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Deep State

Appeal on Sovereign Countries: Worldwide Exit from Western-Imposed Institutions – The UN System, European Union, NATO

<!– Appeal on Sovereign Countries: Worldwide Exit from Western-Imposed Institutions – The UN System, European Union, NATO –>
Appeal on Sovereign Countries: Worldwide Exit from Western-Imposed Institutions – The UN System, European Union, NATO

We are being attacked from all sides.

Everybody knows it.

The primary goal of the Deep State – whoever it is — is to massively reduce world population; from currently about eight billion to less than a billion. 

Back in the 18th century, maybe earlier, one of the world’s foremost bankers, the founder of one of the most powerful banking dynasties, his name shall not be mentioned, is rumored to have infamously said, something to the effect,

“I do not care who sits on the throne of England, I care about who controls the money [the Bank of England], and that is me.”

This gentleman and his family dynasty is referred to as the “founding father of international finance.”

Their dynasty’s money-empire spans the globe, controlling largely the US Federal Reserve (FED), the Bank for International Settlement (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland which is the Central Bank of all central banks, controlling more than 90% of the world’s central banks. 

In association with other banking giants and with the corporate tech-world, i.e. Silicone Valley and beyond, their clan may control uncountable trillions, if not quadrillions, of dollar-assets worldwide. 

Wouldn’t it be possible, that in a world where money is God, the unspeakable power that comes with such an infinite money-empire, is poised to control the world, no matter what?


The Club of Rome (CoR) invented the story of the world’s overpopulation already in their 1972 report, “Limits to Growth.” In 1972, the world population was at 3.8 billion. The later follow-on volume of the CoR “The First Global Revolution” confirmed this atrocity to be done to humanity – it “should be culled gradually and in a least painful way.” See this relatively recent video clip from Denis Meadows, co-author of Limits to Growth:

Globalists Revving Up Plans to Engineer Global Famine and Starvation

By Leo Hohmann, October 09, 2024

Having said that, all “international” trans-frontier and trans-gender agendas, new or old, point in this direction starting with the UN Agenda 2030; the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Great Reset; WHO’s attempt to control global health (and death); the NATO killing Machine; the European Union (EU) with its unelected head office and its ever more tyrannical ruling over half a billion people; different health agencies in countries around the globe; they all bend to the illegal but “rules-based orders”, imposed by a dark elite. 

Above institutions, including the political UN and the entire UN system, are mere executing agencies for the behind the curtain powers.

Then there are the informal, never elected, never registered anywhere, “Clubs of the Greats” – the G7 (soon G8 again, if at the invitation of President Trump, Russia may rejoin) and the G20. They are not even NGOs. They are just the heads of the rich and powerful getting together at least once a year, bringing an agenda to discuss what the world should look like over the next few years, who may live and who must die – so to speak – in economic and medical terms.

They all represent an extremely powerful corporate and financial imperium, run by a small group of multi-multi billionaires, psychopaths, attempting to take over the world, trying to control and “reduce” most people for easier access and control of the globe’s resources. The survivors are to be converted to transhumans, robotized, remote controlled humanoids.

The most ridiculous and ludicrous thing is that We, the People, watch it consume their decisions as “news” whether we like it or not and let it be, as if it was normal, that they —the WEF, the UN, the Club of Rome, the G7/8, Silicone Valley, and whatever else they are called— decide over our lives and we are doomed, because WE DO NOTHING against them and those who give the orders behind them.

We are powerful. We must stand up and just leave them, leave the rotten system behind, and start afresh. Yes, we can. It may not be easy because freedom never comes easy. It is not enough to think of and refer to multiple hearsay that we are entering a New Age and things will change automatically for the better.  No, they do not. We must work for it, with our conscience, and then work to maintain and keep it. Yes, We can.

The immediate most logical answer for the people is to exit all western-created institutions, created for the purpose of western elite’s benefits: the UN, WHO, the EU and its fake Ponzi-currency, the US-dollar and its little brother, the Euro; NATO, the war machine; and many more. They only have power over us if we give it to them, as we unfortunately have done for too long. 

Ignore the G7/8, G20, and your so-called democratic governments. For generations, over generations, we have been trusting them, believing their lies, following their monstrous deceptions. Many were “elected” through so-called democratic processes, they were paid by us for taking good care of us, for always just wanting the best for us.

Nothing of this has ever happened.

And, We the People, pay with our tax money for these people who ultimately want to eliminate us, or robotize, digitize, and enslave us.

Many of us are unable to come to grips with this reality. It is called cognitive dissonance. They know something is wrong but cannot admit to themselves the lies and manipulations they were made to believe, and go through for all their lives, including through the public education system.

Their instruments are tools invented for social and mind manipulation by institutions like Tavistock, DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, a Pentagon thinktank), and the western major intelligence and security services such as CIA, MI6, Mossad and many more. In the US alone, a total of 17.

Their treacherous tools are multiple and growing into an almost endless choice. They have a dual purpose – spreading fear and anxiety, and potentially applying them on the people:

  • invented plandemics;
  • coerced vaxx campaigns with deadly injections rather than healing ones;
  • the climate change hoax, a fabricated lie on man-made climate change through excessive CO2 emissions; this is absolute nonsense, but still today most people believe it against the facts described and explained by now, tens of thousands of scientists. The lie has been indoctrinated for close to two generations since the gigantic UN organized June 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The lie has become the truth. Directly out of George Orwell’s “1984.”

With climate change, you can justify anything – diseases, famine, floods, extreme cold spells, heat waves, hurricanes, you name it.

  • While real man-made climate change is taking place through geoengineering the weather and climate, through highly sophisticated ENMOD [Environmental Modification] technologies like chemtrails, by which thousands of chemicals and heavy metal compounds (aluminum is one of the key components) are released in the atmosphere by airplanes, drones, or satellites. These toxic chemicals and metals are changing weather patterns around the globe, but also and equally important, as they descend on earth and sea, they destroy and poison life. Our lungs, organs, water, soil, animals, plants, vegetables are affected by them, risking life shortening (chronic) diseases, infertility and more.
  • Artificially-created famines – claiming agriculture as co-culprit emitting CO2 that kills our Mother Earth, which we must save, to the detriment of human life. Would you believe, they say – Bill Gates and Co. [of course they know it’s a lie], that farthing cows are the culprits which is why cows have to be done away with; meat and milk are already made artificially?

A common denominator for all the above is fear. It can be applied anywhere.

  • lowering immune system;
  • making people submissive to authorities; obedient to orders against your best interests; 
  • believing in horrendous coming events, rules, and restrictions, often pre-announced by so-called predictive planning movies – yes, Hollywood is fully complicit.

One of such fear-mongering instruments is nuclear war. We all know that nuclear war would be the end of life, or at least of life as we know it. For the past at least two decades, war-mongering about nuclear war and evermore sophisticated weaponry has increased drastically. It is also a propaganda tool. Mainstream media with the purpose of creating fear have been propagating this idea of the risk of nuclear war. 

Lo and behold, this propaganda has been taken over – supposedly unwittingly – by the non-mainstream progressive media, mostly criticizing the powers that promote the risk yet unintentionally creating more fear, and what is worse and is hardly understood, creating a nefarious ambiance, energy vibes of risk, disconcerting people even more.

The more we talk about war, nuclear war, latest weaponry potentially being used, the more we convey energy to war – we give war a chance (instead of Peace). It is called quantum physics. 

The more one speaks about war, violence, conflict, the more the vibes we emit with the sheer thought and talk, are fuel for a true hot war nuclear or not, to occur. Negative thoughts create negative outcomes. 

Tavistock & Co, the societal and mind manipulators are aware, have invented the tool and ignorant, fearful people, with their thoughts and fear create the energy for the disaster to happen.


However, the master of evil, of complete enslavement with hardly a way back is total digitization, including robotization, transhumanization and artificial intelligence (AI). Mind manipulation agencies have attempted selling digitization as a great benefit for humanity, for our lives. 

But by far most people worldwide do not want to be digitized. Digitization is not natural. Digitization is based on linear inputs, no matter how sophisticated, inputs are coming from humans or are collected in nature, but they work linearly, even if systems like ChatGPT, DeepSeek and others, reach or possibly exceed human capacities, they are not natural. 

Life, Mother Earth, the Universe are not linear. They are dynamic, they are multidimensional, they are spaceless. Digitization will never work in the long run. But authorities like the European Union (EU), the European and other central banks, Washington, the UN system, can terrorize us, by announcing soon to come, digital money, digital IDs, digital vax-certificates without which you may not travel, digitally controlled 15-minute cities – a tyrannical digital control system – a Digital Gulag.

So far, these announcements are threats. But if we let them happen, by bending over to fear, they may implement them. For now, they have all the power, although, the Real power is with Us, the People. 

These man-made institutions have driven their totalitarianism an inch too far. They are at the point of collapsing. As wild dying beasts, they will pull as many of us, as possible down the abyss with them. We must grasp our God-given conscience and act. NOW. 

For years we are being told that the world and the universe is entering a new era of Light which will change things for humanity for the better. That may be so, but not if we just lie back and wait for the miracle to happen. That is not the way it works. Nothing is cast in iron, not evil, not the Light, not the best prophecies, but We must act with our collective conscience – EXIT THE SYSTEM. All of it.

Some 50 to 100 years ago, an Argentine artist and prophet, Benjamin Solari Parravicini (1898 –1974), predicted among many things that have already materialized, that a machine will take over humanity and equal human sentiments. See his drawing at the right.

Digitization is the true curse for those who survive. It is a living prison, a worldwide gulag without escape.

However, not all is lost and it is not too late yet – we can and MUST act in unison, and in full conscience to save humanity, to save our civilization – calling for EXITING the system, preventing the DIGITAL GULAG. 

Unfortunately, we have left the system too long uncontrolled. Today it is advanced against humanity to the point where it can hardly be reformed. Therefore, one of the few, if not the only solution, is getting out of the UN and other institutions that have been betraying us; stop obeying imposed authorities, stand up to recreate – starting afresh – our sovereign analog working nations, with our sovereign currencies – not digital – and sovereignly elected governments; and with sovereign rights to trade and have relations with whom We, the People, choose.   


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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This article has been archived by Conspiracy Resource for your research. The original version from Global Research can be found here.