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Cult-Owned-And-Created World Health Organization recommends Oxford’s ‘Covid’ jab for over-65s – and says it SHOULD still be used against South African variant – (Which means if you have half a brain cell that over-65s or anyone else should not have it and it is useless against the ‘South African variant’ which, like the original ‘virus’, does not exist)

The World Health Organization has officially recommended the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine for people over the age of 65 and said it should be used ‘without an upper age limit’. 

WHO experts have reviewed all the evidence from studies of the jab and said there is ‘no reason’ it shouldn’t be used against the South African variant because it should still prevent severe illness and death even if it’s less effective.

There are concerns the vaccine won’t work against that mutated strain of the virus after a study in South Africa found it offered only ‘minimal protection’ against mild disease in young people – but WHO scientists said it was ‘inconclusive’. 

And they backed up the UK’s strategy of spacing the first and second dose by three months, saying between eight and 12 weeks was ideal for maximum protection.   

The over-65s ruling is a hit back against European countries that criticised the jab and refused to use it among their older populations, claiming there was not enough proof it worked.

Countries including GermanyFrance, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Poland, Hungary and Italy decided not to roll out the vaccine to older people.

News reports from Germany in January sensationally claimed the vaccine was only eight per cent effective among over-65s, but it later emerged that ministers had put an inaccurate percentage on clinical data that was so vague it was meaningless.

However today, Dr Alejandro Cravioto, a director at the WHO, said in a briefing that the jab could be given ‘without an upper age limit’. And Dr Katherine O’Brien added: ‘Even with a hypothetical drop in efficacy, it’s still the right thing to do to vaccinate.’ 

Dr Cravioto added there was ‘no reason’ that places with the South African variant of the virus should not use the vaccine to keep down hospital admissions and deaths with the virus. No10’s top scientific advisers insist it should still prevent vaccinated people from being hospitalised or dying — which is their main purpose.

Read more: Cult-Owned-And-Created World Health Organization recommends Oxford’s ‘Covid’ jab for over-65s – and says it SHOULD still be used against South African variant – (Which means if you have half a brain cell that over-65s or anyone else should not have it and it is useless against the ‘South African variant’ which, like the original ‘virus’, does not exist)

*** This article has been archived for your research. The original version from David Icke can be found here ***