Saturday, March 8, 2025

Conspiracy Resource

Conspiracy news & views from all angles, up-to-the-minute and uncensored



Here’s another view of this post. Consciousness is Infinite and therefore we all are conscious (to some extent). But how conscious? The mistake is made with the difference between Infinite Awareness and quantum SIMULATION awareness. They are not the same

The brain is connected to simulation awareness which is a form of AI that I refer to as ‘Mind’. Most in human form are this awareness interacting with the fake, not ‘natural’, simulation/Matrix and therefore living a false sense of reality. The dynamic is the same as a computer interacting with Wi-Fi and if you […]

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So what you are saying Thomas is that Gates’ simulation of a ‘Covid’ pandemic shortly before ‘it’ happened (Event 201) was a coincidence and it was leaked from the Wuhan lab in the same period purely by chance and accident?

So what you are saying Thomas is that Gates’ simulation of a ‘Covid’ pandemic shortly before ‘it’ happened (Event 201) was a coincidence and it was leaked from the Wuhan lab in the same period purely by chance and accident? You are also saying that although a bioweapon ‘virus’ was leaked and circulated they still […]

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How To Fake An Alien Invasion (2015)

JAMES CORBETT: Welcome back to The Corbett Report, ladies and gentlemen. I’m your host, James Corbett of, podcasting to you as always from the sunny climes of western Japan, here on this 5th day of February 2015. Welcome to Episode 301 of The Corbett Report: How to Fake an Alien Invasion. Now, you’d better […]

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What should be the consequences for all the doctors and nurses who administered the fake ‘Covid’ vaccine only for their ‘patients’ to die or have their health destroyed for life? And all the politicians and ‘health’ officials who killed untold numbers with lockdowns, delayed treatment, Midazolam and Remdesivir? Just asking, Mr Fleming

If Alex Jones can be found liable for emotional harm to parents of Sandy Hook children for saying he didn’t think there was a gunman, what should be the consequences for @davidicke after telling millions of families, whose loved ones died or were harmed by SARS-CoV-2, that the… — Richard M Fleming, PhD, MD, JD […]

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Suspend All ‘Covid’ Fake Vaccines Due to Horrific and Unprecedented Side Effects, Say Leading Doctors (and about bloody time)

What follows is a press release written by the doctors behind the HOPE Accord, an online petition calling for the suspension of the COVID-19 vaccines. Thousands of doctors and healthcare professionals have signed a petition calling for the immediate suspension of all COVID-19 mRNA products because they are contributing to an alarming rise in disability […]

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Deep State

USA: The Surveillance State is becoming a reality and people need to be aware of the risks and take steps to protect their privacy

By John & Nisha Whitehead Mass surveillance is the Deep State’s version of a “gift” that keeps on giving. Geofencing dragnets. Fusion centres. Smart devices. Behavioural threat assessments. Terror watch lists. Facial recognition. Snitch tip lines. Biometric scanners. Pre-crime. DNA databases. Data mining. Precognitive technology. Drones. Contact tracing apps. License plate readers. Social media vetting. Surveillance towers. […]

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More on PCR-tested blood

Nanobots in blood communicating with electromagnetic fields – the ‘hive mind’ – as I have been warning for so long. Dr Wilfredo Stokes, from Guatemala, who has been testing blood since the fake vaccine rollout: ‘The PCR test is a BIOLOGICAL WEAPON OF DEVASTATING CONSEQUENCES. It… — David Icke (@davidicke) December 7, 2024

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