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Vaping increases COVID susceptibility by a whopping 700%

Image: Vaping increases COVID susceptibility by a whopping 700%

Vaping is taking off in the teen world, as most of them think it’s less health-damaging than cigarettes, and they’re right. Problem is, they’re all still addicted to nicotine, the world’s 3rd most addictive drug, that constricts blood vessels, limiting oxygen and nutrient transport throughout the body. Guess what that means? Lower immune system function.

Yes, a new study links vaping to a “substantially increased risk” of not only catching covid, but having a worse case of it when and if they do. Over 4,000 participants of a national sample studied by Stanford researchers found vape enthusiasts 7 times more likely to become infected with novel coronavirus compared to people who don’t vape. Ouch.

Age does not protect these teens when their blood isn’t carrying the proper amount of oxygen and nutrients

What researchers fail to mention is that the worst part of immune compromised systems start and end with poor nutrition. So even if these vaping teens eat right and eat clean, whole, organic foods, which most of them don’t, their blood supply is depleted of nutrients, thanks to nicotine, a short-term stimulant, but a long-term depressant.

So there go those mood swings. There goes that sports team. There goes stamina and determination. There goes brain food.

The key to being healthy lives in food, superfoods, nootropics, herbal remedies, herbal tinctures, vitamins, minerals, probiotics, enzymes and organic produce. Anything processed is a bad idea, and anything that delivers drugs is too, including those quack prescription pain killers, anxiety junk-meds, MSG, aspartame, microwaved food and tap water. Also avoid flu shots and this rushed-to-market Covid vaccine like the PLAGUE.

Fix your oxygen and nutrition levels in your blood

So how will you fix your blood supply so that it’s chock full of oxygen and nutrition? How about dropping the GMOs, the nicotine, the processed sugar and the tap water? It’s time to step up the “work out” game. Time for some clean food, clean water and clean air. Let’s talk about nutrition in the form of herbal tinctures and vitamin supplements for a moment. Time to look up “medicinal mushrooms.” Time to research a little on vitamin D and zinc.

Time to eat clean. Buy more organic food. Buy local produce. Quit everything GMO. Read the labels on everything you buy, and avoid canola oil like the plague – it makes you fat and dumb. Canola oil, in fact, is part of a 3-pronged “recipe for disaster” as far as healthy body and mind are concerned.

Here at Natural News, we are investigative journalists who search for Nature’s remedies to even the most God-awful habits (like conventional food). We are now privy to the natural escape plan for you nic-fit (nicotine high-crave moment) enthusiasts. There’s a natural way out of those nicotine shackles. Hey smokers, this means you too. Consider this carefully.

How to feel great without nicotine

You want to feel good and not need nicotine? We have the remedy — a nootropic supplement beverage invention called Krave Kicker and it’s a powerful combination of effective superfood supplements.

You see, the cigarette hangover and the vape hangover are the same. It’s the “come down” from nicotine, that long-term depressant, same as alcohol would do. There’s a great way out of it, but you have to be willing to try a new superfood you may not have heard about before. It’s actually backed by clinical studies and peer-reviewed research.

Go to and check out the latest way to curb nicotine or sugar cravings for hours on end, with no hangover and no crash. Step up your game, just a little at a time, and watch the difference it makes. All the difference in the world. Stay positive my friends.

Learn more from a renowned doctor about the health problems caused by vaping here:

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*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Natural News can be found here ***