has just surfaced. There was another incident, reported directly to the US National UFO Reporting Center, and it’s mind-blowing if accurate.
“Does anyone have any ideas?”
That was the plea from Alan O’Reilly of Carlow Weather, who took to social media to share footage sent to him by two followers. The videos showed what many would simply call a UFO – an Unidentified Flying Object – drifting through the darkness.
“I received two videos from followers showing an unusual object in the sky over the last two nights,” he posted on X (formerly Twitter). “The first part is from last night over Dublin, and the second is from the night before off the south coast.”
His question – “Does anyone have any ideas?” – sparked a digital firestorm of unidentified proportions.
The canned response: Satellites and space stations
Several users were quick to offer grounded explanations, pointing out that low-orbit satellites like Starlink are common in the area one person replied.
Others suggested that it was the International Space Station, as it passed over Ireland at 7.13 PM on Tuesday night.
Some even said they had advance alerts about the ISS’s pass and confirmed it with their own eyes.
And yes – Starlink and the ISS are known to produce stunning, strange visuals in the night sky. Straight lines. Slow movement. Flashes of reflected sunlight. Nothing out of the ordinary, at least for seasoned skywatchers.
But not everyone was convinced…
And just when you thought the Irish skies had calmed down, another report surfaced on March 18- this time from Passage West in County Cork. Filed with the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), the sighting had taken place on March 15 just after 9.35 PM. According to the witness, a silent, silver dome-shaped object – roughly the size of a car – was seen ascending slowly into the sky, beaming a wide white light from its top before vanishing into the clouds. The sky was dark and cloudy, and although the craft made no sound, the report noted that aircraft were nearby. It was visible for just 10 seconds according to the report, but the witness described it as “a massive sphere-like dome” that looked “like metal.” No swamp gas here – just another curious light in the sky, and more questions with no easy answers.
The lantern theory – or cover story?
Some X users floated the idea that the lights were paper lanterns.
Sounds plausible in some cases – but not everyone’s buying it. Some commenters pointed out that the lights were far too steady and uniform to be lanterns, and that this did not explain the ‘flying disc’ sighting from March 15. The alleged UFOs were seen from multiple locations across the country, on three separate nights. And this is where things get… interesting.
A changing narrative: UFOs vs UAPs
What we used to call UFOs are now officially referred to as UAPs – Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. The name change reflects a broader shift: from sci-fi oddity to legitimate national security concern.
Across the US, UK, and Ireland, military officials and intelligence agencies are increasingly taking sightings seriously. In 2021, the US Pentagon released a much-anticipated report on UAPs – and admitted they couldn’t explain over 140 incidents.
So while flashing lights in the sky might have everyday explanations, recent history tells us it’s worth keeping an open mind.
The conspiracy angle: a test run?
Some online sleuths have gone further. Could the double lights over Dublin have been part of a classified test? A foreign drone? Or even a psychological operations experiment to gauge public reaction? But what about the ‘disc’ sighting in Passage West, County Cork?
The idea of a psychological operation might sound outlandish – but it’s not impossible. The US military has previously tested stealth aircraft over allied nations. And with more countries launching satellites and high-tech balloons, what appears harmless may have hidden intent. With Russia and China currently stepping up their efforts, Europe and America are reportedly scrambling to stay ahead in the military tech race. And then, of course, there’s the ‘A’ word. But, that’s a topic for another article.
Public curiosity is growing – and fast
One thing’s certain: public interest in unexplained sightings is booming. NUFORC reported a notable uptick in Irish sightings during in 2024 and so far in 2025, aligning with the events over Dublin, Cork, and Passage West.
Was it just Starlink playing tricks on the eye? A trick of the light and angle? Or a quiet visit from something entirely different? This could all boil down to Chinese lanterns and swamp gas. Or it could be that, in an age of AI, satellites, and government leaks, we’re starting to question what we see – and what we’re told.
Have a sighting or story? Send it our way – because the truth might just be closer than you think.
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