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2020 Election

Dominion Going After Right-Wing Media Stars Over Voting Fraud Conspiracy Theory, CEO Won’t Rule Out Suing Trump


Dominion Voting Systems CEO John Poulos said on CNN Thursday the company will “definitely” be taking legal action for defamation against those who have spread a false conspiracy theory claiming the company’s voting machines were used to perpetrate election fraud, even suggesting the company’s litigation could extend to President Donald Trump, as the company’s attorneys issue a blitz of letters warning of “imminent” litigation to Trump allies including major conservative media figures like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.

Key Facts

Poulos confirmed reports the voting company’s attorneys sent letters to Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani and White House counsel Pat Cipollone this week, which directed them to preserve relevant documents and informed Giuliani legal action was “imminent,” after sending a letter to attorney Sidney Powell last week calling on her to retract her claims about Dominion.

According to copies of the letters published by Law & Crime, Dominion’s attorneys have also sent letters warning of impending litigation to conservative news outlets Newsmax, One America News, Fox News and the Epoch Times; conservative news figures Hannity, Limbaugh, Maria Bartiromo and Newsmax’s Greg Kelly; conservative attorney Lin Wood and Melissa Carone, who Giuliani has promoted as a witness to supposed voter fraud efforts, among others.

Poulos said the company’s lawyers will file litigation “when they’re ready,” but Dominion will be suing to seek retribution for the “immeasurable” damage caused by the conspiracy theory.

Poulos said Dominion’s litigation will be first and foremost targeting Powell, whom he described as “the most egregious and prolific purveyor of these lies” about the company’s voting machines.

When asked if the company’s litigation could include Trump himself, Poulos said they “will not be overlooking anybody” who has made false statements about Dominion.

Trump has repeatedly made comments about Dominion’s voting machines and retweeted reports perpetuating the conspiracy theory, calling the company’s voting machines “a disaster all over the country,” even though the machines were actually used in many counties that elected Trump.

Crucial Quote

“Our focus remains first and foremost remains on Sidney Powell,” Poulos said when asked if the company would sue Trump, “and we will be looking into absolutely everybody that has…made and repeated and amplified false statements that have been defamatory and damaging to our company and to our election.”

Key Background

The Dominion conspiracy theory, which has been repeatedly debunked, is one of the central voter fraud claims the president’s allies have been making in their efforts to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s victory. The allegations have been dismissed by multiple courts due to a lack of evidence, however, and while Trump has reportedly been receptive to Powell and her claims, Giuliani and White House officials have tried to distance the president from the conspiracy theory and reportedly banned Powell from speaking with Trump. Dominion’s impending litigation comes as Trump and his allies are now starting to face increased consequences for their fraud claims: Dominion employee Eric Coomer filed his own defamation suit over the false conspiracy theory, and another voting company, Smartmatic, has also made legal threats in response to false allegations regarding the company. 


Smartmatic’s threats have led several right-wing media companies to publicly walk back their claims about voting machines being tied to fraud, but Poulos said Thursday their efforts would not stop Dominion from pursuing legal action. “It’s the bare minimum of what they could be doing to [ensure] the reputation of their own brand and their own reputation for reporting facts,” Poulos said, saying the media outlets’ clarifications will “not factor into our legal discussion.”

What To Watch For

Attorney Tom Clare, who’s representing Dominion, told the Daily Beast Wednesday they will likely file litigation after the holidays. “I think it’s fair to say in January we will be pulling the trigger on multiple litigation matters,” Clare said.

Further Reading

Lawyers for Dominion Voting Systems Sent 21 Retraction or Record Preservation Demand Letters This Week — Read Them All Here (Law & Crime)

Dominion Warns White House, Giuliani Of ‘Imminent’ Legal Action Over Voter Fraud Claims (Forbes)

Dominion Demands Sidney Powell Retract ‘Knowingly Baseless’ Voting Machine Conspiracy Theory (Forbes)

Dominion, Smartmatic Strike Back: Trump And His Lawyers Face Possible Legal Consequences For Flimsy Election Challenges (Forbes)

Sidney Powell Claims She’s Been Banned From Seeing Or Speaking To Trump (Forbes)

Giuliani Distances Trump From Sidney Powell (Who Reportedly Visited White House Today) (Forbes)

*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Forbes can be found here ***