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The Challenger Disaster in 1986


It was this article that led me to the discovery of the flat earth (as it was on a flat earth site). This happened one year ago. The site that I was on was mainly focused on medical fraud but they had a link to another site with a statement about the 7 astroNOTS who were supposedly killed back in 1986. This news was a revelation to me, then the flat earth was even more.

As former CIA Director William Casey boasted (paraphrasing), “We will know when our control of the people is complete when everything that the the American people believe in is a lie.” Well, that day has come and it came a long time ago. There are many other lies that we have been told. Lies about: wars, government leaders (calling the good bad and the bad good), medical profession, economy, and on and on. Of course, the worst lie is about what they say about God and the Bible. Anyhow, let’s continue…

Challenger-astro-nots  The remains of the crew that were identifiable were returned to their families on April 29, 1986. Three of the crew members, Judith Resnik, Dick Scobee, and Capt. Michael J. Smith, were buried by their families at Arlington National Cemetery at individual grave sites. Mission Specialist Lt Col Ellison Onizuka was buried at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific in Honolulu, Hawaii. Unidentified crew remains were buried communally at the Space Shuttle Challenger Memorial in Arlington on May 20, 1986.

Once a Flat Plane Truth is realized, one realizes it is All a Great Lie. All of it.


At, they have been uncovering more “inconvenient truths” for NASA as to the living Astro-nots, who alleged we’re killed in the alleged space shuttle Challenger disaster but are now found to be happily gainfully employed in colleges and jobs related to NASA.


Pick your favorite photoshop..err shot, provided by NASA Image of what the Challenger explosion in space looked like. They cannot both be a picture of the exact same event. (also, was it not a clear blue sky day?)

Back Story

The Space Shuttle Challenger disaster occurred on January 28, 1986, when the NASA Space Shuttle orbiter Challenger (OV-099) (mission STS-51-L) broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, leading to the deaths of its seven crew members, which included five NASA astronauts and two payload specialists. The spacecraft disintegrated over the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Cape Canaveral, Florida at 11:38 EST (16:38 UTC).

Approximately 17 percent of Americans witnessed the launch live because of the presence of Payload Specialist Christa McAuliffe, who would have been the first teacher in space. Media coverage of the accident was extensive: one study reported that 85 percent of Americans surveyed had heard the news within an hour of the accident.


Challenger-astro-nots-2  Judith Resnik was one of the astroNOTS that was “aboard” the Challenger rocket.

“RESNIK” name meaning:

Variant spelling of Jewish Reznik ‘ritual slaughterer’.

Judith Arlene Resnik

They are just pulling a fast one over the goyim.

“When the Shuttle Columbia disintegrated over a 800 mile stretch of Texas and Louisiana during its re-entry to Earth, it was traveling at over 8,000 MPH. From California to Florida in less than 15 minutes.

All bodies were recovered. ALL. They found enough of the space shuttle to rebuild most of it during their investigation. Compare this to when Flight 93 crashed, there should have been almost 300 tons of debris along with 10 tons of human remains. But they recovered no debris or body parts, whatsoever.”) hmm.

Seems strange, doesn’t it?

*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from Christian Flat Earth Ministry can be found here ***