Monday, March 3, 2025

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JFK Assassination

Why Did They Immediately Shut Down the Investigation into JFK’s Assassination?

Given the attempted assassination of former President Trump, I can’t help but think back to the assassination of President Kennedy — and, specifically, to how determined U.S. officials were to immediately shut down any investigation into the assassination.

An NBC News article dated October 27, 2017, stated that FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover issued a memo on November 24, 1963, only two days after JFK was killed, that stated, “There is nothing further on the Oswald case Continue Reading

The post Why Did They Immediately Shut Down the Investigation into JFK’s Assassination? appeared first on The Future of Freedom Foundation.

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JFK Assassination

Assassination Accomplishes Nothing

I was a few minutes into my talk at FreedomFest when former President Trump was almost assassinated. It was ironic because my talk was about the U.S. national-security establishment’s assassination of President Kennedy. While my talk specifically focused on the CIA’s production of a fraudulent copy of the famous film of the assassination by Dallas businessman Abraham Zapruder (the subject of my book An Encounter with Evil), I ended it by emphasizing why the JFK assassination is so Continue Reading

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JFK Assassination

The National Security State Was Immune for Its Assassination of JFK

No one should have been surprised over the Supreme Court’s recent ruling of absolute immunity for official acts carried out by a U.S. president. The federal judiciary has long held that the U.S. national security state — i.e., the Pentagon, CIA, and NSA —  is immune from civil or criminal liability for its illegal acts, so long as such acts are ostensibly intended to protect “national security.” Given the national-security establishment is immune in such instances, it would have Continue Reading

The post The National Security State Was Immune for Its Assassination of JFK appeared first on The Future of Freedom Foundation.

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JFK Assassination

I’m Headed to PorcFest!

I’m headed to PorcFest, the annual libertarian festival in Lancaster, New Hampshire, where I will be giving a presentation entitled, “The JFK Assassination: A Fraudulent Autopsy and a Fraudulent Film.” The festival starts today, June 17. My talk will be on Wednesday, June 19, at 3 p.m. in the Pavilion.

Entrance to PorcFest. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

I have spoken at PorcFest many times in the past. It will Continue Reading

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JFK Assassination

JFK’s Peace Speech Got Him Killed

Yesterday, June 10, was the anniversary date of President John F. Kennedy’s famous “Peace Speech” at American University in 1963, which was about five months before he was assassinated in Dallas. It was that speech — specifically, the vision set forth in that speech — that got him killed.

The speech set forth a vision that Kennedy had for the future direction of America that directly conflicted with the vision that the U.S. national-security establishment had for the Continue Reading

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The Deep State Is Not Shutting Down Alex Jones

Famous right-wing broadcaster Alex Jones and some of his supporters are claiming that the Deep State is on the verge of shutting down him and his media company, Free Speech Systems, including his Infowars operation.

Pure nonsense. It’s not the Deep State that is threatening Jones with a shutdown. It’s a U.S. bankruptcy court that is doing so. And that’s because Jones placed himself under the jurisdiction of a federal bankruptcy judge when he filed for bankruptcy protection Continue Reading

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Will the U.S. Proxy War in Ukraine Lead to Nuclear War?

When U.S. officials began using NATO to move eastward toward Russia’s borders after the ostensible end of the Cold War, their aim was to provoke Russia into invading Ukraine. Their hope was to embroil Russia in a forever war with Ukraine that would “degrade” Russia by bringing about the deaths of tens of thousands of Russian troops. By funneling U.S. weapons to Ukraine, another aim was to have Ukraine defeat Russia militarily in the hope that the Russian people Continue Reading

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Closer to Nuclear War

I can’t help but wonder what proponents of America’s participation in the old Cold War dinosaur known as NATO are thinking about NATO officials who are contemplating sending NATO military personnel into Ukraine to train Ukrainian troops in their war against Russia. Those who relish the idea of nuclear war between the United States and Russia undoubtedly must be ecstatic over the possibility of such a move.

It has been clear for some time that Ukraine is losing Continue Reading

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JFK Assassination

Lyndon Johnson’s Role in the JFK Assassination

Ever since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, a question has naturally arisen: What role, if any, did Vice-President Lyndon Johnson play in the assassination?

With the publication of Douglas P. Horne’s massive 5-volume book Inside the Assassination Records Review Board, the national-security establishment’s role in the assassination has now been established beyond a reasonable doubt. That’s because Horne meticulously detailed the fraud in the autopsy that the U.S. military carried out on Kennedy’s body on Continue Reading

The post Lyndon Johnson’s Role in the JFK Assassination appeared first on The Future of Freedom Foundation.

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JFK Assassination

Why the JFK Assassination Still Matters

Someone might reasonably ask, “What difference does the JFK assassination make to those of us living today? The assassination took place more than 60 years ago. Everyone involved in it is now dead. Why not just forget it and move on?’

Those are reasonable questions, especially when they come from young people. Why should they care about who killed Kennedy?

The reason lies in the governmental structure under all of us have been born and raised — Continue Reading

The post Why the JFK Assassination Still Matters appeared first on The Future of Freedom Foundation.

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