Navalny dead in the Gulag and Putin crosses a line
Usually, dictators in other countries don't kill the biggest dissident. Putin has crossed that line.
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Usually, dictators in other countries don't kill the biggest dissident. Putin has crossed that line.
Read MoreThey are going into hysterics about it. What are they afraid Tucker will find out?
Read MoreAmericans have lost faith in our health establishment.
Read MoreRussia is even having success on the right in turning Western sentiment against Ukraine.
Read MoreBut fear not! These “scientists” already have a foolproof plan: “vaccines” and the elimination of national sovereignty.
Read MoreHe ties the anti-life abortion agenda to socialism itself. A culture of economic growth is linked to a culture of life.
Read MoreSamuel Adams, a fine son of liberty, would be proud.
Read MoreAnthony Fauci and others should be sued, prosecuted, and punished for their intentional lies.
Read MoreThe disgraced bureaucrat would have us believe his anti-science policies materialized out of the ether, but I’d like to call your attention to a (perhaps forgotten) November 2022 deposition….
Read MoreWe need to return to the mechanical gear and lever voting machines widely used in American elections from the 1890s until the recent past.
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