Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Conspiracy Resource

Conspiracy news & views from all angles, up-to-the-minute and uncensored


Audio podcast:
Mostly hinged coverage of conspiracies, corruption, cryptids, supernatural activity, and prophecies that might be coming true. Critics call us, “A bit more stable than Alex Jones.”

Moon Landing

The Shining: Kubrick’s Moon Landing Confession? w/ Paranoid American – Reel Conspiracies Ep. 4

Is Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece, The Shining, about more than just a haunted hotel? At minimum everyone would likely say, yes. But what then is it about? The moon landing? Genocide? The Federal Reserve?

Paranoid American joins once again to talk about the hidden messages in one of his favorite films, Stephen King be damned.

Paranoid American – https://paranoidamerican.com 
Preorder his comics:

Get our NEW card game CATTLE ABDUCTION: GO! By supporting the Kickstarter – https://cattleabductiongo.com 

———- Support the show and get bonus UNHINGED episodes ———-
LOCALS – https://conspiracypilled.locals.com/
MERCH – https://conspiracypilled.com
Join the DISCORD – https://discord.gg/vq2QtU2bUh

———- SPONSORS ———-
NORTH ARROW COFFEE – https://northarrowcoffee.co 
Use code CONSPIRACY10 to get 10% off your order!
HEALTYCELL https://healthycell.com 
Use code CONSPIRACY for 20% off
L&J Turkey Farms https://www.landjturkeyfarms.com/ 
Pasture to plate turkey that is GMO free!

Music by: Drake Campos
#kubrick #moonlanding #shining

Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/conspiracy-pilled–6248227/support.

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Deep State

Illuminati Card Game

Can a simple game maker predict the future? In 1994 Steven Jackson released the trading card version of his game The Illuminati, this time calling it Illuminati: New World Order. With over 400 cards depicting different political figures and conspiracy theory topics, he supposedly predicted major world events like the 9/11, the Boston marathon bombing, Princess Diana’s death, and the attempted assassination on Donald Trump.
Many people now look towards the cards hoping for a glimpse into future events. Will they find anything? Did Steve Jackson have foreknowledge of future events? Is the world a stage? Or are there supernatural influences telling us what might happen and working behind the fabric of reality to make it so?

INWO Book – https://docviewer.xdocs.net/view_2.php 

Get our NEW card game CATTLE ABDUCTION: GO! By supporting the Kickstarter – https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/conspiracypilled/cattle-abduction-go 

———- Support the show and get bonus UNHINGED episodes ———-
LOCALS – https://conspiracypilled.locals.com/ 
MERCH – https://conspiracypilled.com/collections/all 

Join the DISCORDhttps://discord.gg/vq2QtU2bUh

Give this podcast a 5 Star Review – https://ratethispodcast.com/conspiracypilled 

———-   SPONSORS   ———-
NORTH ARROW COFFEEhttps://northarrowcoffee.co 
Use code CONSPIRACY10 to get 10% off your order!
HEALTYCELL https://healthycell.com 
Use code CONSPIRACY for 20% off
L&J Turkey Farms https://www.landjturkeyfarms.com/ 
Pasture to plate turkey that is GMO free!

Music by : Drake Campos
#illuminati #stevejackson #enoughisenough

Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/conspiracy-pilled–6248227/support.

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Is Biden’s Oval Office a Movie Set?

How much of the Biden presidency is fake? We asked that on our latest episode of Conspiracy Pilled: UNHINGED that you can get over on our Locals (LINKED BELOW).In this segment of the show we go all the way back to the first days of the Biden/Harris administration to talk about the fake Oval Office scandal and what implications that has on politics and out perception of reality. Full Episode – https://conspiracypilled.locals.com/post/5917247/will-the-real-joe-biden-please-stand-up-unhinged-ep-71 ———- Support the show and get bonus UNHINGED episodes ———-LOCALS – https://conspiracypilled.locals.com/ MERCH – https://conspiracypilled.com/collections/allJoin the DISCORD – https://discord.gg/vq2QtU2bUh ———- SPONSORS ———-NORTH ARROW COFFEE – https://northarrowcoffee.coUse code CONSPIRACY10 to get 10% off your order!HEALTYCELL https://healthycell.comUse code CONSPIRACY for 20% offL&J Turkey Farms https://www.landjturkeyfarms.com/Pasture to plate turkey that is GMO free! Conspiracy Pilled Links – https://solo.to/conspiracypilled ——- FOLLOW THE HOSTS ——- Abby – https://solo.to/abbylibbyPJ – https://solo.to/pj_unhinged Music by : Tyler Daniels #biden #kamala #fakenewsmedia

Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/conspiracy-pilled–6248227/support.

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Conspiracy Pilled – The Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump

On July 13, 2024, a lone shooter tried to kill Former President and Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump and through sheer incompetence on behalf of the Secret Service and local police, he almost succeeded. Or is that really what happened?

Was Trump set-up to take a bullet by the deep state? Was a Thomas Matthews Crooks an MKULTRA agent? Or was this an elaborate act of stage magic to secure the election in November?

We are going through all of it, from incompetence to espionage. From divine providence to Freemasonic stagecraft.

———- Support the show and get bonus UNHINGED episodes ———-



Join the DISCORDhttps://discord.gg/vq2QtU2bUh

———- SPONSORS ———-

NORTH ARROW COFFEEhttps://northarrowcoffee.co

Use code CONSPIRACY10 to get 10% off your order!

HEALTYCELL https://healthycell.com

Use code CONSPIRACY for 20% off

L&J Turkey Farms https://www.landjturkeyfarms.com/

Pasture to plate turkey that is GMO free!

Conspiracy Pilled Links – https://solo.to/conspiracypilled


Abby – https://solo.to/abbylibby

PJ – https://solo.to/pj_unhinged

Music by : Drake Campos

#maga #trump #assassination

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Conspiracy Pilled – Operation Mockingbird Pt 3: The Digital Age

So far, we have covered the CIA’s infiltration of the newsroom and Hollywood, but how does Operation Mockingbird evolve to take control of information in the digital age?

From direct control through the creation of social media platforms and infiltration of fact-checking organizations, to the creation and co-opting of social media influencers, we cover the scope and severity of the CIA’s biggest psychological operation, perhaps ever.

———- Support the show and get bonus UNHINGED episodes ———-



Join the DISCORDhttps://discord.gg/vq2QtU2bUh

———- SPONSORS ———-

NORTH ARROW COFFEEhttps://northarrowcoffee.co

Use code CONSPIRACY10 to get 10% off your order!

HEALTYCELL https://healthycell.com

Use code CONSPIRACY for 20% off

L&J Turkey Farms https://www.landjturkeyfarms.com/

Pasture to plate turkey that is GMO free!

Conspiracy Pilled Links – https://solo.to/conspiracypilled


Abby – https://solo.to/abbylibby

PJ – https://solo.to/pj_unhinged

Music by : Drake Campos

#mockingbird #psyop #hawktuah

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Bible Conspiracy Theories Pt 4: Nephilim Bloodlines

There are far more references to giants in the Bible than just Goliath and far more references to the Nephilim than just Genesis 6. Tonight, we discuss Anak, Og, Nimrod and so much more. ———- Support the show and get bonus UNHINGED episodes ———-LOCALS – https://conspiracypilled.locals.com/ MERCH – https://conspiracypilled.com/collections/allJoin the DISCORD – https://discord.gg/vq2QtU2bUh ———- SPONSORS ———-NORTH ARROW COFFEE – https://northarrowcoffee.coUse code CONSPIRACY10 to get 10% off your order!HEALTYCELL https://healthycell.comUse code CONSPIRACY for 20% offL&J Turkey Farms https://www.landjturkeyfarms.com/Pasture to plate turkey that is GMO free! Conspiracy Pilled Links – https://solo.to/conspiracypilled ——- FOLLOW THE HOSTS ——- Abby – https://solo.to/abbylibbyPJ – https://solo.to/pj_unhinged Music by : Drake Campos

Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/conspiracy-pilled–6248227/support.

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On this episode, we dive into one of the most censored conspiracy theories on the internet. Do Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin practice satanic sacrifice? Did they film it? Do the elites consume children body and soul? Or is all this a deep state op to distract you from the truth?The answers may surprise you! ———- Support the show and get bonus UNHINGED episodes ———-LOCALS – https://conspiracypilled.locals.com/ MERCH – https://conspiracypilled.com/collections/allJoin the DISCORD – https://discord.gg/vq2QtU2bUh ———- SPONSORS ———-NORTH ARROW COFFEE – https://northarrowcoffee.coUse code CONSPIRACY10 to get 10% off your order!HEALTYCELL https://healthycell.comUse code CONSPIRACY for 20% offL&J Turkey Farms https://www.landjturkeyfarms.com/Pasture to plate turkey that is GMO free! Conspiracy Pilled Links – https://solo.to/conspiracypilled ——- FOLLOW THE HOSTS ——- Abby – https://solo.to/abbylibbyPJ – https://solo.to/pj_unhinged Music by : Drake Campos #frazzledrip #pizzagate #adrenochrome

Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/conspiracy-pilled–6248227/support.

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Bible Conspiracy Theories Pt 2: Angelology and Watcher Worship

Tonight we’ll discuss the fallen angels (AKA the Watchers, the Anunnaki, etc.), the stories they’ve told about themselves throughout history, and how they’ve been worshiped in every culture including modern Western culture today. Where did they come from and what motivated them to rebel against God? And why should we worship the God of the Bible instead of the pantheon?———- Support the show and get bonus UNHINGED episodes ———-ROKFIN – https://www.rokfin.com/ConspiracyPilledLOCALS – https://conspiracypilled.locals.com/ODYSEE – https://odysee.com/@conspiracypilled:1 MERCH – https://conspiracypilled.com/collections/allJoin the DISCORD – https://discord.gg/vq2QtU2bUh ———- SPONSORS ———-NORTH ARROW COFFEE – https://northarrowcoffee.coUse code CONSPIRACY10 to get 10% off your order!HEALTYCELL https://healthycell.comUse code CONSPIRACY for 20% offL&J Turkey Farms https://www.landjturkeyfarms.com/Pasture to plate turkey that is GMO free! Conspiracy Pilled Links – https://solo.to/conspiracypilled ——- FOLLOW THE HOSTS ——- Abby – https://solo.to/abbylibbyPJ – https://solo.to/pj_unhinged Music by : Drake Campos

Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/conspiracy-pilled–6248227/support.

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HAARP: Aurora Borealis and The Weather Wars

From May 10th-12th 2024 people as far south as Florida and Texas were seeing a phenomenon they never expected to see – The Northern Lights aka Aurora Borealis. According to mainstream sources this hasn’t happened in at least 500 years, if ever. Was this impossibly rare event nothing more than a natural phenomena or prat of a HAARP test?We dive into the history of HAARP, chemtrails (aka cloud seeding) and a long history of governments messing with the weather for military and agricultural purposes. Can they create earthquakes? Direct hurricanes? Worse?Let’s find out! Natural Disasters Are NOT All Natural – https://journaljgeesi.com/index.php/JGEESI/article/view/727Eastlund Patent – https://patents.google.com/patent/US4686605A/enWeather as a Force Multiplier – https://dn790004.ca.archive.org/0/items/WeatherAsAForceMultiplier/WeatherAsAForceMultiplier.pdf ———- Support the show and get bonus UNHINGED episodes ———-LOCALS – https://conspiracypilled.locals.com/ MERCH – https://conspiracypilled.com/collections/allJoin the DISCORD – https://discord.gg/vq2QtU2bUh ———- SPONSORS ———-NORTH ARROW COFFEE – https://northarrowcoffee.coUse code CONSPIRACY10 to get 10% off your order!HEALTYCELL https://healthycell.comUse code CONSPIRACY for 20% offL&J Turkey Farms https://www.landjturkeyfarms.com/Pasture to plate turkey that is GMO free! Conspiracy Pilled Links – https://solo.to/conspiracypilled ——- FOLLOW THE HOSTS ——- Abby – https://solo.to/abbylibbyPJ – https://solo.to/pj_unhinged Music by : Drake Campos #haarp #chemtrails #weather

Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/conspiracy-pilled–6248227/support.

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Old Earth, The Firmament, and More: Bible Conspiracy Theories Pt. 1

Even if you’ve been going to church your whole life, I guarantee the Bible is way weirder than you think it is. In this series we’ll be discussing all the wild stuff that’s hiding in plain sight in your Bible that you’d never hear in Sunday School.Today in Part 1 we’ll be discussing conspiracy theories from the first few chapters of Genesis:Evolution, The Age of the Earth, The Global Flood, Dinosaurs, The Firmament, Flat Earth, The Serpent in the Garden, The Tree of Life, and More. ———- Support the show and get bonus UNHINGED episodes ———-ROKFIN – https://www.rokfin.com/ConspiracyPilledLOCALS – https://conspiracypilled.locals.com/ODYSEE – https://odysee.com/@conspiracypilled:1 MERCH – https://conspiracypilled.com/collections/allJoin the DISCORD – https://discord.gg/vq2QtU2bUh ———- SPONSORS ———-NORTH ARROW COFFEE – https://northarrowcoffee.coUse code CONSPIRACY10 to get 10% off your order!HEALTYCELL https://healthycell.comUse code CONSPIRACY for 20% offL&J Turkey Farms https://www.landjturkeyfarms.com/Pasture to plate turkey that is GMO free! Conspiracy Pilled Links – https://solo.to/conspiracypilled ——- FOLLOW THE HOSTS ——- Abby – https://solo.to/abbylibbyPJ – https://solo.to/pj_unhinged Music by : Drake Campos #genesis #firmament #youngearth

Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/conspiracy-pilled–6248227/support.

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